Vegas Trip report (Milton Rocks) includes pics and tournament structures.

Milton Rocks off to Vegas, Feb 27 – March 3
(Dave D, ddmilcan; Jeff C, compuease, Bob S, Paul P, Ken S, Dave B & Judy P)

Well the departure day finally arrived….. Flights out of Buffalo, cost $198.46 total CDN all taxes in, scheduled for 6:44pm on Northwest  Airlines..

Monday Feb 27th.

2pm – Paul P had offered to drive as he has 7 passenger van.  All loaded up and rolling southbound on Hwy 25. Lots of discussion as to how Vegas will never be the same after the Rocks go through.
2:45pm – cross over the border at Lewiston, uneventful..
3:30pm – pull into SunPark (right across from airport, approx $8. a day with coupon)
4:30pm – check in complete at ticket counter, no issues. ( Jeesh this is boring so far isn’t it?)
6:10pm - waiting at boarding gate, almost time for boarding to commence….  Dreaded announcement over loudspeaker…..  Flight cancelled due to mechanical difficulties..  Mad rush for poor girl at boarding counter…  What’s going on? What other flights are available? Can we get there any other way?   She was the only counter person available and was obviously in way over her head..  I was 3rd person in line to speak with her, within 2 min there were at least 50 behind me… While waiting to speak to her, overheard here tell the first 2 ppl that there were no other flights out of Buffalo that could get us to Vegas that night, nothing more she could do…  Planned my line of reasoning before getting to speak to her..  I’ve done this many times before since during my years at IBM I have flown probably over 200 times. I know that there is ALWAYS something more they can do, you just have to take the right approach. Took a firm but friendly approach, sympathized with her having to deal with all these irate folks by herself..  At first she wanted to rebook us on the same Northwest flight the next day but knowing that that would give us 1 less day in Vegas I wasn’t prepared to accept.  After some searching and a quick call for authorization she managed to secure us 7 seats on United through Washington the next morning at 6:10am.  I knew that’s all I was going to get from her at this time so rounded up the troops and headed back out through security to go talk to the Northwest main checkin counter where I could hopefully speak directly to a supervisor.
7pm – waiting in line to speak to Northwest, we noticed that there was a United flight out to Chicago at 7:40pm and wondering if that would allow us to connect to a Vegas flight we sent Ken over to speak to a United rep..  He came rushing back saying there are a few available seats and there was a connection to Vegas that we could make if we could get the paperwork in place. Persuaded Northwest to give us the appropriate paperwork and rushed back to the United counter.  Found out that there were only 4 seats available. After some quick discussion it was decided that myself, Bob S, and Paul P (our driver) would remain behind and take the 6:10am United flight through Washington.
7:20pm – Dave D, Ken S, Dave B and Judy P rushing through security to catch 7:40 flight. The remaining 3 of us wait until we are sure they have made it on the flight before we leave the airport… Discussed whether or not to drive back to Milton (90min) or stay in a local motel for the night.  Well..  there is another option!  Seneca Casino is only 20 min away……  Took a vote and Seneca won by unanimous decision.. 
8pm – arrived at Seneca, decided to hit Denny’s next door to bulk up for the long night…
9pm – after relaxing meal, we arrived at the Seneca poker room refreshed and ready.. waiting list for 2-4 was not long but seemed to move very slowly. Took a look at the 1/2NL tables but there were some huge stacks there that would dwarf a $100. buyin. Decided we didn’t want to start our trip with a loss so agreed to wait for 2/4 limit. However there were some very comfortable leather couches and chairs with lots of poker reading material to keep us occupied.
11:00pm – within about 20 min all 3 of us got on the table.

Tuesday Feb 28th.

3:30am – table broke up with only the 3 of us and 1 other guy left. Decision was made to not to continue. I was up a small amount, maybe $20., Bob was even and Paul lost $100, I believe, he played a lot of hands, probably trying to keep awake. Went back to Denny’s for breakfast.
4:10am – headed back to Buffalo airport, missed an airport cutoff exit but still managed to backtrack and get to airport by 5:20.
4:40am – checked in and headed through security.  We were selected for special ”random” screening and directed to different area. After removing virtually every bit of metal, shoes, etc all 3 of us got through the metal detector. Our clothing, coats, shoes, etc were tested and bang, Paul tested positive….  Not sure what for yet, but now we were worried.  Turns out there were traces of an explosive material or some such on his shoes, hands, face, etc.. Apparently some hand creams, moisturizers, etc have compounds in them that are detected as explosive like…  Luckily we weren’t smoking!
After 30 min or so we were cleared and got to the gate with plenty of time to spare.
Flights to Washington and then on to Vegas were uneventful.
10:40am - (Vegas time) landed in Vegas, caught shuttle to Excalibur to catch up with the rest of the crew, found Judy and Dave B at the 1-3 tables, Dave D nowhere to be found.
He had played all night. Apparently he is now know as Snowflake, and pretty well controlled the table all night. Not sure who gave him the nickname, but may have had something to do with the winter blonde hair. Judy and Dave B had played the 9am $35. tourney at Excalibur but neither finished in the money. This is the one that I played in last trip finishing 5th for $86. I believe.
11:20am – Dave D shows up, he had just gone up to the room for a quick shower and change, napped for an hour or so then come back down to see if we had arrived. From this point on Dave played in the Excalibur 1-3 game until about 6am the next morning, that’s about 28 out of 30 hours at the same poker table solid… man he’s a machine..
After checking in, I played 2 hours at the 1-3 spread game but was down about $30.
1:30pm – Paul, Bob and I decided to check out the sights at some of the Casino’s at the south end of the strip. Went to NYNY and MGM Grand, you have to see the lion habitat at MGM, it’s fascinating. NYNY doesn’t have a poker room but the ESPN sportzone and Coyote Ugly are real interesting. The poker room at MGM looks great and while we didn’t play there this trip I have played there previously and heartily endorse it. Bob headed  back to Excalibur to play some poker but Paul and I headed north up the strip to do some more touristy things. We visited Alladin, Paris, Bally’s and then went across Vegas Blvd to the Bellagio. Had a late lunch there at a snack bar just outside the poker room. Very nice but cost us about $15. apiece. No big names playing in Bobby’s room but kinda early I guess. Took the Duece ($2. bus) back to the Excalibur. Played some more 1-3 there, up a little, maybe $10. then went with Bob to play 1/2NL at the Luxor, up about $60.
7pm – came back to Excalibur to see if anyone wanted to go to dinner. Bob, Paul and I went to the buffet in the food court above, not bad for $15. but nothing special.
8-10PM – again played the 1-3 game (down $20.) before turning in up about $20. for the day.

Wednesday Mar 1st.

6:30am – woke up, rolled over to see that my roomy Dave D, still not back. Hmmm.
Showered and headed out looking for everyone at about 7. Met Dave just coming down the hall towards the room, weaving slightly, alright a lot, actually he may have bounced off a wall or two. He was very talkative although slightly inebriated, alright …..
Mumbled something about have the best time at the table all night.. Went back to the room with him, he said he was just going to nap for an hour or so and to wake him for the 9am tourney, yeh right!  I asked him if he wanted me to put the do not disturb sign on the door as I went out. He told me no need to, he would be up soon. LOL, I put the sign on the handle and went downstairs.
9am – Dave B, Judy P, Paul P, Bob and I all played the $35. buyin tourney. Very fast blind levels, only $300. in chips to start,  90 min beginning to end. Can’t even remember how I busted out but sure it must have been a bad beat, are there any other kind? Bob finished 3rd, Paul 5th,  both in the money. Think this one pays about $500 for the win.
Played 1-3 spread again for about 3hours, down about $40.
2:30pm – went back up to the room and found Dave D just waking up, told him that we were going to head up to the Sahara shortly to play the 7pm tournament, he decided to come. Back downstairs to kill some time and see who was going to play the tournament.
Judy and Dave B decided to stay there playing at the Excalibur until later then go to the Sahara just in time.
3:30pm – Headed north up the strip by bus (the Duece), this was a mistake. Rush hour traffic slowed us to a crawl, it took about 90min instead of a more normal 30-40 min. However we did get a good look at all the Hotels on the way which we wouldn’t have if we had taken the much faster monorail which runs between MGM and the Sahara.
5pm – Arrived at the Sahara and registered. Some of the guys played 1/2 NL and some played 2/4 or 3/6 limit. Judy and Dave B arrived about 6pm which meant that all 7 of us were playing in the tourney.
7pm – Shuffle up and deal, I think we we’re all at different tables (157 entries) except for Bob and myself who were at the same table. Due to the fairly slow blind escalation (20min) and the fact that we had 3500 in chips including our add-on we had lots of play. At first break 1:20 in all of us we’re still alive but none had big chip stacks. I think I had about 8000 which was healthy. After the break we started to loose some of the Rocks, not sure but believe Ken was first out. At 2nd break 2:40 in I think only Dave D, Judy and I were alive. Dave D went out next then Judy so I was now the lone Milton representative still battling. With 23 left, my stack only at 4000 and blinds of  500/1000 I made my final  move, pocket Q’s called by 10,J suited. He caught his flush and I was done..  23rd out of 157, not bad but I expected more. Judy and Dave B had already left but the rest of us stayed to play, either 2/4 or 3/6 limit. I was up about $40. but Paul, playing 3/6 made a big recovery from some early losses and was up over $100. I think.
11:00pm – We caught the Duece heading south and got the front seats on upper deck. This allowed us a great nighttime view down the entire strip. Trip was much faster, only 30 min, at this time of night.
11:30pm – Arrived back at the Excalibur and decided to check out Hooters and Coyote Ugly before hitting the tables again.  Hooters is fine to check out but poker room is small 3-4 tables and looks like an afterthought, ie they left out a few stalls in the washroom there and used that space. Did have some of the famous wings and checked out the resident architecture which is great like any Hooters but it’s not somewhere I would bother going back to. Went to NYNY as Dave D hadn’t seen it as yet. Paul decided to go straight to Coyote’s while Bob, Dave and I checked out the rest including the ESPN sportzone. The 3 of us then went to Coyote’s but decided not to bother going in due to the fact it looked packed and had a $10 cover. We must be getting old.

Thursday Mar 2nd.

1:00am – Back at Excalibur where we left Dave D playing with Dave B and Judy while Bob and I went to the Luxor to play NL.
4:00am – Back to the Excalibur to turn in, up about $80.
8:00am – Back downstairs to the poker room to register for the 9am tourney, 5 of us decided to play.
9:00am – Tourney started, 53 players on 5 tables. Shortstacked early due to two pair not holding up to an all in by shorter stack. However I went on a run soon after and went to final table of 10, being the only Rock still alive and only slightly under avg. stack. Managed to make it into the money at 5th , $81. not bad but this tournament is very heavily weighted to the top 2 positions.
11:00am – Dave D, Paul P, Bob S and I headed back up the strip via the Monorail ($5. trip) getting off at the Caesar’s/Flamingo stop. Dave needed to get some stuff at the Caesars shopping concourse. While he did that we checked out the poker room, very nice, will definitely play there next trip. While we were there NBC was setting up for an invitational only tournament to be held Mar 4-6. Fascinating to watch them doing the lighting, wiring and setting up of tables. Tried to find out when it would be televised
but no one seemed to know.
1:00pm – Dave, Bob and I set out walking for the Rio as we wanted to check out the WSOP souvenir store. Paul stayed behind and went across the street to the Bellagio to wait for us.
1:40pm – Arrived at the Rio, long walk, it’s a lot further than it looks. When we arrived we found out that there was a free shuttle between the Rio and Caesars that we could have used…  lol..  oh well we needed the exercise.  Checked out the souvenir store, nothing special but we did like the Rio, very “old” world, nice atmosphere, clean, just had good vibes. Will definitely visit there again even though it is off the beaten path. Took the shuttle back to Caesars and crossed the street to Bellagio.
2:30pm – Met Paul at the Bellagio and had a good look at the poker room. No one was in Bobby’s room again probably because it was too early. Took the Duece back to Excalibur.
4:00pm – Bob and I headed back to the Luxor NL tables while the rest stayed at the Excalibur playing  the 1-3 spread game. Bob and I played about 5hrs of no limit, at one point I was up to $140. from my original $50. buyin but lost it all on a flop where I got 2 pair, was called by a guy (actually an off duty dealer from the Luxor playing at his own tables, how wrong is that!) with a flush draw, no other outs. Of course he made his flush
on the river card and I had to start over. Built my stack back up to about $80., lost it again when I had flopped 2 pair, all in on flop, to a guy who made a higher 2 pair on the river…  jeesh, don’t made hands ever hold up?
9:00pm – Back at the Excalibur playing 1-3 with the rest of the gang, maybe I should just have stayed here. Was up about $40. and although I was up about $200. total I was  hoping for more.
11:00pm – Caught cabs to the airport, approx $12. for each cab, including tip. Not a  bad way if you are more than 1 person as the shuttle is $5. per person.

Friday Mar 3rd.

1:00am – Flight out on time, no issues this time, too bad, wouldn’t have minded being stranded for a few days.

Pictures here ---

Scans of tournament structures....  See 2nd page of bucket for strip map.


  • Wow, VERY detailed and excellent trip reports Jeff.

    Any memorable hands? (besides the hands not holding up) or any memorable characters?

    compuease wrote:
    While we were there NBC was setting up for an invitational only tournament to be held Mar 4-6. Fascinating to watch them doing the lighting, wiring and setting up of tables. Tried to find out when it would be televised

    This one would be the NBC Heads Up championship which was won by Ted Forrest.
  • very impressive.

    and it sounds like you guys had a great time (plus a whole lot of poker).

    And the rule is that made hands NEVER hold up, unless they're the othre guy's hands.
  • Wow, I can't believe I read all that.

    I can't wait to turn 21...sounds like a riot.
  • Great trip report!

    Sounds like you guys had a great time.
  • FYI,

    When your flight is delayed due to mechanical reasons and you are stranded, the airline should be giving out free food / hotel coupons. I hope you got your share. If not and yer a frequent flyer, complain to NWA and you'll get bonus points out of it..
  • I love NWA. So sad about Easy E though.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    When your flight is delayed due to mechanical reasons and you are stranded, the airline should be giving out free food / hotel coupons. I hope you got your share. If not and yer a frequent flyer, complain to NWA and you'll get bonus points out of it..
    Sorry BBC that only works if you are not at your point of origin. Argued that point many times over the years, and for someone with over 200 flights under my belt, you can bet the point has been argued many times before.... lol...
    If you are not at your point of origin then all bets are off and deals are possible... I remember back in the early 90's when I and several other Canadians were returning from a conference in Jacksonville, had a connector in Atlanta that was missed due to airline (don't even recall the airline now) delay. They wanted to hotel us in Atlanta until the next morning. I talked them into flying us back to Jacksonville that same evening and put us up in hotel there. We spent that night bar hopping, the next day on the beach and returned home on the same flights the following evening. man that was one of the best "freebies" I ever got out of an airline.... Summary is, if anything goes wrong make sure it is not on your outbound flight.
  • haddon wrote:
    I love NWA.  So sad about Easy E though.
    Easy E? Did I miss something?
  • Sorry BBC that only works if you are not at your point of origin. Argued that point many times over the years, and for someone with over 200 flights under my belt, you can bet the point has been argued many times before.... lol...

    Off topic, I know but it depends on the Airline. I was a frequent traveller myself and got a hotel comped in Toronto more than once due to "bumping". I argued that I live in Ktichener and taking a limo back home was unnacceptable.

    Anyway, I will PM you later Jeff for further details. Great report.
  • Finally a report.  And a great one too.
    compuease wrote:

    He had played all night. Apparently he is now know as Snowflake, and pretty well controlled the table all night. Not sure who gave him the nickname, but may have had something to do with the winter blonde hair. Judy and Dave B had played the 9am $35. tourney at Excalibur but neither finished in the money. This is the one that I played in last trip finishing 5th for $86. I believe.
    11:20am – Dave D shows up, he had just gone up to the room for a quick shower and change, napped for an hour or so then come back down to see if we had arrived. From this point on Dave played in the Excalibur 1-3 game until about 6am the next morning, that’s about 28 out of 30 hours at the same poker table solid… man he’s a machine..

    Dave is a poker god.  Snowflake is now part of Vegas lore.

    Wednesday Mar 1st.

    3:30pm – Headed north up the strip by bus (the Duece), this was a mistake. Rush hour traffic slowed us to a crawl, it took about 90min instead of a more normal 30-40 min. Thursday Mar 2nd.

    1:40pm – Arrived at the Rio, long walk, it’s a lot further than it looks. When we arrived we found out that there was a free shuttle between the Rio and Caesars that we could have used…  lol..  oh well we needed the exercise.  Checked out the souvenir store, nothing special but we did like the Rio, very “old” world, nice atmosphere, clean, just had good vibes.

    The purpose of writing the reports is so that people can learn from them.  Didn't you do your homework?
    moose wrote:
    Since the Rio is owned by Harrah's now, we got off the monorail at Harrah's and took the free shuttle over. 
    moose wrote:
    So we got up at about 1:20 pm to head down on the bus.  The day before we had bought a 24hr bus pass for $5.  Cheapest way to get up and down the strip but I wouldn't recommend it.  Got on the bus at the Strat at about 1:30.  Got to the Aladdin about 2:20pm.  We could have walked to the Sahara and taken the monorail and been at the Aladdin in 20 minutes.
  • Thanks for the detailed report. I hope to return to Las Vegas this summer - in time for the WSOP! :D
  • Nice report Jeff! Sounds like another fun time, was hoping you'd hit the Imperial and let us know if the dead guy is still calling everything down with J4o?

    I may be back in April for a conference...I sure have the itch to go again!!!!!
  • Big E wrote:
    I may be back in April for a conference...I sure have the itch to go again!!!!!

    i've been very itchy for a very long time, and will still be itchy for prolly another 1-2 years... sounds like a great trip guys, so jealous.
  • compuease wrote:
    haddon wrote:
    I love NWA. So sad about Easy E though.
    Easy E? Did I miss something?

    Yes, by about 20 years.

    I doubt you'd be interested though...
  • Jeff

    I finally made it. Good report anmd Dave great photos
  • BIGBOB wrote:

    I finally made it.  Good report anmd Dave great photos
    Hey Bob, finally, you have made your 1st post. Congrats and keep em coming... Jeff..
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