Summer Job Opportunities - Non Poker Related

I am hiring positions for the summer for my Pool company. Basically you will be outside either building pools or working on pools. All you need is some intelligence and a willing to work a lot. We won't need you after September/October or so. You would start in April sometime.

Apply to me. Or to

The job is in Cambridge, ON.


  • All you need is some intelligence and a willing to work a lot

    Better luck next time GTA.

    Oh wait, I forgot yer the only poker player in the world that can win 101% of his headsup matches..
  • good luck finding some employees flint! You may want to post your city to better target those who are looking. Where are you based out of?
  • The job is in Cambridge, ON.
  • that was edited in moose :)
  • Wow, so many replies! So anyone want a job?
  • I'll post on the intranet @ my work with your email if you'd like.
  • I beleive Pinhead has lots of time on his hand!! :D
  • sloth wrote:
    I'll post on the intranet @ my work with your email if you'd like.

    That would be great, thank you.
  • Flintbones...

    Contact that Cambridge Career Connections and speak with the Job Connect team(s) there, if you hire youth that is.

    Johnnie... surprised you didn't mention this!!

    Anyways.. .it's connected to my work at the John Howard Society, the # is 519-622-0815

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Johnnie... surprised you didn't mention this!!

    Sorry, I don't go around promoting my wife's work!!

    But Ok here,
    If you want a "troubled" youth working for you, contact Wraychel at 519-622-0815 extension 213.
  • I am looking for people at least 18. It has to do with insurance. But thanks, I may still use it for another job later in the summer.
  • I hire students and the government gives me like $4/hour back on what I pay them. So I am paying my staff $4.50/hour...solid. If you can't find the info I can get my secretary to email it to you.
  • I'm not looking for a job but I do need some advice with my pool as well as prices on a few things. I'm in Waterloo

    If you have time and want to reply that would be awesome, if not, that's cool.

    I'll send it in a private message.
  • i just posted on the another 1500 people will see your post :)
  • For the record, I helped out Flint Bones in this capacity several times this past summer. It was an interesting job that wasn't just physical labour. I spent some days helping to make service calls, minor repairs and simple pool cleanings. There were occasions were physical labour was involved but it was good for me because it was the only exercise I got all summer (and what a tan!). The hours were reasonable because you rarely, if ever, start before seven and I was usually home by supper time (a couple days were worked late to get a job done). If you like working outdoors (usually in the sun 'cause the bad weather thwarts most of the required jobs), driving and, more often than not, interacting with some pretty cool people than it's worth checking out. Especially if they hire some cute girls for the store again this year.
    I will most likely be living in TO soonish so I won't be able to help out this year otherwise I would again.

  • was there ever a nice looking hosewife (read cougar) who needed you to clean the pool for her while her husband was off working overtime somewhere?

    Then she brought you some nice cool lemonade
    and asked if you would mind if she put on a bikini and sunned herself while you worked.
    However, after an hour, she said it was hot and she wanted to take a cool shower - and that you were sweaty and were welcome to join her ...

    If so, I will happily assist flint this summer?
  • she brought lemonade to distract from the "floaters" in the pool you were cleaning.
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    was there ever a nice looking hosewife (read cougar) who needed you to clean the pool for her while her husband was off working overtime somewhere?

    Then she brought you some nice cool lemonade
    and asked if you would mind if she put on a bikini and sunned herself while you worked. 
    However, after an hour, she said it was hot and she wanted to take a cool shower - and that you were sweaty and were welcome to join her ...

    If so, I will happily assist flint this summer?

    Unfortunatley this only happened once but the wife was away.

    Hey, I was sweaty and I needed the shower. Don't judge.

    Thanks again sloth for the help.

    Thanks Steve for the support!
  • ah.

    I just reread my silly post from earlier and the typo - hose wife - totally cracked me up.

    I define that as a domestic partner from northern ontario.
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