Going to BCC in about 2 hours...tips?

Any tips?

Probably playing 2/5 table because I like not losing huge pots to 49 suited gutshot chasers.

What is my best action at the 2/5?


  • Best advice I got was:

    Play slightly tighter than the rest of the table.

    Pretend it's omaha... if you have the best hand, push push push

  • Play tight, never bluff, and pound away with your good hands.
  • I've heard everyone calls.

    Like ridiculously.

  • I guarantee you'll get an average of 6 callers per flop.

    Want good warm-up? Go on pokerroom.com and play $100-200 Limit Play money poker

  • Will do, thanks Mark.

    Balls...the only 100-200 with anyone in them are shorthanded (5).
  • Don't get emotional, and don't berate anyone. This comment (both the sarcastic and non-sarcastic versions)
    ...I like not losing huge pots to 49 suited gutshot chasers.

    is not the part of a solid, winning low-limit poker player's mindset.

    I can't improve on this advice in terms of strategy:
    SirWatts wrote:
    Play tight, never bluff, and pound away with your good hands.

    BTW, if, for you, playing KTo in MP is "playing tight", then you're not playing tight. :)

  • KTo in Mid is definately not what I'd call tight. Suited and late maybe I'd consider it.

    Thanks for the advice all.

    *sigh, I wish I had the banroll to make some of the mistakes I am going to want to/probably make. i.e. getting emotional and jumping in a big pot in late with J7 off. Haha.
  • BTW... what are you buying in for? I'd suggest at least $100

  • I was thinking 150.

    Which seemed reasonable. Considering I won't be playing many hands.
  • I would buy-in for at least $200.1

    There is no good reason to be all-in in limit holdem, and there is absolutely no downside to having extra chips in limit holdem.

    Update: $150 is probably okay. Thirty big bets is probably about the absolute minimum I would go in a limit holdem game.


    1Unless you have set some amount lower than this as a stop-loss for the entire session.
  • My stop loss is $250, so I guess I could just sit with it all in play.

    30 big bets is a little low.

    In any event, thanks again everyone for your 2 cents.
  • Leaving now, only going for a 4 hour session, so we'll see.
  • Can't wait to hear how it went.

    I'd give you more advice, but you're there already! :D

  • yeah i'm sorry i'm to late to give you any good advice... either way if you want to talk BCC 2-5 strategy we can chat tomorow night at johnnie's i have been nothing but profitable there.
  • Haha, I went up $380 in the first three hours. Tilted because of the good fortune and walked away up $250 in 6 hours.

    I blew 80 at the bar though...

    Thanks for the advice, I only played A class hands and people are honestly retarded. I had calls with 25 off and 49 off etc... it doesn't make sense. But like someone on here said. People who chase are good for poker. 9 out of ten times I will win and tonight was just awesome.
  • Very nice night indeed.
    Next time stay away from the bar though....

    Never drink and play poker at the same time...Just ask All Aces bout that. :D

  • Never drink and play poker at the same time...Just ask All Aces bout that.

    Unless you're in Vegas, then you MUST drink. Just don't pass out at the table...twice...in the same session...
  • haddon wrote:

    Probably playing 2/5 table because I like not losing huge pots to 49 suited gutshot chasers.

    lol First time I read this I thought it was a typo. As in:

    Probably playing 2/5 table because I like losing huge pots to 49 suited gutshot chasers.
  • Who doesn't like getting sucked out?
  • haddon wrote:
    Who doesn't like getting sucked out?
    ...too many jokes.....must refrain......can't make it stop.......aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!


    I'm so weak.....
  • March 14th is Man's Valentines. Steak and BJ day. Really, it exists.
  • haddon, when I play 2/5 limit and get lots of limpers with no one being aggressive I see the flop almost every hand regardless of position. However all it takes is one or two maniacs to cause me to switch gears. Catching those 223 flops with a 23 in your hand makes it all worth it. Recommended only if you figure your post flop game is up to par.
  • when I play 2/5 limit and get lots of limpers with no one being aggressive I see the flop almost every hand regardless of position.

    Define "almost every hand". And define "regardless of position". Ie. how do you know there will be lots lof limpers if you're UTG? Position still matters somewhat, but a lot of implied odds hands become playable in these LP games (even in EP) because it's rarely raised preflop and if you hit a monster you're likely to get paid with it (ie. small pairs in EP for example). If you're entering pots with hands like K4o in EP though just because everyone else is a moron and you're hoping to make 2 pair, I don't think even a great post-flop player can make up the bets he's throwing away by playing that trash preflop.
  • Haddon -

    Are people at BCC retarded (Developmental Challenged) - Yes and No.

    The most important thing to remember about BCC is that it is a Casino and people are there to gamble.

    At the 2-5 Table there will be a certain % that are there to play poker and a certain % that are there to gamble.

    Which is great for the people playing poker.

    Keeping that in mind - the guy who plays 49o in early position may seem like a donk to POKER PLAYERS and even poker players (see Daemon). However, it is likely that playing bottom pair all the way to the river and hitting trips is no different than tossing $200 is the slots - but with more social interaction.

    It doesnt take long at the 2-5 tables to pick out the poker players from the gamblers - but this is a necessary distinction.

    But if you are there to play poker stick to it. It is easy to revert to gambling after watching junk hand after junk hand score big.

    Remember this is a LIVE game not Internet - a lot fewer hands per hour - you must adjust. You dont and wont be playing as many hands per hour and that can get a bit tedious - especially if your good hands are being cracked - but dont waste bets with junk.

    The nice thing about having Loose Gamblers is that you only need to win a few hands per session to be a profitable player - but your profit is sucked away when you start playing every hand just because the rest of the table is.

    Play good cards and bet hard when you have pot equity to do so.

    I hope to be at BCC by 5pm today - but we shall see!
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