Any interest in Low-Limit this week?

Hey K-Wers,

Just seeing if anyone is interested in a friendly .50/$1 Limit game this week.

Tonight isn't good for me, but how about Tues, Wed, or Friday?

I can host 8, but we can always squish is up to 10.

I'm located in Waterloo, ON.

Post or PM for more info.



  • I can do tomorrow. BCC on Wed I think.
  • johnnie i'm in for sure, just let me know when
  • Looks like Wed night! Here's the list so far.

    1. JohnnieH
    2. 'haddon' Josh
    3. 'specialk' Kyle
    4. 'stpboy' Shannon
    5. 'waterlooser' Adam
    6. 'beanie42' Trevor
    7. 'itame' Mario.
    8. 'nordique" .....LOL I don't know your name dude!!! Sorry!!
    9. 'Tnorth' Tom
  • I have to work Wednesday night, but I may be able to sneak over later. What time are you starting, and when do you plan on giving everyone the boot?
  • Tonight would also be good for

  • What, no hockey tonight?

  • DrTyore wrote:
    What, no hockey tonight?


    Membership expired and I haven't yet renewed it. Also, working 11-7am sooo tired.

  • The game is Wednesday, start time is "around" 7 PM. But its a cash game, so what ever time people can drop by is fine. As long as we start at 7pm with 2-3 players.

    PM for my address or any other questions.


    PS..Mark, you didn't say whether or not you are in.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Tonight would also be good for


    I can't host tonight (Wraych is watching Harry Potter), but I'm willing to play somewhere.
  • Sorry Johnnie didn't go on the computer yesterday, count me in.
  • Put me down Johnnie - I feel like being a philanthropist.
  • Johnnie... I hate to do this, but it'll have to be a "gametime decision"....

    I seriously am a bit burned out on poker right now... figured I'd play Rob's, and then a small break, but damn that is a fun field of guys you got going.

    And Limit is low-risk.

    Sigh... I hate to do it, but I'm a "maybe" for now...

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Johnnie... I hate to do this, but it'll have to be a "gametime decision"....

    I seriously am a bit burned out on poker right now... figured I'd play Rob's, and then a small break, but damn that is a fun field of guys you got going.

    And Limit is low-risk.

    Sigh... I hate to do it, but I'm a "maybe" for now...


    How can you be burned out? C'mon you only played for 11+ hours on Saturday!!! LOL

    If you can't make it, that's fine. Then I'll see you at Bristol.

    List updated.

    Please PM for directions,

  • Confirmed!

    Need me to bring anything ... a second table perhaps? :D
  • johnnie could you please pm me directions.
    would anyone be willing to pick me up? i think i live on the way.
  • I also need directions and love being picked up ;)...waterloo area (phillip and albert).
  • i live right at the top of hazel, really close to philip and albert... i think johnnies place is pretty close to us though
  • Thats ideal then.
  • i would love to pplay but need to know where and i promise i won"t bring ivan lol
  • Does Johnnie work days? Is that why we have no directions :)?
  • JohnnieH wrote:

    I can host 8, but we can always squish is up to 10. 

    Someone's not making it in....

    Yes, Johnny works days and should be returning home soon.

  • If it helps things I can bail, I have the option of a MTT tonight anyway.

    Someone let me know.
  • LOL. yes I work's kinda a job...sorry all you students!!!

    OK, it's a GO for tonight, 7PM, BYOB, BYOS (Snacks, Devin!!), and of course, this is a friendly, RAKE FREE home game.

    Directions will be PMed shortly.

  • Johnnie...

    I'm confirming that I cannot come tonight... still burned out a bit, and need to be fresh for tomorrow's game. THanks for the invite / insisting though!! :)

  • That's cool, Mark. Have a nice evening. Cya tomorrow.

    Directions sent. Anyone still needing them, please PM.

  • haddon did you get my pm?
  • Yeah, email me your addy.

    I might try and get one of my dead beat friends to drive me.

  • haddon wrote:
    Yeah, email me your addy.

    I might try and get one of my dead beat friends to drive me.


    Get nordique to pick you up!!!
  • nordique will you please pick us up? i live close enough to the beer store in the parkdale plaza that i can just meet you there (nordique or haddon) my email addy/msn is
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