Thursday! Guelph! You know you waNNNNNT it.'s about that time again!
Thursday thursday thursday! I already have a bunch of players...should i open a second table and we'll do a little mini tourney?  It'll be a blast! and um...(oh man, do i hesitate saying this)......*sigh*....*getoffmybackallinmonkey*........okay...i'm NO REBUYS.
even if i go out first. really. i'm not kidding.  It's crazy i know. But true. 
With that in mind....i have room right now for 10 people...we can open a second table if there is of now i have a few people on the little list..if i have 12 people by wednesday night, i'll do 2 tables!

1. Rebuy Mark
2. RIver Jay
3. "The Godfather" Sandro
4.  "What's the wife in the sopranos named?" Miranda
5. The Egyptian Cameltoe - Mina!
6. "I hate havnig an early chip lead" Tim
7. "Dude...there are rebuys! sweet!" Haren
8.  Cowboy Mike?
9. Big Mike
10. Babbs

Holy god..i didn't realize that this many people told me they were coming already..looks like a 2 table MTT.. :)


  • I'm busy on thursday night so I wont be able to come. going to my brothers house for dinner.
    River Mike
  • holy crud, guess Im a bit late for this one...if room opens up, I have $10 to donate

  • Jay, yer in dude! It's all good!
    River are a snake
  • Who are you then the Mongoose? :D
  • so what time is dinner?
  • I confirmate my attendance. Is it NLHE or something else this week? I'm in either way, but it affects my lengthy preparation routine, lol.
  • unless overwhelming demand for variety rings from heaven, it will be NLTH......
    and it should start at around 7pm
    good times ya'll!
    Hey you wanna come out to rockwood tomorrow? Some wild players..but it's generally a good time!
  • I'm in.
    What is the number that we are looking for to make a second table?? 16.... I will ask Dave and his budy if he wants in. He may also come by himself. So in short what is the number we are looking for and would you like me to do a little recruiting?

  • dinner is at the dinner hour or as ive been told TBD
    I'm not a snake I'm more of a bear that hibernates during the winter.
    River Mike aka The Water Buffalo
  • My boy dave is being a SNAKE or as I like to say a RIVER MIKE and going out for dinner with family

  • since when is family more important than poker?
    give me a man who has a family, i'll show you a man who doesn't know his priorities (as they apply to poker).
    it's all good, we can do the old fashioned single table sng
  • What does everyone think about adding a little five buck bounty onto tomorrow's game.....? Just a thought

  • I wouldn't mind a bounty, but we'll have to take a vote when we start the game tonight..
    if you are interested in the bounty bring 5 extra bucks....if not interested dont worry.
    We'll figure it out!
    giggity giggity!
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