KW Poker Fundraiser for Slo Pitch Team - April 01, 2006
:ah I am a member of a Slo-Pitch team in the KW area (KW Slacker's Slo-Pitch Team) that is going to the Canadian National Finals in Lethbridge AB in August.
:ac "So What!!" you say......
:ad Well, our team is having a Poker Tourney to try and raise funds for the trip. There will also be door prizes, 50/50, twoonie toss for glass bats, raffles, etc. going on during the tourney.
:as All details can be found at the following link...
We are doing pre-register and pre-pay, and it is a $55.00 entry ($5.00 goes towards grub in case you were wondering about the odd $ amount), and only allowing 100 people to enter. The date is April 1st and cards fly at 12 noon sharp. Please contact either of the following for best bet of registering:
Louise 519-894-6922
Lorraine 519-620-7277
Hope to see you all out there...... and thanks for the support.
Please ensure that you advise one of these ladies that you heard about this on the Poker forum, and that you visited Ian's page.
:ah I am a member of a Slo-Pitch team in the KW area (KW Slacker's Slo-Pitch Team) that is going to the Canadian National Finals in Lethbridge AB in August.
:ac "So What!!" you say......
:ad Well, our team is having a Poker Tourney to try and raise funds for the trip. There will also be door prizes, 50/50, twoonie toss for glass bats, raffles, etc. going on during the tourney.
:as All details can be found at the following link...
We are doing pre-register and pre-pay, and it is a $55.00 entry ($5.00 goes towards grub in case you were wondering about the odd $ amount), and only allowing 100 people to enter. The date is April 1st and cards fly at 12 noon sharp. Please contact either of the following for best bet of registering:
Louise 519-894-6922
Lorraine 519-620-7277
Hope to see you all out there...... and thanks for the support.
Please ensure that you advise one of these ladies that you heard about this on the Poker forum, and that you visited Ian's page.
7th-10th lose $5 for finishing in the money.
Charging $55 and having 55% going to pay for costs and fund raising is way too steep. I wouldn't be interested in something that is only contributing 45% of the buy in towards the prize pool.
Good luck though.
Goodluck though, with the tourny and the ball.
Prophet 22