Point Edward Trip Report

Well I managed to hit the casino for a few hours while in Sarnia. I rolled in about 11:30 pm and there was a full main table and a 5 man feeder table at $5/10. I bought in for $200 at the feeder table and got to work. People pegged me as fairly tight right away and I stole a number of small pots with re-raises. All told, after 2.5 hours of huge swings I was up $5! Oh well. it was fun(as I rarely play live, and cheap entertainment.

General comments: I was surprised at the hands that were being shown down, a couple of young guys were crazy and you couldn't put them on a hand to save your life. The one kid capped pre-flop and flop rounds and then called down to the river when raised and showed a 3-high hand!

A couple of card throwing incidents occured which I thought were interesting as well.One guy was pissed when he got rivered and threw his cards across the table and then they hit the floor. Another drunk guy also tossed his cards twice onto the floor. No one really said anything to either of the guys. The drunk seemed to be a regular and known by all of the staff. The sore loser just sulked behind an issue of Canadian Poker Player. I made a comment about "Can't we all just get along" and no one responded. Is this behaviour normally tolerated?


  • wow sounds like a rowdy place to play cards, I dont play casinos too often but ive never seen anyone throw cards on the floor yet.
  • I didn't see this thread, otherwise I would have posted on it way earlier.

    Point Edward is the asshole of the poker universe. They are all regulars, every one of them. THe old Greek Guy missing half of the index finger on his left hand, was he there? The old guy named Roger, who says "I didn't come here to look ridiculous" every time he rakes a pot, was he there?

    Obviously, the young guns who wouldn't be caught dead in a 3/6 game, but constantly play way out of their roll in a 5/10 game were there.

    5/10 is typically the only game spread there. So everyone who wants to play poker plays 5/10. Most of those players can't play correctly at all, and are just there to leave their money on the table. Playing slightly looser than normal there can be immensely profitable if a few things go your way. However, extremely tight play virtually guarantees profit against these players. They will always give you action...always. Some will even comment that you must only play AA or KK as they call two or even three bets cold against your first raise in over 4 orbits.

    I remember once losing a pot with AA against 34 off suit. I had flopped a set and he made perfect on the turn and river for a straight. The guy told me afterward that he knew I had a huge hand, but he just had to send a message that he wasn't about to lie down for his Big Blind.

    The card throwing thing is tolerated alot more than in other casinos. Some of the dealers are even apparantly allowed to engage in arguments with the players. Ever seen a dealer on tilt? It makes for an interesting card game. It's like a little family, and in all honesty it may have something to do with the fact that the casino is losing alot of money. They don't want to lose any action at all if they can help it.

    If you are ever gonna be there again, drop me a pm.

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