Party, WOW...buhbye Stars

The new sng structure is great -- not Stars great, but better than old Party great.

They also added 6 handed sngs at every buy-in level, man I AM DROOLING. Stars 6 handeds are so very soft, Party's have to be even better. Stars only has 6 handeds up to $38 that aren't turbos. I see no reason to play on Stars any longer except for the occasional MTT.

I'll report after I try some of these 6 handeds at the $30-$50 levels.


  • I didn't mind the old party structure, but I can wait 30 hands and play push poker. There are still a few sites that have a structure similiar to the old party ( pacific so I can do the push botting there. Most other sites now actually require you to play a little poker..... what a concept. I haven't played 6 handed so I can't comment there.
  • My first 6 handed sng and this was the first hand (I finished first).
    Remeber, you get ALOT more play in these than the old Party structure.

    Welcome to DONKFEST 2006 (drumroll please).

    ***** Hand History for Game 3659081153 *****
    0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 20657357) - Fri Mar 03 11:14:37 EST 2006
    Table Freaky Stylie (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: Laxxness (2000)
    Seat 2: ALIbear131 (2000)
    Seat 3: voldave111 (2000)
    Seat 4: ddht3 (2000)
    Seat 5: lahta (2000)
    Seat 6: SOCEagle (2000)
    ddht3 posts small blind (20)
    lahta posts big blind (40)
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to ALIbear131 [ 4d, Tc ]
    SOCEagle folds.
    Laxxness folds.
    ALIbear131 folds.
    voldave111 calls (40)
    ddht3 raises (60) to 80
    lahta raises (80) to 120
    voldave111 calls (80)
    ddht3 raises (1920) to 2000
    ddht3 is all-In.
    lahta calls (1880)
    lahta is all-In.
    voldave111 calls (1880)
    voldave111 is all-In.
    Creating Main Pot with $6000 with voldave111,ddht3,lahta
    ** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Jh, Js ]
    ** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
    ** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
    ** Summary **
    Main Pot: 6000
    Board: [ 9d Jh Js 7c As ]

    Laxxness balance 2000, didn't bet (folded)
    ALIbear131 balance 2000, didn't bet (folded)
    voldave111 balance 0, lost 2000 [ Ac 5h ] [ two pairs, aces and jacks -- Ac,As,Jh,Js,9d ]
    ddht3 balance 0, lost 2000 [ Td Ts ] [ two pairs, jacks and tens -- As,Jh,Js,Td,Ts ]
    lahta balance 6000, bet 2000, collected 6000, net +4000 [ 9s 9c ] [ a full house, Nines full of jacks -- Jh,Js,9s,9c,9d ]
    SOCEagle balance 2000, didn't bet (folded)
  • Party 6handed sngs are as soft as I had hoped, even moreso than the stars 6max sngs.

    Playing 2-3 at a time (sometime a stud8 or omaha8 for variety), a brief report.

    $22 6max 60 sngs, ITM 80%, ROI 96.36% -- holy sheet!
    $33 6max 50 sngs, ITM 64%, ROI 53%
    $55 6max 57 sngs, ITM 69%, ROI 75%

    Yaya, I know this is a small sample, but this is a preliminary report, I'll update again next month.

    So far the 33s seem to be the toughest, not just from the #s, but just the feel of them while playing...seems to be a larger population of solid and patient players there. The 55s are more aggressive and maniac riddled, which is great for a 6handed elimination game. The 22s are just softsoftsoft, playing ABC poker works pretty well there.
  • Stars sngs actually have more play. Recent 2+2 post compared the two structures and found this out.
  • Yeah, that's true, but they don't have the Party donks. The Party 6handed are a bit shorter, but that just means more $/h if you have decent results. THey are muchhhhhhhhh better than the old structure which I wouldn't even bother playing. The other good thing about the 6max games is they go all the way up to $109, whereas Stars are $38 then $109 turbos which are a brutal structure (for me at least).

    Ok, I have to ask as I notice this a while ago...19yro female?
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Ok, I have to ask as I notice this a while ago...19yro female?


    Edit: Were you just looking for confirmation or are you asking something else?
  • jus' askin'
  • GTA ,

    Thanks for the heads up, I gave up party ages ago. I read your posts and went back to play those $55 SnG's. So far I am 6/6 in the money.

    Thanks man
  • I do pretty well at the 10 seaters..

    but im doing horribly at 6 max so far..

    can you give some pointers ?

    how does strategy change ?

    lower starting hand requirements i imagine ? (i know phil gordon has a chart for this)

    when do you start opening up ? what blind level ?

    how many do we wait to go out first before opening up ?
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