The Nuttz Poker Club Downtown Toronto 1/2 NL

Last night was a huge night for the jackpot. We had three winners take it down during the fast and furious 1/2 NL action. Both "Maestro Panzarotto" and "White Ninja" won $75 each by winning with quad 9s. Not to be out done by the boys, our birthday girl "Missy E" hits a straight flush and receives $300. There's a pair of True Religion out there calling your name "Missy E". Congrats to everyone last night for taking a piece out of the jackpot; and for those who haven't, there's still $1050 up for grabs tonight starting at 6pm.

Any new members looking for great 1/2 NL action in the heart of the city feel free to call me for details or directions. I can also be reached by email or MSN Messenger at

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