party poker deal making
just chopped a mtt 3 ways. pretty fun not having to go through similiar stars dealmaking hassles.
I say good job to party poker for making the dealmaking program.
I say good job to party poker for making the dealmaking program.
once everyone agrees it goes to a screen where the CL plugs in all the numbers. Not iniated by CL but administrated by him.
And, congrats.
It was a 99 person max tourny with a 33$ buy in.
I chopped cuz i wanted to try the deal software. We each took $500 and played for the remaining 192.
I must say in the 99 max, the quality of play is unreal bad. All the players are -ev obv
They are the type of players that think cuz only 99 entrants means they might actually have a shot.
Still im happy, havent played a party MTT since the change.. Wanted to try it out and totally impulse entered this one while playin the fishes in shorthanded ring.
In other eventful news got my chat banned because I told this guy that wouldnt stop bashing canada (after i AK'ed beat down his KK) that all proceeds from my impending win where gonna go into harbouring terrorists and al qaeda. Guess he complained, so no more chat. Those comments put the whole f'in table on tilt though and i was getting spite calls. NICEY!!!!!!!!!!
Harth -- if you're going to steal an avatar, pick a better one tha tnhat.
The timeframe about 3 hours i think. THey were just listed with all the other tourneys, i entered it without realizing at first it was capped.
About this avatar, COME ON its Mr. Prodigy himself with the roxbury guys. I love jjprodigy. dude is a freak.