hmm... check-up on some hands 3-6 full ring

First time for me playing full ring as I always play 6-max... anyways just wanted to check up on a few hands
I'm at the table because Monteray posts about some crazy dude so I go to check it out...

Crazy dude is MP3 here so I raise to A5 too marginal here?  I think calling the turn is ok in position...but I'm not sure, thoughts?

Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on

Preflop: Hero is CO with 5:diamond:, A:diamond:.  Hero posts a blind of $3.   
4 folds, MP3 calls, Hero (poster) raises, 2 folds, BB calls, MP3 calls.

Flop: (6.33 SB) 4:spade:, J:heart:, 5:club: (3 players)
BB checks, MP3 checks, Hero bets, BB raises, MP3 folds, Hero calls.

Turn: (5.16 BB) 3:diamond: (2 players)
BB bets, Hero calls.

River: (7.16 BB) Q:spade: (2 players)
BB bets, Hero folds.

Final Pot: 8.16 BB

Next hand, is QK a fold in Ep/Mp for full ring?  I think either is ok... and since i'm used to SH I raised... bad?
Flop call is ok i think, turn call is marginal, probably bad?  I'm getting 5.6ish to 1 w/ no clean outs... looking back I think its a it close?
I'm planning to bet/fold any KQ or H on the river... but I now think that calling the turn is quite bad...

Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on

Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Q:heart:, K:diamond:.   
2 folds, Hero raises, MP2 calls, 5 folds.

Flop: (5.33 SB) 2:heart:, 6:heart:, 8:heart:(2 players)
Hero bets, MP2 raises, Hero calls.

Turn: (4.66 BB) 3:club: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP2 bets, Hero calls.

River: (6.66 BB) 8:diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks.

Final Pot: 6.66 BB


  • Hand 1:

    Preflop: A5s is pretty weak. Against a bad player I'd be tempted to limp, but with only one player in this is pretty weak unless you think you can lure some more callers into the pot. I actually don't hate this iso raise here (by crazy do you mean super loose or both loose and aggressive?).

    Flop: I bet. I grudingly call the C/R and intend to fold the turn UI (assuming BB isn't crazy). I also don't think folding the flop is that bad either, but getting 9:1 is decent I guess.

    Turn: Given that you picked up the gutshot, I'd probably call. The only real question would be if BB would CR something like 76 (a str draw) in which case you're drawing dead.

    River: I fold.

    Hand 2:

    Preflop: I tend to open raise KQ in either EP or MP. It's probably the lower range of what I'll raise in that position. Some people will tell you to fold it or just limp. I don't think it's a massive difference either way. I don't like limping it though.

    Flop: I'd bet out with the flush draw and 2 overs. If the other guy doesn't have a heart he will likely fold. I'd call the raise.

    Turn: That board is pretty crap (asides from the hearts). The real problem is figuring what he's raising. He could be raising top pair, a pocket pair, or a big heart (Ahx). If you're just up against a pair you may have 13 outs. If you're up against Ahx you might only have 4 outs. And there's the slim chance he flopped a flush and you're drawing dead. I think it depends on your read of the guy. If you know he unlikely to raise a draw in this spot, and is likely to just have a pair, you're probably in decent shape. If he's capable of raising a draw, you're flush draw may be no good, and you're drawing slim in a small pot (but you might be able to bluff him off an A high type hand on the river). I think I probably fold, mainly because it's such a tiny pot.

    River: I probably give up like you did, but my gut is that you lost to any A-high type hand here (with the Ah).
  • Yea only reason I played the A5 there was because limper was playing 90% of his hands and was going nuts postflop and I thought my A5 was in great shape if I could isolate.

    I agree that the turn should probably be a fold in hand 2.

    Thx for the comments
  • Hand 1:  This is a pretty standard iso raise in my books.  Turn depends on your read of the player, but probably fold if he's not that aggressive.  Otherwise raise for a free showdown (ie raise the turn and check behind on the river if he calls) if he's the type to CR with any pair/draw on a flop you could easily have missed.

    Hand 2:  I would raise here for sure, maybe fold one position earlier depending on how weak/tough the game is.  The turn is tough.  His range is probably something like any small-mid pair, probably wth a heart on the non-overpair non-set ones, and AhK-AhT.  Maybe mix in a couple lucky flushes.  So since I wanted to try using poker stove here we go:

    Board: 2h 6h 8h 3c

            equity (%)   win (%) tie (%)
    Hand  1: 80.1347 %   77.86% 02.27%      { TT-88, 7c7h, 7d7h, 7h7s, 66, 5c5h, 5d5h, 5h5s, 4c4h, 4d4h, 4h4s, 3c3h, 3d3h, 3h3s, 22, AhKh, AhJh, AhTh, KhJh, KhTh, QhJh, AcKh, AdKh, AhKc, AhKd, AhKs, AsKh, AhQc, AhQd, AhQs, AhJc, AhJd, AhJs, AhTc, AhTd, AhTs, KhQc, KhQd, KhQs }
    Hand  2: 19.8653 %   17.59% 02.27%      { KdQh }

    All things considered it looks like a call, though your implied odds suck so I think it's closer than the hot-cold numbers indicate.  If his range is a lot tighter than the numbers i threw up there it's probably a fold.  Actually I just ran them and it's about the same.  Yeah i'd call.
  • Yea only reason I played the A5 there was because limper was playing 90% of his hands and was going nuts postflop and I thought my A5 was in great shape if I could isolate.

    In that case then, I like the raise (I think your SH experience translates pretty well in this situation), since having position vs. a weak player like that will give you a lot of opportunity to value bet that A-high...
  • my post got crossed.
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