BUYIN: $60
CHIPS: $10,000
BLINDS: $50 - $100
1st and 2nd PAID

TIME: 2:00pm

The first 32 tickets sold will play

Time to see who things they are the best players 1on1.. Call 905-220-4733 or email formacpoker@hotmail.com for your ticket today.. Hurry they won't last long.


  • Wow i figured a Heads Up Tourney would have peeked alot of interests i only had 12 people so far i figured it would be Sold out on the first day.. I guess alot of people don't like 50% odds.. Oh well we will find out a little closer to the date..
  • I love playing heads up, but I wouldn't want to pay an illegal rake of 20%. I will be playing in a heads up live tournament in a couple of months.
  • i would also be interested, except for the rake, and having only top 2 pay out when there is such a large feild....seems like a waste of a day for 30 people...
  • 20% rake? lmao
  • Well the way it breaks down for the rake it goes for food and the hall.. I wish i was pocketing it, it doesn't matter to me about the food the only thing i can't stop is the fee for the place if no one wants food i don't care... then its $55 dollars.. I don't understand the people on this site i am on 4 other sites and this is the only one were you guys whine. It's a 32 person field not like your playing against all 32 people. If you are any good you play maybe 5 people.. To win $1200 wow that does suck. I would do it in a heart beat but maybe it feels more like a donation if you can't play heads up very well i dunno. Maybe thats just my thoughts..
  • I'd go if I could get a lift to and from from Waterloo.
  • I don't think the forum is a bunch of whiners as you put it, instead intelligent people who know a very large rake when they see it. Most of the people on here play predominently rake free events (ie..Bristol,KPS,Cook Crew) so I don't think you'll have many takers from here.
  • Hey man,

    Why don't you bend over and KMA...you sound like a great host, any way I can pay 50% rake to reward you for your hospitality?

    I'll play you heads-up anyday rake free just name the time and place.

    Just another donk trying to cash-in on the poker boom.
  • Imagine the rake if there were dealers for the heads up tourney.....Winner gets their buy-in back!!!!
  • You're kidding, there are no dealers and a 20% rake?

    Is there shelter?
  • There is NO DEALERS? What the hell...
  • GTA,

    I don't know what games you play but around the west end where i am the house usually takes a rake to try and make money.. The difference with me is i run a weekly game and the rake that comes in is for improvments in the scene, every week whatever money comes in goes right out i take time outta my schedule to run games for the people in my area who don't want to drive to TO. For whatever money i get from these goes into new tables for people to play on more chips to support more players obviously, food for the players like some crap i see people put out like chips and cookies and veggies, i get pizzas, wings garlic bread, french fries etc.. The last tourney i had was 110 people and everyone had a great time and the people who played and hit the head table made some good cash. So if the games in your neck of the woods is different then around here that really doesn't give anyone the right to just down the setup especially when you haven't a clue what the rake includes. Instead of saying i wouldn't pay a 20% rake, why not ask like most people do what it goes too. Were all poker players were all used to the house screwing us over and i know where you are coming from, but i am not out to screw anyone so you can stand up straight i'm not Kissing anyones a**, if you don't wanna play then that is your choice and only your choice. But don' t judge someone when you haven't even met me or been to one of my games.. Until then ..
  • I frequently play at clubs in Mississauga that rake max $5 in cash games up to 15 30.
    They provide shelter, tables, chips, PROFESSIONAL DEALERS, pizza, chinese food. It is ridiculous to rake 20% without having dealers.
    When they hold a tournament they rake 10%.
    So what an I missing?
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    I frequently play at clubs in Mississauga that rake max $5 in cash games up to 15 30.
    They provide shelter, tables, chips, PROFESSIONAL DEALERS, pizza, chinese food. It is ridiculous to rake 20% without having dealers.
    When they hold a tournament they rake 10%.
    So what an I missing?

    Yeah well in cash games are a little different then tournaments, i do cash games aswell and have dealers but when you hold tournaments and have 110+ people show up thats 14 tables.. And the heads up tourney will be 16 tables. I don't know if the cash games you go to have even more then 5 tables.. Trying to find dealers that actually know the game around my area isn't easy.. But like i said the $10 that comes off the top goes to rental of the space, food and if you saw the setup you would understand where the money went.. But do not compare a tourney to a cash game 5% upto 10 15 max even that is rediculous. Think about it in a tourney you are spending $10 rake for 4 hours approx, in a cash game you are looking at about if the dealer is good 60-80 hands an hour.. Out of every hand depends on what your playing 1/2NL or whatever maybe $3 per hand approx an hour that is about $180-$240 if the game gets good action and thats on a %5 rake.. Huge difference.
  • 89suitdd wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    I frequently play at clubs in Mississauga that rake max $5 in cash games up to 15 30.
    They provide shelter, tables, chips, PROFESSIONAL DEALERS, pizza, chinese food. It is ridiculous to rake 20% without having dealers.
    When they hold a tournament they rake 10%.
    So what an I missing?

    Yeah well in cash games are a little different then tournaments, i do cash games aswell and have dealers but when you hold tournaments and have 110+ people show up thats 14 tables.. And the heads up tourney will be 16 tables. I don't know if the cash games you go to have even more then 5 tables.. Trying to find dealers that actually know the game around my area isn't easy.. But like i said the $10 that comes off the top goes to rental of the space, food and if you saw the setup you would understand where the money went.. But do not compare a tourney to a cash game 5% upto 10 15 max even that is rediculous. Think about it in a tourney you are spending $10 rake for 4 hours approx, in a cash game you are looking at about if the dealer is good 60-80 hands an hour.. Out of every hand depends on what your playing 1/2NL or whatever maybe $3 per hand approx an hour that is about $180-$240 if the game gets good action and thats on a %5 rake.. Huge difference.

    60 - 80 hands per hour?? in a live game?? that's a regular range for online, are your dealers shuffling the cards... 60-80 hands per hour is crazy. having said that....

    I'm kinda with you on the 20% rake thing. I mean it's $10 a person, how can you expect dealers, food and a venue for $10/each. if it was 20% rake on a $500 buyin, that's a little different.

    GTA, those mississauga tournaments must have a lot more people or larger than $50 buyin. You have to look at all the info, if the buyin is $100, 10% is $10, the same as this guy is charging. When it comes to live games setup by someone, you cant really just look at the percentage.
  • 89suitdd wrote:
    in a cash game you are looking at about if the dealer is good 60-80 hands an hour..

    I can't discuss this with someone who has no idea about live poker.

    Good luck with your game and don't be perplexed in the future as to why your tournament does not fill up with forum member in a day.
  • GTA, this guy is obviously skewed in his thinking. But I am interested to hear some more thoughts on this, do you think rake should really be only measured by percentage? I run a $30 buyin tourny once a month, $25 goes to prize pool, $2.50 goes to pop/chips and to pay a final table dealer $25(first person to bust) and $2.50 goes to a TOC prizepool at the end of the year. This would be a $25+ $5 tourny, or 20% rake. Do you think it's unreasonable just because it's a $25 tournament, it's still $5.
  • No, I don't think that is unusual, but there is a big difference in posting as if you are running a professional establishment and running the occasional tournament. Of course responding to replies with histility is a great way to attract new players as well. I would be doubtful that the original poster knows all the rules of tournament poker if he is stating that dealers put out 80 hands/h. With the selection of games available these days what would motivate someone to give this guy money.
  • In my opinion that is only a 10% rake as you are still paying the first out prize and the monies are being paid out to the TOC winner.  A 10% rake where you get food and a final table dealer is pretty much the standard nowadays, isn't it??
  • I really don't understand why we're bashing this guy. GTA, you're a lot more experienced then most people at hosting games, but that doesn't make you the lord of tournaments. All this guy is doing, is promoting a tournament in the "Home Games" section. If you wanna go, reply, if you don't then don't reply. Nobody is asking you to bash him. You don't have to be a dink, most places take a fee for food and the rental of the place, you either want to go, because you trust your skill level is good enough to win, or you don't want to give $10 for free when you know you're only average at heads-up. No reason to be rude. We're all (the GTA area) a community of poker players, trying to find games, and this was one of those games for some people, and not for others.
  • Everyone is making GTA out to be some sort of curmudgeon of the forum, we all know there's only one....where are you BBC? Please say something rude or arrogant quick (preferably both, and maybe toss in some snootiness just to be sure).
    We can't have GTA taking your crown.
  • I'd pay a premium for 80 hands/hr.
  • Yeah i realized i said 60-80/h that was my head up my ass on that one... The most i have seen other then the casino is about 30ish i doubled it. My bad.. But even though yeah GTA you may have run many tournaments thats great but doesn't make you the expert on what people should do for there tournaments. Because i do run a weekly TOURNAMENT not cash game. Big difference, it is home style which means everyone deals until the final table then there is a dealer for that. There is food and beverages supplied + the fee to the hall for rental. And whatever is left goes to poker supplies, chips, tables, new cards every game and so on. I have heard about many games cash and tourney style with there rakes for cash games are 10% $10 max per pot, and a $50 + 10 with no food no nothing supplied. Just prophit for the runner at least the money for the rake on my games goes more for the players and not me. If thats wrong then i guess i shouldn't be doing this.. The difference also is that yeah this Heads Up tourney is only 32 but the main games i hold are for 200+ people and they are always running smooth..
  • I never said I run any tournaments.

    I'm just tired of people with no knowledge of poker trying to rip-off poker players.

    If that isn't you then I apologize.

    And Cristi, I would venture to say I am one of the best HU players on this forum, any game any time. :D
  • The last thing i am trying to do is rip anyone off.. Usually i am the one getting ripped off.. All i am trying to do is put together a decent game thats not to far from many so they can come and shoot and see if they can win.. thats why i started a weekly game some days its money coming out of my own pocket. I am not trying to get rich running poker now playing is a different story.. And sorry i thought somone mentioned you ran tourneys and that we all can't be as great as you, i may have read it wrong.. But i am not trying to rip anyone off i just like holding games.. I do know alot about poker i have played for about 10 years and have my ticket to deal in the casinos Blackjack and Poker and Roulette i know alot about casino games. Im not trying to make enemies i was just posting a msg to who ever wants to try heads up to come out a see whatcha got thats all.. If my game isn't for you thats fine..
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