The Nuttz Poker Club Downtown Toronto 1/2 NL

After what seems like an epic battle between titans, "The Professor" and "The Rock" were the two men left standing during Saturday's $100 tournament. The "Professor" finally ended it with pocket 2s leaving spectators like "Maestro Panzarotto" to comment, "Wow, that was the best tournament I've ever played in." Thank you to all those who came out and we hope to see everyone again this coming Saturday.

Congrats also go out to "Johnny the Kid" for taking down the jackpot with quad 8s during the fast and furious 1/2 NL cash game that followed the tournament. We'll be doing it again starting tonight at 6pm. So if you're looking for the best 1/2 NL action in town give me a call for details or directions. I can also be reached by email or MSN Messenget at

647- 280-5057
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