Results from West Side Poker Club Feb. 25th Bounty Tournament

West Side Poker Club would like to thank everyone who came yesterday to our 80.00 bounty tournament. We had 51 out of the 57 whom registered for the tournament. We really appreciated that, as it makes it so much easier when setting things up. We especially appreciate that everyone was there pretty much there so we could start on time.

It was truly a historic day, let me explain.

The players were playing with 6 or 7 players per table. The blinds were 1 hour in length and players were given 4000 chips to play with and the blinds started at 25/50. Play continued until we had a final table of 7.

The Final table was as follows:

1. Troy C 86,400 chips
2. Rohit 24,500 chips
3. Jeremy “2Bullets” 60,500 chips
4. Mike W 34,800 chips
5. Dan L 18,500 chips
6. Vicki W 16,400 chips
7. Geoff “carmaker” 12,300 chips

On the first hand of the final table with the blinds at 500/1000, Troy in the SB called Rohit in the BB. Rohit moved all-in in over the top for 23,500. Troy thought for a less than a minute and called with 7 7. Rohit showed A Q and yelled for a Q on the flop. The dealer put down the flop in such a fashion as you only see the first card, it was a Q, and Rohit pumped his fist in the air and then said no 7, the dealer slid the Q to the left exposing the next card which was a 7. No help for Rohit and he was out with the bubble prize.

With the blinds at 500/1000 even the short stacked didn’t feel the pressure to make a move as long as they took a pot every couple of rounds. Play was slow and cautious the first hour at the final table. Not a lot of flops. A raise would be made and most would fold.

The second hour played opened up a little more. Blinds at 100/600/1200. Troy C the chip tried on several occasions to make plays only to loss to Vicki, one of the shorts. It then became evident that every time Vicki went into a pot Troy would fold trying to protect his chip lead.

Play continued until there were two players left. Troy and Vicki. After losing most of his stack, Troy was able to build it back up to the point that he was the chip leader again at which point he offered Vicki an even chop. She said no after everyone had a good laugh at the offer.

After a few hands, it came down to this; Troy all-in with 10/8 vs Vicki calling with J9 spades. First card 9 6 3 Q 4 and it was over. Vicki W became the first woman to win a West Side Poker Club event. Congratulations!!!

Final Standings

1. Vicki W 1200.00 plus the ring (400.00)and entry into TOC
2. Troy 800.00
3. Jeremy 560.00
4. Dan 380.00
5. Mike W 200.00
6. Geoff 100.00
7. Rohit Chip Set

The most bounties any one person had was 7, so our record 28 still stands. We gave over just over 4000.00 in cash and prizes.

It looks like our next event will be held Saturday March 25. While the online poll shows Sunday most of the people who attend prefer Saturday.

This will be our DEEP STACK tournament players starting with 10,000 chips and 30 minutes blinds. The buy was originally slated for 75.00, but we have decided to make it 60.00 for those who pre-register. Walk ups will be 75.00. You can pre-registered at

Thanks again to everyone who came out.
Cam and Brent


  • Hey Brent...

    Great tourney on Saturday.

    Could u please sign up Jeremy and I...and also Dan L, Jamie ("Trapdoor") and Jay L

    Thanks so much

  • Sounds like another great tourney Brent. Very little rake too by the looks of it. :ah
    I hope to be at the next one, although that Saturday is very tough for me right now.

    Nice come back and victory Vicki! Very sweet. :)
  • What is your blind schedule for the deep stack tourney. It sounds like a lot of fun, I might really try to make it to this one.
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