Failure to burn a card

I was playing a home game on Thursday, 18 people NL tourney. I found myself all in after the flop. The turn was a brick then the river came giving me the winning hand. As I reached to scoop the pot, it was said the dealer failed to burn a card before the river. I (unfortunately) wasn't watching the dealer that closely and had had a few beverages as did most people. I know what the ruling is if he failed to burn and betting action had taken place. What is the correct ruling during an all in as no further betting is to take place?


  • The 'burn card' river is discarded and the real river is delt.
  • I've been going by the KWSOP dealer errors for my games but I'm not sure what exactly the procedure is if betting action HAS taken place like you mentioned. Could you tell me what it is?


  • Since no more betting will take place, the exposing of the river burn card is inconsequential. Like BBCZ said, turn it back over and deal the next card (the river). I've seen dealers, once players are all-in and heads up, deal all of the cards face up just to see how close people were to hitting their winning card. Obviously that isn't recommended but fun at times in a light home game.

  • That's how it was ruled..... the biggest problem with it, is the dealer was putting the burn cards on the discard pile so there was no way of knowing if he did or didn't, if I was 100% sure he didn't it would have been fine, however, I wasn't paying attention that closely so I don't know if he did or didn't burn a card. You get alcohol involved too and while I openly admit not knowing if he did, only 1 person said they were completely sure that the dealer didn't burn, one said they didn't think so, and the dealer wasn't even sure. Just cucks to lose like that, after hitting one of your measly 15 outs. Oh well, get them next Thursday.
  • Well when the dealer is dealing the cards and taking the discards on the flop there should be an ODD count in front of him if he did mix them in. Lets say 3 people folded before flop when the flop goes down there should be 7 cards in the discard tray. Then on the TURN there will be EVEN amount and on the river an ODD again. So if there is any conflicts just count the discards. I have played in many tournaments Home style some people just leave discards in the middle of the table all around the community cards. When dealing always put your discards under the dealer button and the Burned cards face down in front of the community make less headaches especially when money is involved..
  • I think a lot of people don't realize WHY they are burning cards when dealing.  I've seen this a lot lately where they will either burn a card immediately after dealing the flop...

    Or even worse:

    Deal the flop, burn a card, put the turn down face down, burn a card and deal the river face down.  <shudder>

    You burn a card to avoid revealing what the next card is in case there are any markings on the back of the card.   This is the ONLY reason for burning.     Burning prematurely or laying all the cards out on the table completely negates the reason for the burn.

    Joe - if the dealer in your game waits until immediately before dealing the river to burn, there shouldn't be any question as all eyes would be on the deck.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    I think a lot of people don't realize WHY they are burning cards when dealing.  I've seen this a lot lately where they will either burn a card immediately after dealing the flop...

    Or even worse:

    Deal the flop, burn a card, put the turn down face down, burn a card and deal the river face down.  <shudder>

    Yup. That drives me nuts.
  • Or you can call "Holdem 4 Hire" next time and have a real dealer!!


    but really. Once action has been taken, and you cannot reach a descision on whether a cards was in fact burned or not........
    how can you have re neged on winning the pot. It's like an umpire never going back on his original call no matter how bad it was.
    If your card was dealt, pot dragged, and win taken............then what happened in error is a mere memory as far as I am concerned. Especially if no one can say definitively what in fact hapened. It' s like Snapping the ball in the NFL before someone has the chance to review the last play. The game simply moves on regardless of error.

  • I need more analogies in the following sports:


    Skeleton (women's):


    Short-track speed skating relay (men's):

  • GTA Poker wrote:
    I need more analogies in the following sports:

    Hockey: dropping the puck before video goal judge can call down

    Skeleton (women's):

    Curling: removing a rock before an accurate measure can be made to see which stone was closer to the button

    Short-track speed skating relay (men's):


    Need help for the other two!
  • Or you can call "Holdem 4 Hire" next time and have a real dealer!!


    LOL it wasn't my game so I have no control over that. I'll just have to slow down on my drinking and pay more attention next time.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
      I'll just have to slow down on my drinking and pay more attention next time. 

    Surely there must be another solution?
  • esool wrote:
    AcidJoe wrote:
      I'll just have to slow down on my drinking and pay more attention next time. 

    Surely there must be another solution?

    If there is please let me know. But what the hell I'm way ahead in this game anyways, even after paying for the alcohol.
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