Woodman Tourney results

I will post more later when I have time.. (I have lots of people to thank)
:) Congrats to BigChrisE for winning this tourney! Good luck at the WSOP main event. (hopefully :) )

Some pics here.


  • Great game Bill. Great venue too. The people at the Airport Club did a great job.
  • The tourney went off with out any issues, hiccups or complaints. Yet. :)
    If anyone has any constructive criticism I would love to hear it before I hold my next Charity event.

    Big thanks goes out to the Airport club and dealers for donating their time, skills and facilities. To Angelo for helping set up and player registration. AJ for helping set up and counting the dough.

    The final four players ended up chopping the money and playing for the $275 wsop satellite prize from poker.com.

    Here are the winners:
    1. Chris aka BigChrisEl      acchamp.jpg

    2,3 & 4. Shawn, Al aka AK*1 and Dave R. ac7.jpg

    5. Phil, $170 entry to the bridge club tourney. Thanks RiverRat Josh.
    6. Fadi, 100 in chips for "the Unit" cash games. Thanks Unit.
    7. Angelo G. Palm pilot. Thanks English Harbour.com
    8. Tim, $75 Airport Club tourney entry. Thanks again A/C.
    9.  ?? (sorry I forget) Unit $60 tourney entry. Thanks again unit.
    10. Shawn S? (I think) 50 Chips Airport Club cash game. Thanks again A/C.
    11. Noah aka York Poker, 50 Chips Airport Club cash game. Thanks again A/C.
    12. ? $50 online casino chips. Thanks English Harbour.com
    13. ? $50 online casino chips. Thanks English Harbour.com
    14. ? Prizes
    15. ? Prizes

    Bounty prize went to AK*1 for Eliminating Jonathon "the Jedi Master. ($50 online casino $$ from EnglishHarbour.com)

    Plus everyone got a dvd, hat or t-shirt from PokerStars.com (Thanks PokerStars)
    Everyone also received a certificate from Matt (Woodman) for a lifetime of free shipping from www.theplayasclub.com
    We had some draws for prizes while we were waiting for a few players to show, plus a few prizes for whoever got "rivered".
    AJ (Str8t2Ace) won a prize for being the first to show and register. ($50 online casino chips I think?)

    Sorry I have forgotten some of the names of the winners. Please let me know who won the $60 Unit entry and I will email you more info.

    I apologize for starting (20 min?) late. As a player I hate that. There were players that had registered that I fully expected to show and was not sure if I would need to add an extra table.

    I had a lot of fun walking around like a casino pit boss once I was eliminated. What a plum job! :)

    Woodman, we all send you and your wife our best wishes. I realize the small amount of money we raised is not going to make a major improvement in your life. Hopefully for a moment or two this event raised the spirits for the both of you.

    Again, all the best,

  • Much respect Bill. I am sure that whatever was raised was much appreciated. You're all heart man...

    Airport Club - thanks for donating the facilities. The new paint looks great, too.

    I have to admit though, I was a little disappointed so few forum members came out to this event. With the great cause and all the prizes, I would have figured to meet at least 1 forum member I had not yet already met in and around the poker scene. Oh well...

    Still, everyone who did show had a great time. Excellent, well-run event. And I was thrilled with the deal I brokered, not because I didn't like my chances with a just-less-than average stack, but because I was late for a dinner party at my own house! And also because I was way too afraid of Big Chris and his intimidation tactics every time he came over the top on my open-raises at the final table. :'(
  • Just wanted to let you know that You did a great Job Billy. If I wasn't so damn tired from our game on Friday night, maybe I would have done something in the tourney other than getting booted less than an hour after I got there.  :fish::'(

    We at The UNIT are always happy to support a good cause. Whatever you need Bill, we're here. Also..the Airport Club should be congratulated for a job well done, Shane and Graham looked as tired as I was. Nice work boys. See ya soon.

    The UNIT
  • AK*1 wrote:
    Much respect Bill. I am sure that whatever was raised was much appreciated.

    33 players showed.
    36 people contributed towards the woodman fund. I won't post the math but it is pretty easy to figure out.

    I paypal'd the money after the tournament was finshed right from the the club.

    Thanks for the positive feed back guys and thanks to everyone that supported the game.
  • AK*1 wrote:

    And I was thrilled with the deal I brokered, not because I didn't like my chances with a just-less-than average stack, but because I was late for a dinner party at my own house! And also because I was way too afraid of Big Chris and his intimidation tactics every time he came over the top on my open-raises at the final table. :'(

    I think the deal was a good idea too as we all wanted to win the WSOP satellite.

    Just a reminder to everyone that there is the Poker.com deposit bonus where they will also donate $50 cash to Woodman's cause for every player that subsequently signs up at Poker.com and makes a deposit using bonus code 'woodman'. The bonus code will also give a 50% deposit bonus and free entry to a $4000 tournament, so if you still want to donate to Woodman you can do it this way.

    Great game everyone, thanks to Esool for running the tournament and the Airport club. Also thanks to everyone that donate prizes for the game.
  • WTG boys.

    It was fun playing again.

    And for the record, 22 vs TQ suited is a 53/47 dog.

    Bill, thanks, call me for the next one and we'll sort something out :)
  • Can someone tell the name of the player that won the 9th place prize? $60 tourney enty at the Unit.

    I have some more info for him.


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