PokerStars $3.30R - Feb 20

For all you low limit players, come on out and play the $3 rebuy tournament starting at 8:15pm tonight on PokerStars. I've decided to spend a rare free evening, playing poker, eating 'za and watching some wrassling.


  • I'm in there, but only because you asked so nice Rob
    Well that and I'm a degenerate that was probably going to play anyway :)
  • It's a date :)
  • Last longer anyone? I'm up for $5-20.
  • Done deal Rob!
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Last longer anyone?  I'm up for $5-20.

    I put up $10 if you put up the monitor :):) No?
    Anybody else up for a $10 last longer or should we just take eachother's money privately?
  • OK cool $10 LL sign up here

    1. SirWatts
    2. Pinhead - BAshfield11
    3. Zithal
    4. SOS - tklefty
    5. westside8 - wesleyw
    6. MDSGuy - MDSGuy24
    7. Beanie42
  • Count me in on the $10 Last Longer bet
  • $10 sounds good guys.
  • I'm in for the $10 nic is tklefty on stars
  • Almost missed this - I'll donate $10 :)
  • I'm in for the $10 as well.

    Just to clarify, I am MDSGuy24 and SOS is tklefty.

    Anyone else have a different handle?
  • I'm BAshfield11
  • Can't believe I missed out on this...GL all.
  • Post how many chips you have and how much you're in for at end of rebuy period!
  • This sucks
    My first table had a 7 way all-in where I was the only one with an A, but then the table broke after I got 6K in with KK vs QQ vs a7 and held

    My new table, the next biggest behind me has 5K :(
  • LOL - close to same thing for me. All-in KK s QQ and held - jsut above 6K right now.
  • The best hand I saw so far is Q10 :'( But my table got a couple of players supplying so hopefully get some cards soon.
  • In for 3 rebuys with things like Q5 trying to get them gambling.  Finally doubled Q8s>AA all-in preflop.
  • westside8 wrote:
    The best hand I saw so far is Q10 :'( But my table got a couple of players supplying so hopefully get some cards soon.
    Actually, best hand I saw was AA second hand. But for the first time I get a tight table in a rebuy tourney, and win the massive total of 200 :(
  • woohoo, just won my first hand..66, flopped a set, on a K high board, made a small callers....a win is a win tho :D
  • Got all-in AK vs AT, he spiked a 10 (he's been hitting everything). Went a little tilty after that. Got into a raising war with my AQ vs AK, no help came. Rebought, and ended up in a 4-way all-in with AJ. Surprisingly, it was the best hand, a J came, and I'm back up to over 9K.
  • I'm getting ready to bust a gut when the chip leader with 70K+ in chips takes the add-on. ;)

  • Ugh my table sucked. I will have 7580 after the add-on, in for $18.
  • Add on time. Oh ya, in for $15. Buy in, 3 rebuys and add on.

    $17,085 chips, 218 of 1786.

    GL everyone, let's have a CPF final table and do a 9 way chop! :D
  • In for $15 (including add on), just above 9K in chips after addon. Got a couple of huge stacks at my table.
  • I took the pre-game rebuy, a double when my AQ busted, and the add-on, so I'm in for $15. After the add-on, I've got 11,400 (387 of 1786).
  • Also in for $18, with 13,332 in chips

    Lost a key pot with AKs 4 way all in when AKT flopped and Q8s made a flush (14K pot)
    and then last hand of rebuy I dropped 3K with 77 to TT to KK
  • DONT FORGET TO ADD_ON OR YOU WILL GO ON SUPERMEGA I FORGOT TO ^%#*&%)@&%( ADDON TILT. Not that that's ever happened to me....
  • Neary tripled up to 18k in the last hand. 8-high flop and I have a pair of sixes, one player bets another calls, I push, two caller and I have the best hand (flush draw v. bottom pair). Bottom pair catches his second pair on the river. His cards.... 92o in MP. Sigh.

    So, I've got $4,160 AFTER the re-buy, and in need of some serious help here. The only good news is that I've spent $9, plus the $10 I'll lost to the LL
  • I'm in for $12. Played only 3 hands so far.

    Took KK against AA and AK and lost
    Took JJ against QQ and K2s and lost
    Took JJ against KK and A9 and won (!)

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