Kitchener II

What a ragtag bunch, we easily could have mailed it in after the first 2 events, but, congrats to all that got us up and out of the cellar!!!

Glad and proud to play for your team Brent, thank you for holding us together and for your efforts on Saturday.

If there's room for Royal Cup II, I'd appreciate consideration to play for you again.

Short synopsis of my Royal Cup experience.
PL Omaha was dissappointing as hell.  Won the first hand against G2, then did nothing for the next hour.
One hand that could have been big had me holding bottom set with a baby flush draw against DeadMoney, I folded to his flop bet, DM let me know later that he held top set.  Finally all-in with GS, me holding AA6x, suited...and taken out by G2 29c making a flush on the turn.  It was a good move Greg one of many you made on Saturday. You had nothing to apologize for afterwards.  Out in 6th.

Limit- good table, nice to meet Vevet Alley, Str8toace.  Had DrTyore and Westside8 and dawnsboyrich at the table as well.
It was a good game.  Went way too far in a hand late against Str8toace which crippled me.  Blinds were big, sucked out on Wes once, then he got me back shortly after when in the SB i moved all in with J9d and lost to Wes's AQ. Out 5th.

NLSNG- GTA, SirWatts, G2, Flint Bones, empty chair and I apologize I don't remember the ladies name in seat 2.
Made it heads up with g2 without really making a hand.  Bluffs were respected and stole chips that way.  One huge suckout on Flint Bones, 5 handed, I raised 3xBB with 33(one spade), Flint Bones moved his last 2900 in with KK, g2 thought for a while and folded, with the blinds at 300/600 and my 1800 in there, it was 1100 to call into a pot of 5600, I called and found that I was way behind.  Short story is I sucked out making a Flush on the turn with my 3.  Flint obviously was upset initially, but, I thought showed great sportsmanship by coming back to the table and dealing the rest of the match.  Thanks Flint.  ( i swear every second word, so the launguage didn't offend me, nor did i learn any new words).
Sir Watts crippled GTA when caught making a move and shortly there after everyone ran into g2.  Ended up g2 and I heads up.  Greg had me by at least 7 or 8-1.  I think I managed to get it close to even, but, then g2 took me apart.  I made several mistakes with bets I made, not paying close enough attention to my remaining stack size etc.  But, g2 played well and took it down.  Out in 2nd.

Heads Up- 45 hands with Rob, DeadMoney and a hell of a player.  I have to admit, I had fun with this match.  It was back and forth throughout.
DM's 55 held up against my AQh which crippled me.  I weakly folded and made a couple of hands to stay alive.  We remarked that with the blinds as big as they were, if a short stack won two hands the tide would have turned.  dawnsboyrich asked for his cards back (we both snapped no), then we found out dude just wanted to go home.  Well, the deck change certainly worked in my favor.  A short stack suckout with J5 (or J6) got me some chips, then again sucked out.  Finally DeadMoney moved all in on the button with 66 and I woke up (literally, it was 12:30 or so) to pocket QQ's.  No 6 for DeadMoney and I escaped with the win.  Great game Rob, I was extremely lucky that the cards made up for my play.

Thanks to BigE for dinner and the use of his laptop so I could lose 40.00 playing on Empire.  To Jeff for the Venue and the wireless connection.

Great meeting all the forum members and some great poker was played.

Looking forward to Royal Cup II.


  • Yes we did get off to a pretty sad start. Myself as well, but we picked it up in the last 2 events.

    Omaha, which i really expected to win was a disaster. Although i was invovled with the best call I have seen in a while. I have 8 9 9 10 in BB with no raise. Flop comes 3 9 4 rainbow, SB bets 1200. I bet pot(roughly 4000) and all fold to better. He calls all in with his remaining 3500 and asks what trips do u have. I say 9's and he flips over a 5 6? well a 7 hits the turn and i'm crippled. Later i have As Ks Kc Jc in SB. all fold to me and i bet pot to take BB. He calls and the board comes 2 9 A diamonds. check check, turn is Jh i bet he calls, turn is a 9. I check and he bets 1000 i fold. Hand i go out on i'm delt A A K K. I go all in for 2700. GTA calls with 9 10 J Q, Flop comes 8 9 J and i'm out.

    Limit was a tough table with stp, Acid Joe, Pinehead. Was getting great hands, AK 4 times QK suited 3 times as well as offsuit a few times but couldn't hit a flop. Also i would say 60% of my hands atleast were suited so i threw in some loose play as well that made for a quick exit.

    No Limit went very well for the most part. With premium hands coming consistantly it was easy to pick up alot of pots. I was chip leader with Acid Joe, Dom and Miranda left. Dom very short stacked was pushing quit often untill he doubled up on Miranda to put him at 3500. still in trouble he was making moves and ran into my A K with his A 2." No two, No two, No two". His 2 didn't hit but his perfect perfect for str8 to the 5 worked just as well for him (DOH). Pretty much down hill from there. On the button I go allin with A 10 for roughly 6000. Joe and Dom both call, flop comes nothing and Joe goes all in, Dom folds. Joe flips over pocket aces and i'm out. Dom, just curious why you also called that with pocket 4's. Seemed like an odd call. Oh well out in 3rd was a little better.

    Heads up we were out of the hunt so it was a pretty easy game to play. Played super aggressive and finally got a win.

    Overall the day was alot of fun even though the outcome for the team was dissappointing. Hope there is next time, I will definately be in.
  • Yes Brent, thanks a lot for giving me the opportunity to play and for organizing our team. I too was disappointed with my results but had a blast over all, a short a sweet synopsis for me:

    Stud, not my strong point but I enjoy it and should play more. Didn't get too many hands, played a tight conservative game slowly being ground down by the blinds until I pick up AA in the hole, end up getting (I forget his name but a nice guy and good player I think from the Intimidators) someone all-in sitting on KK I believe, the Aces held up, then I caught a few nice hands to build my stack and find myself sitting in 3rd. The blinds were getting large and I made a mistake counting Trevor's chips, I thought I was short stack but I was easily in second. I then pushed a hand against Dave from Milton, he puts me all in with one card to come...I had an open ended straight, a flush draw and second pair, he had two pair I believe...I call and miss all of my outs...3rd place. I was happy but then I saw how many chips Trevor actually had and I should have been patient, I would have ended heads-up.

    LHE, what I believe to be my strong point...was chip lead at the table after the chip up break and look down to see JJ and I think the blinds were 400/800. Chip lead was not dominate as our table was conservative, I had maybe 6600 in chips and second was close to that. Anyways, I raise and get called by Miranda, flop is not scary and T high, I bet and get called. I know my jacks are good, turn is a blank but in Miranda's defense I think two clubs were on the board at that time. I bet, get called, I know my jacks are good. River was a red Q. I know she didn't flush...but I looked up and thought, I am going to puke, she is sitting on a Q...but no, don't look for monsters under the bed..I bet and get called...called not raised, my Jacks are good.....nope, Q4 and I'm crippled. My next hand I get AT and raise, Milton Dave who loves taking my chips calls, flop is K high and he bets and I fold on tilt. Two hands later with the BB coming up I get all my chips in with AJ or AQ, I can't remember but someone called with a weaker hand and paired on the river to put me out, disgusted and in a rage in 6th. I then played .50/1.00 on my laptop and made over $40 so I was happy again.

    Dinner break was great, Wolffhound and I hit Kelsey's for wings and beer, yum!

    NLHE, again played my tight conservative game, never really got too many hands to play. Made some moves I would not have made prior to reading Harrington I&II. Managed to get lucky against Quainne who took the beat well and was a nice guy and fun to have at the table. I think my best move tho was sitting folding my KQ to Mark's all-in, Mark was short stacked so against only him I would have called but Hork went all in as well and so did Milton Dave so I didn't like my KQ against 3 others and I saw a chance to move two spots up the ladder! Mark held on to win and we're down to 4. Special K then made a move and again I waited and we were down to 3. I completely forget what I went all in on but an Intimidators player called me and I was ahead but I think he rivered a 3 to make a pair and bust me out again in 3rd.

    HU I went 46 hands with Larry from Milton and I must admit I was outmatched, outwitted, and outplayed. He is a fantastic HU player. Very aggressive, I am not nearly aggressive enough, when I was he came over top and I folded.but I did manage to make some moves and we battled long and hard before he finally wore me down....with my stack dwindling I made a stand hoping he had not hit the board, however he did hit the board pretty hard, I forget the final hand but I was out...hey it was a second tho!!!!!!

    All in all a very fun day even if the results were not what we were hoping for!
  • Round 2 is coming up soon,we did not show our best game by far in the first event...I know we will do better this time around.

    I'm having a NLHE tourney August 12th and will have plenty of empty seats so I'd like to throw out an invite to everyone on Kitchener II for the Royal Cup II. You are all welcome to come, PM me for directions and to let me know so I can reserve a seat. It's a nice friendly cheap game ($5 buy-in unlimited re-buys for the first four rounds of $2 and one $2 add-on at the end of round 4) It'll be a nice way for us all to meet and talk strategy, I'm sure the side games after would be good for us as well.

    Hope you can all make it.
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