KPS V - Crazy Pineapple - Fri Mar 31 - Waterloo



  • Sorry I have to cancle again Greg I got a job today and they want me to start at 4 :(

    Can I be blinded in and then if I don't show up after an hour just take me away?

    I don't know how long the meeting will go, this yahoo wants to by the biz, haha, I could be rich when I get there hahahahaha.

    PM or something Greg if this can fly.

  • Josh, I'll blind you in for the first 2 levels. Good luck with the yahoo!

  • anyone want to pick me up?? i would be ever so greatful... just pm me, i'l lbe here all day.
  • specialK wrote:
    anyone want to pick me up?? i would be ever so greatful... just pm me, i'l lbe here all day.

    Ok, I'll get Kyle, but I need a lift home!!!
  • thanks johnnie, see you later
  • Hey - I have to cancel too - and probably also next week - unfortunately I am not allowed to play poker on consecutive Friday nights :(
  • TOM PUT A SHIRT ON!!!!!!!
  • Does some one know where this is and if there's room for another?
    I finally have a free night, but didn't know until 30 minutes ago, now I'm llokin' for some poker!
    PM me. ASAP it starts in an hour!
  • I PM'd him your phone number and address Greg, hope that is cool. I know Cheese....

  • Cheese wrote:
    Does some one know where this is and if there's room for another?
    I finally have a free night, but didn't know until 30 minutes ago, now I'm llokin' for some poker!
    PM me. ASAP it starts in an hour!
    Yup, there's plenty of room.
    stpboy wrote:
    I PM'd him your phone number and address Greg, hope that is cool. I know Cheese....

    Thanks Shannon.

  • Greg I'll be there
  • Sorry I missed.
    Hope it went/is going well.

    I just finished my stuff like an hour ago...
  • Thanks Greg, it was a well run tourney and I actually managed to be chip leader until my JJ hit QQ then couldn't find any help leaving me short chipped, only to have My AA get rivered by QQ. Oh well that's poker.

    On a side note, I am not happy with one player who became rude and ignorant to Aimee while playing. While this was the first time for this individual it's not the first time this has happened. We travel a fair distance to play and try and enjoy ourselves. Last time I checked I was sure this was supposed to be a friendly low buy in game. We may have to reconsider travelling for almost 2 hours to play in future.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    On a side note, I am not happy with one player who became rude and ignorant to Aimee while playing.  While this was the first time for this individual it's not the first time this has happened.  We travel a fair distance to play and try and enjoy ourselves.  Last time I checked I was sure this was supposed to be a friendly low buy in game.  We may have to reconsider travelling for almost 2 hours to play in future. 

    I'm sorry for whatever occurred, I know I would be pissed if someone made my girlfriend feel belittled during play. These games should be for fun even though the competitiveness of them overcomes the best of us at times. Hopefully the culprit can explain themselves and apologize and you and Aimee will consider joining our group again. It's always a pleasure to play with both of you.

  • So, who took it down?

    ...and the editing continues...
  • Congrats to "2BULLETS" Jeremy. He fought back from "Dr. Vet" Larry L's heads-up chip lead to take it down. Full results will be posted soon. For now, here's the finish of the final table.

    1. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    2. "Dr. Vet" Larry L
    3. "folded" Cory
    4. "g2" Greg
    5. "Quimby" Duane
    6. "specialK" Kyle (Bubble)
    7. "AcidJoe" Joe
    8. "DataMn" Al

    Great tourney guys :)

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    On a side note, I am not happy with one player who became rude and ignorant to Aimee while playing.  While this was the first time for this individual it's not the first time this has happened.  We travel a fair distance to play and try and enjoy ourselves.  Last time I checked I was sure this was supposed to be a friendly low buy in game.  We may have to reconsider travelling for almost 2 hours to play in future. 
    I have no idea what the situation was, but am sorry to hear it. I know how that feels as a similar situation occurred to Jenn during one of Lou's tournaments. However, this group stood up for her (and Brent nearly went off - thanks big man!) and while discomforting, Jenn worked through it. Most of the games are 95% great people with the occasional problem. Hopefully you can look past these few bad situations and enjoy the rest of it, cause we love having you make the trip.

    Also (with no disrespect meant to g2, since he may not have been aware of the situation), if this comes up, report it to the host. Lou dealt with Jenn's situation, and I would deal with anything like this that came up at my place. These games are semi-serious but we're all trying to have a good time, so if someone is getting too out-of-line let us know as hosts so we can resolve it. As hosts, our goal is to make sure everyone has fun, and there's no reason for Aimee to go away feeling like that.

    Hope to see you both soon!
  • And on a less serious note - congrats to Jeremy for taking this one down. Beating Larry heads-up is no easy feat, so props to you! And buy Mandy something nice - she seemed a wee bit bitter with you ;)
  • Congrats Jeremy, you are always tough when you are at my table.
  • There was no disrespect meant to g2, as he was still playing as was I. I only knew something happened and I did get the details during the ride home.
  • AcidJoe wrote:

    On a side note, I am not happy with one player who became rude and ignorant to Aimee while playing.

    That's just ignorant... I hate when newbies show up and start slamming the regulars. Or, was this a regular player, who just started getting rude?
    AcidJoe wrote:
    We travel a fair distance to play and try and enjoy ourselves. Last time I checked I was sure this was supposed to be a friendly low buy in game. We may have to reconsider travelling for almost 2 hours to play in future.

    Joe, as a representative for pokerplayers in my class (that class being dopey looking white guys named Mark), I can tell you that you and Aimee are welcome additions to any game, as long as you don't have chips. It would be a shame to lose the two of you from the scene, and I hope that this doesn't completely stop your attending.

    As for this other player - Joe's right, these are friendly games, don't take it seriously, and don't be a jerk.

  • I echo Mark's and others comments, Joe and Aimee, don't even think anything like whatever happened last night would be allowed to continue.... This is a good group, and whomever caused the problem will either not continue or will hopefully apologize.... I spoke with Larry this morning and he wasn't aware of anything happening although he did notice Aimee sitting alone watching his table...
    Aimee, don't take it personally... We all want all the regulars to continue....
  • I was at the table when this incident happened and I really think it was just a "spur of the moment" thing. It wasn't nice and certainly no excuse for it but I don't conosider what happened to be a negative think to-wards the whole tourney. It wasn't till Jeff spoke to me about it yesterday that I realized it had blown up to this proportion. Joe & Aimee, I sincerely hope that you will take this is a one time lapse of good judgement and that we will continue to enjoy your prersence at these events
  • Aimee (and Joe),
    I officially apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I meant no disrespect towards you. I think it's great the you guys drive down to K-W to play with us, and we're happy to have you.

    In regards to what actually happened, I was actually mad at myself. I took a "bad beat", but it was my fault. I knew I was beat. And I didn't take it very well.

    So I'm sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Aimee (and Joe),
    I officially apologize for my inappropriate behavior.  I meant no disrespect towards you.  I think it's great the you guys drive down to K-W to play with us, and we're happy to have you.

    In regards to what actually happened, I was actually mad at myself.  I took a "bad beat", but it was my fault. I knew I was beat.   And I didn't take it very well.

    So I'm sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.


    Class Johnnie, class... Just like Mark, you stood up and apologized like a man... Hey we all get mad at ourselves, and sometimes we go to far.... Even tho I wasn't there Bob's account is good enough for me.. Hopefully Aimee is ok with it and we can go forward with more great tournaments that Greg, Rob, Trevor, etc run... Jeff... Hey, anyone in for an Atlantic City run in May?
  • JohnnieH, Thank you for your apology. I totally agree with Compuease on this, as Joe did not mention any names. It takes class to to what you did. I maybe could have handled it differently myself, but at the time i was to upset and getting very angry and did not want to say anything to offend anyone. Specially since I was a guest playing at someone elses house.
    I have never seen anyone act so, I know people get angry at themselves for bad beats and stuff, but have never really been a witness to such. Or if i have been i just ignored it because it didnt effect me at all.

    Thanks again JohnnieH
  • Boy, miss one tournament and you guys get silly. OK I'll give everyone involved a kiss next time I see you, (note to Mark, , you weren't involved). Sounds like all is good, and that is good,
    Didn't Jeff mention Atlantic City?

    May sounds Good!

    Milton Slim(mer)

    definitely it was a Rib!!!!!!
    feel much better, and can count to 20 now!!
  • Thanks again JohnnieH

    No problem. I truly hope to see you and Joe at an event real soon.

    Just don't slap me this time!!!! :D

    ok...feel free to sllap whenever....


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