Stud Card Counter

I want to multi-table Stud 8, but obvioulsy this is very difficult since you have to keep track of all the folded cards. Anyone know of a program that will keep track of these cards for you?


  • I posted this Q previously and had zero responses
  • Boo. Well someone should make a program then.
  • notepad.exe


    I don't know of any programs that will do it for you. Something that scrapes the screen would probably be in violation of the TOC's of most online poker sites, so you'd have to do it manually anyway.

    What I find works for me is to look at my cards immediately when they are dealt, and IF it's a hand that I know there's a chance of my playing, then I will make note of the other open cards. I don't usually play more than 2 stud tables at a time though with a couple of holdem tables going on auto-pilot mode.
  • Not sure. I mean, there are programs for pacific that allow you to import hand hxs into PT via observation of the screen, so I guess it would be possible. Just a small demand for it I imagine.
  • if i am feeling not motivated enough to memorize i use a pen and paper. Its not a bad exercise in itself. Make one feel on top of it and sharp, which certainly helps take it down.
    Otherwise i know of no programs that help with this.
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