Game Frequency?

I will soon be compiling all the suggestions received so far and updating the League Rules. Once done I will send everyone a copy of the new rules and blind structures.

This one item though seems to be equally split at this time. Please make a choice for your preference, and don't say either one works...I'm asking which one you prefer.

PRO's with going every other week (that come to my mind):
1/ Easier on the wallet
2/ Probably get more people come out to each game more regularily

1/ Extend the season, doubling it. TOC wouldn't be played until most likely September

I'm sure are more arguments for both sides, and you're welcome to post them. I'll run the poll for a few days, after which MAJORITY RULES!


  • I really like the weekly game. I'm open to a democratic process though.
  • You guys can go every week if you want. No problem. I just find it hard to commit to that. (especially if I wanted to play in a weekend tourney or two...) I will commit to coming evey other week.

    I'm not too concerned about a long season. We can always have a 6-game season, for that matter if you want it to be quarterly.

    Not worried about the impact on the wallet.

    I would like to see a slightly larger game. I guess we were getting around 12 diehards every week. I would expect we could get 16 to a bi-weekly game. If we can get those kind of numbers, maybe we should pay top 4? (then I might have a chance to cash once in a while...)
  • I voted for weekly - but I could go either way.

    I like playing weekly, but maybe Chris and I can host on Thursdays in the "off" weeks for those that want to keep Thursday as "poker night". I also don't care about a long season, but I do think we might get less players in the summer.

    I think it would be nice to get higher numbers out on a regular basis, and totally agree that 16+ players should pay top 4. Maybe 8-15 players pay top 3, 16+ pay top 4.
  • Personally I'm going to find it hard to commit to every week as well. If it were bi-weekly, I'd have a chance of coming out for most of the games, but still no guarantee.

    Still, I'll go with whatever is decided. I might just have to end up shelling extra money in the end for the TOC again :)
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Personally I'm going to find it hard to commit to every week as well.   If it were bi-weekly, I'd have a chance of coming out for most of the games, but still no guarantee. 

  • I personally would like to play every week, however I can understand why people can't and want it every two weeks.

    More players per game (16 a game would be nice) would equal long games, if we add another blind level in it will be tough to get the 23:15. :)
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    if we add another blind level in it will be tough to get the 23:15. :)
    not for me... :'(
  • We'll give the new blinds a run through at the Elliotts this Thursday, see how it works out. Personally, I don't think it will change things too much, MIGHT stretch it out another 20mins or so, but that's hardly anything.

    Remember, FRIDAY'S are just and extended LUNCH day, right BusDriver??
  • blinds AND antes, right?

    I don't think it will extend the game at all. It will extend the game for those that don't make the money but the final few should end faster, I think... No more folding to a min raise heads up!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    blinds AND antes, right?

    I don't think it will extend the game at all. It will extend the game for those that don't make the money but the final few should end faster

    I agree - I think ante's will make the game go quicker at the end. And really, the only time I ever felt like the games "dragged on" was when it was 11:45 and the blinds were getting passed around between 3 people (whether I was one of the 3 or not).
  • Fair enough. Antes too then. What blind level should they start, and how would the ante's increase?
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