Happy Birthday Rob!!!!!

To Zithal, aka Rob.

I won't be making it out tonight. So, to the premier host of home games and bar tourneys.

Happy Birthday!!!!


  • Rob...

    I'd bring you beer, but I'm relatively sure you'd then have to awkwardly tell me how bad it is... so I'll just say Happy B-day and take your money tonight

  • Happy Birthday Rob!
  • Hi Rob
    Happy Birthday!!!

  • All the Best,
    Arrogant Bastard Lover
    I mean that affectionately

    Milton Slim (not yet)
    Tell your scale, I won't be so hard on it next time

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  • Happy Birthday, Rob... was a pleasure playing with you at Westside after all this time.  Thanks for remembering my Elvis shades.  Now go get hammered. 
  • DrTyore wrote:

      I'd bring you beer, but I'm relatively sure you'd then have to awkwardly tell me how bad it is... so I'll just say Happy B-day and take your money tonight


    hahaha Mark I was thinking the same thing (believe me, that worries me a great deal)

    Happy Birthday Rob, you better have a few drinks in you before we get there tonight :D
  • Happy 29th Birthday!!!(Again!!) How many 29s has it been now? LOL

    Seriously, let's all raise our glass and take a sip to salute the BEST HOST IN WATERLOO!!!

    You rock, Rob.

    See you soon,

  • If I win my home game tonight, it will be in Rob's honour. He will not get a percentage.
  • It was fun to bring in your birthday with you last night and hear your rocking renditions of "The Greatest American Hero" Theme song and "Bust a Move", possibly two of the funniest Karaoke shows I've ever seen.

    Thanks for being polite and drinking that Mass produced domestic beer. Happy Birthday!

  • Hey Rob....

    Hope you have a great Birthday..Good Luck tonight

    Mandy and Jeremy
  • Thanks all!! It's been a great b-day so far! You guys rock.
  • happy birthday robbie

    love johnny
  • Hey Rob

    Happy Birthday, To bad we could not be there to celibrate with ya... Hope you all have great night :)
  • Happy Birthday Rob. Great tourney last night, tons of fun.

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