This one is for "TwoThree" and other nutty online hands...

Hey All... boy was this funny... cuz I sat there going "Well, I'll tell Braad about it, it's worth $1"

Seat 1: stewconi ($52.25 in chips)
Seat 3: -Flyguy- ($50.30 in chips)
Seat 7: oujak ($62.40 in chips)
Seat 8: ashley_p ($44.50 in chips)
Seat 9: Blerg [2S,3S] ($65.10 in chips)
ashley_p posts blind ($0.50), Blerg posts blind ($1).

stewconi folds, -Flyguy- calls $1, oujak folds, ashley_p bets $1.50, Blerg calls $1, -Flyguy- calls $1.

FLOP [board cards 2C,3D,KD ]
ashley_p bets $1, Blerg bets $2, -Flyguy- folds, ashley_p bets $2, Blerg bets $2, ashley_p calls $1.

TURN [board cards 2C,3D,KD,7D ]
ashley_p bets $2, Blerg bets $4, ashley_p calls $2.

RIVER [board cards 2C,3D,KD,7D,9D ]
ashley_p bets $2, Blerg calls $2.

ashley_p shows [ AS,AH ]
Blerg shows [ 2S,3S ]
Blerg wins $25.
Dealer: oujak
Pot: $26, (including rake: $1)
stewconi, loses $0
-Flyguy-, loses $2
oujak, loses $0
ashley_p, loses $12
Blerg, bets $12, collects $25, net $13


Another interesting one. I felt kinda bad about this, but I am a dirty whore

Seat 1: stewconi ($67 in chips)
Seat 3: -Flyguy- ($44.70 in chips)
Seat 7: oujak ($49.95 in chips)
Seat 8: ashley_p ($20 in chips)
Seat 9: Blerg [8D,6S] ($87.70 in chips)
ashley_p posts blind ($0.50), Blerg posts blind ($1), -Flyguy- posts small blind ($0.50).

stewconi folds, -Flyguy- folds, oujak bets $2, ashley_p calls $1.50, Blerg calls $1.

FLOP [board cards KD,2C,7C ]
ashley_p checks, Blerg checks, oujak checks.

TURN [board cards KD,2C,7C,5H ]
ashley_p checks, Blerg checks, oujak checks.

RIVER [board cards KD,2C,7C,5H,9H ]
ashley_p checks, Blerg bets $2, oujak bets $4, ashley_p folds, Blerg bets $4, oujak bets $4, Blerg calls $2.

oujak shows [ KC,KS ]
Blerg shows [ 8D,6S ]
Blerg wins $21.50.
Dealer: oujak
Pot: $22.50, (including rake: $1)
stewconi, loses $0
-Flyguy-, loses $0.50
oujak, loses $10
ashley_p, loses $2
Blerg, bets $10, collects $21.50, net $11.50

And finally.. damn Braad... maybe you're onto something (the very next hand)

Seat 1: stewconi ($67 in chips)
Seat 7: oujak ($39.95 in chips)
Seat 8: ashley_p ($18 in chips)
Seat 9: Blerg [2D,3S] ($99.20 in chips)
Blerg posts blind ($0.50), stewconi posts blind ($1).

oujak calls $1, ashley_p calls $1, Blerg calls $0.50, stewconi checks.

FLOP [board cards 10D,4D,6S ]
Blerg checks, stewconi checks, oujak checks, ashley_p checks.

TURN [board cards 10D,4D,6S,3D ]
Blerg bets $2, stewconi folds, oujak folds, ashley_p folds.

Blerg wins $5.60.
Dealer: ashley_p
Pot: $6, (including rake: $0.40)
stewconi, loses $1
oujak, loses $1
ashley_p, loses $1
Blerg, bets $3, collects $5.60, net $2.60

Finally... this one was a suckout suckout.. I think I played it perfectly regardless, and since it's limit, I guess he did too.

Seat 1: stewconi ($59.35 in chips)
Seat 3: -Flyguy- ($58.30 in chips)
Seat 7: Rygard ($18.95 in chips)
Seat 8: ashley_p ($32.05 in chips)
Seat 9: Blerg [AD,AS] ($51.60 in chips)
Blerg posts blind ($0.50), stewconi posts blind ($1).

-Flyguy- folds, Rygard bets $2, ashley_p folds, Blerg bets $2.50, stewconi folds, Rygard calls $1.

FLOP [board cards 7S,8C,7C ]
Blerg bets $1, Rygard bets $2, Blerg bets $2, Rygard calls $1.

TURN [board cards 7S,8C,7C,3H ]
Blerg bets $2, Rygard bets $4, Blerg calls $2.

RIVER [board cards 7S,8C,7C,3H,AC ]
Blerg bets $2, Rygard bets $4, Blerg bets $4, Rygard bets $4, Blerg calls $2.

Rygard shows [ 3S,3D ]
Blerg shows [ AD,AS ]
Blerg wins $36.
Dealer: ashley_p
Pot: $37, (including rake: $1)
stewconi, loses $1
-Flyguy-, loses $0
Rygard, loses $18
ashley_p, loses $0
Blerg, bets $18, collects $36, net $18

Just so you know, pokerroom still capps their limit games even heads up, who knew? Any comments are welcome, but realize that the 23 hands were for Braad. :) The 6-8 I thought was worth seeing a flop for ($1 for a shot at $5) with two "live cards". I wouldn't have called any flop bet, maybe a one bet on the turn.



  • You are sick today? Team Canada flu?

    1. nice flop (i'd have folded)
    2. hand is shit, but, wtf, they let you check flop/turn, what are you supposed to do when you hit your str8
    3. no one wanted the pot, might as well take it
    4. best hand won. Glad it was yours.

    Nice run DrTyore
  • Ah, snow day poker.

    Two-Three!! You are a D**** W****!!

    Nice hands, Mark.
  • How about this one a flopped royal.... happened just 3 minutes ago.

    Texas Hold'em $0.50-$1 (Real Money),  #134,817,232
    Table Munich, 16 Feb 2006 5:20 PM ET

    Seat 1: tripdeuce ($11.05 in chips) 
    Seat 2: larnor ($75.35 in chips) 
    Seat 3: travmo ($32 in chips) 
    Seat 4: Kokomo_jo   :ac :10c ($69 in chips) 
    Seat 5: ZipCity ($23.75 in chips) 
    Seat 6: patchypooh ($18.55 in chips) 
    Seat 7: nice_pal ($34 in chips) 
    Seat 8: bert_rand ($22.35 in chips) 
    Seat 9: peetos x ($10.80 in chips) 
    Seat 10: keymash ($25 in chips) 

    larnor posts blind ($0.25), travmo posts blind ($0.50), keymash posts blind ($0.50).

    Kokomo_jo calls $0.50, ZipCity folds, patchypooh calls $0.50, nice_pal folds, bert_rand folds, peetos x folds, keymash checks, tripdeuce folds, larnor calls $0.25, travmo checks.

    FLOP [board cards JC,QC,KC ]
    larnor checks, travmo checks, Kokomo_jo checks, patchypooh checks, keymash checks.

    TURN [board cards JC,QC,KC,10D ]
    larnor checks, travmo checks, Kokomo_jo bets $1, patchypooh folds, keymash folds, larnor folds, travmo folds.

    Kokomo_jo wins $3.30.
  • Don't you just hate it when Royal's don't pay off for you?

    Like I would know...sheesh :'(
  • I would have been so depressed, there is NO way to make money off of those... :( You just gotta hope someone has 10 10 otherwise, you're making mario-level money on big hands.

  • When the 10 hit I loved it ..... figured someone with an A would call.... believing I either had an A or was trying to buy it. Where's the 9 8 clubs too..... dammit
  • DrTyore wrote:
    you're making mario-level money on big hands.


    Best coffee I ever had
  • Okay.. here's a lesson in PLOM8

    Seat 1: rage303 ($1,590 in chips)
    Seat 2: Bob_aha_em ($1,500 in chips)
    Seat 3: thesphenny ($1,500 in chips)
    Seat 4: onebigbanana ($1,420 in chips)
    Seat 5: Blerg [QH,5S,6D,4H] ($1,380 in chips)
    Seat 6: ted_cush ($1,420 in chips)
    Seat 7: SAGambler ($1,420 in chips)
    Seat 8: gegjeff ($1,790 in chips)
    Seat 9: MetsFan555 ($1,500 in chips)
    Seat 10: nine lives ($1,480 in chips)
    SAGambler posts blind ($10), gegjeff posts blind ($20).

    MetsFan555 folds, nine lives calls $20, rage303 calls $20, Bob_aha_em folds, thesphenny calls $20, onebigbanana folds, Blerg calls $20, ted_cush calls $20, SAGambler folds, gegjeff checks.

    FLOP [board cards 5C,7H,3C ]
    gegjeff bets $20, nine lives calls $20, rage303 folds, thesphenny calls $20, Blerg bets $230, ted_cush calls $230, gegjeff calls $210, nine lives calls $210, thesphenny bets $420, Blerg bets $1,130 and is all-in, ted_cush calls $1,130, gegjeff folds, nine lives calls $1,130, thesphenny bets $1,040 and is all-in, ted_cush calls $40 and is all-in, nine lives calls $100 and is all-in.

    TURN [board cards 5C,7H,3C,QS ]

    RIVER [board cards 5C,7H,3C,QS,10S ]

    thesphenny shows [ KS,2D,9S,AC ]
    Blerg shows [ QH,5S,6D,4H ]
    ted_cush shows [ 2C,7D,AD,4D ]
    nine lives shows [ 10H,6S,2H,AH ]
    thesphenny wins high $20, nine lives wins low $30, thesphenny wins low $30, nine lives wins high $60, nine lives wins low $20, thesphenny wins low $20, ted_cush wins low $20, nine lives wins high $60, nine lives wins low $967, thesphenny wins low $967, ted_cush wins low $966, Blerg wins high $2,900.
    Dealer: ted_cush
    Pot: $6,060
    rage303, loses $20
    Bob_aha_em, loses $0
    thesphenny, bets $1,500, collects $1,037, net -$463
    onebigbanana, loses $0
    Blerg, bets $1,380, collects $2,900, net $1,520
    ted_cush, bets $1,420, collects $986, net -$434
    SAGambler, loses $10
    gegjeff, loses $250
    MetsFan555, loses $0
    nine lives, bets $1,480, collects $1,137, net -$343

    So, what have we learned?

    A: If there is one person who is all in, and one caller, you should have the nut high, not the nut low.

    B: The Low is much easier to get, and it's likely that numerous people will have it.

    C: 4 people going all in, and 3 of you splitting 1/2 the pot = LOSS OF FUNDS

    Thank you, good night cleveland.

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