Casino Windsor - Trip Report - Feb 10. 2006

I miss seeing trip reports on here, so here's my contrubution. It's a regular day in the life of a low limit game, but is something to read, while you grind away the hours at work..

I was down in the Windsor area for my birthday and headed out for dinner with my brother. He hadn't yet been to the Casino Windsor poker room, so I suggested we make that our evening plans.

The last time I was here was the opening of the Poker Room and the place was packed. Luckily this time, interest was a little lower and we arrive to some open seats on tables. It was still early in the night (7pmish) and all they had running was 3/6 Limit and some 1/2, and 2/5 NL tables. Interest was forming for high limit games, but none materialized; the game of choice was defiantely No Limit and the place picked up quite a bit over the next few hours so we came at just the right time.

I was more in the mood for Limit so I grabbed the first open seat at a 3/6 table and my brother ended up on a different one.

I bought in for $140 and sat down at the 1 seat for some wonderfully fishy poker.

I folded the first 5 hands I got and the dealer, of all people, looks to me and says, "So, do you play any hands." Great. I now have a dealer imposed table image. Trying to play that down a bit I come back with, "Do you deal any face cards?"

She asks if I really haven't gotten any face cards, so I say. "Well I did get a Jack, but it was with a two and since it wasn't suited, I couldn't play it" (See... I tried my best to present a fishy image) (Aside: LIKE IT MATTERED!! I still got paid off when I got the nuts.)

Two hands later, the dealer blesses me with KK and I raise from early position. I get a few callers including one person I'll call Homeless Guy as I think he was missing a good one quarter of his teeth. As he calls, he pipes up by saying, "So, you're playin' now??" (all suspicious-like), I come back with "Well, I got two face card so I have to!"

The flop comes ten high I bet, Homeless guy stays in and I get paid off when nothing higher comes on the turn or river and he turns over AT. "See," I said, "Two face cards!"

After the first win, I start playing a little too loose; it must be infectious or something and started hitting into the red. I mentally slapped my wrist and told myself to play a little tighter.

At about this time a new player, we'll call her Lady Bling Bling, sits down. She was a 60something, white lady, with the most bling-bling I've seen on anyone. She won her second hand in by calling down an agressive bettor with nothing more than a gutshot straight draw and hit on the river. She also played every single hand no matter the action that came before her. Man, did I like her. She busted out a couple times over the course of the evening. Homeless Guy was next to her and continued to soft play her. I think he had a crush!

In an hour, I was beginning to get a handle on most of the table..

Mr Rock - was to my right and played predictably. I decided he was the only player at the table that I could bluff.

Hottie McHottie - was two to my right. Really cute but she didn't respond to much of my flirting, so I decided to take all her money... which only marginally worked. Had decent starting hand selection, but I encouraged her to play more on feeling than on good card so it worsened over the course of the night.

Mr 10 seconds from death - Poor confused guy in a wheel chair. I almost felt bad for taking his money... almost. I also decided that when I get older, this is how I'm going to come to the table so that everyone believes I'm an idiot. (I actually thought he was pretending at one point)

Mr Invis - in the 10 seat, so I never saw him, but every few hands he'd drop $20 bucks more on the table, only to be all-in a few hands later. He needs a lesson on varience and bankrolls.

Mr Cool - A 60-something gentleman who had excellent game. Definately the most 'dangerous' player at the table.

Gino - Lots of bling, played crap hands, but played predictably post-flop.

After getting into the red I went on a mad rush and hit three hands close together to nearly double my starting stack.

The first was with AKd in LP. I raised and got a couple callers. The flop came Q high with two diamonds and I bet out, with only Mr Cool in the BB remaining in the hand. The turn was a blank and he checked to me and I took the free card which was a beautiful diamond on the river. Mr Cool bet out, I raised and he called. I showed the nut flush and he showed the second nut flush. Drat. This hand in any other player's hands on the table and I would have easily gotten three more big bets.

I then pick up AJ, raise and the flop comes KQT with two spades. Mrs Bling Bling bets out and we cap the flop. The turn is a spade and that slows the action down. A bet and call on a blank river and I show the flopped A high straight. Mrs Bling Bling shows J9, for the weaker straight off the flop.

Then, shortly after that, I pick up K9c and limp into a flop with 6 other players. The flop comes all clubs and I starting firing at the pot getting more than one person to pay me off down to the river.

I then pick up 33 and see a nice flop of 245. I bet, get a few callers and a K hits the turn. Checked all round. A 7 just missed my straight and it's checked to me. I bet out and the two players left fold. I'd like to say it was a bluff, but chances were I had the best hand.

It was a really nice rush. (The hand after the rush I get J4 suited and almost limp in to 'play the rush'. I instead fold and the flop comes JJ4. Thanks.)

My best laydown of the evening came with JJ in MP. It's called to me and I raise it, called in 4 spots. The flop comes 77T and a new player to my right (Mr Sad - as he sat down with $100 and never won a single pot), bets, I raise and action is folded to the SB (Another new player whom I have no read on) who takes a little too long to think. He flat calls the two bets on the flop, warning lights go off, and Mr Sad calls. The turn is a 6, It's checked around to me and I check. The river is an 8, and the SB "comes alive" and bets. The guy beside me calls and I know that the guy beside me likely has the T and the SB is almost definately on a 7 (or possibly a 9 for the staight). I quietly fold my over pair (resisting the urge to show my brilliant fold -- better to have them think I made a play on the flop, then gave up) and the SB shows 69 for the gutshot straight on the river. MP mucks.

I didn't put him on that specific hand, (I really thought he had the seven) but I knew I was beat on the river. I won't often fold an overpair to the board, but it just felt right... all part of my trying to develop my game by trusting my feel more.

The most heart-breaking hand came near the end of the session.

I'm UTG+1 and have AQo. UTG limps and I raise. The raise is then called by **seven** other people including the SB and BB. Action goes to the original limper and he throws chips in. Dealer announces raise and Mr Sad looks VERY confused, saying, "I just called". As it turns out, he accidentally threw enough chips into the pot to make an exact three bet. Sigh.

I call, and another player in MP decides to get cute and cap it. Everyone stays in and the BB (Hottie McHottie) throws in three $1 chips to which the dealer says the action's been capped. She looks PISSED that she has to put in $3 more bucks. It's apparent she doesn't like her hand, and I'm now left with AQo in a pot which 8 players have capped pre-flop due to the accidental bet of Mr Sad. (who is now, completely all-in for the remainder of his chips)

So, with $96 bucks in the pot (32 small bets) we see the flop of A34 rainbow, a fairly good flop for me, through anyone with any type of draw, including a backdoor flush, has to stay in this hand.

I bet, which of course (???) chases everyone out of the pot except for Hottie and the all-in Mr Sad. I love these people.

The turn comes a 5 and suddently, Hottie throws a bet of $6 into the pot. Gee... having gone from hating the dealer for making her stay in the hand to now taking the lead on the betting. What could she possibly have. I know I'm beat with either 67 or 2x, but I make the turn call. The river is a seven, and the Hottie checks, scared of the river and I'm grateful I get to showdown the pot for free.

Hottie throws over the two of diamonds, and I'm not at all surprised. Then, she turns over the second card and it's the 8 of diamonds. The powerhouse known as 82d is my downfall for a the biggest pot of the evening. The all-in player turned over AQ, so I would have split, and I just laughed at my misfortune because, after I thought about the hand, I realized all the things that needed to happen to get her to the point where calling the flop bet was correct.

I was a little tiltly, so I went to the bathroom and walked though the hand, deciding she played it correctly post-flop, which gave me a little calm. I came back to the table and encouraged her to keep playing crap. "See what happens when you play any two cards on a feeling," says I, "You could win a $100 plus pot. You just never know!!" She agreed with me. I still didn't get a date.

The night was coming to a close and I picked up (and was paid off) with one more flush to end +$78.

My brother didn't fare as well as this was his first time playing limit and I think was frustrated that he couldn't protect his hands after the flop. I told him to try the 1/2 NL tables next time. I think it would suit him better.

It was a good time, and the play was wonderfully horrendous. The play was honestly worse than Party .5/1 Limit tables. Players were very passive and extremely weak calling stations, bet when they had something and called when they didn't. The BIGGEST leak in their collective game was to call to the river on gutshot draws. 75% of the table did this, which lead to some bad beats (luckily not on me) and nice payoffs for my made hands.

The dealers were fine (with the exception of one who came in and insluted the "bingo" known as low limit hold'em) and the Poker Place has grown in a bit since I've last been there. Recommend checking it out if you're ever in the area.


  • Nice report Rob!
  • Good read Rob, nice the character classifications!
  • Great report as always, Rob.

    I think we shold try to go to a casino as group. It might be fun!

    Does anyone know of a State that has lots of poker rooms and offers free boozes? Maybe in the desert somewhere? :D

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