RainKahn - Poker Stars Players Read This!

I was playing in a NL $15 single table turbo last night on Poker Stars and one of the players at my table was RainKahn.  One of the other players at the table noted that RainKahn was a computer program and he typically was playing 20 tournaments at a time.  After a few dozen hands, it became obvious that RainKahn's play was based on some sort of pre-determined formula.  The first hand he played he went all-in and was called by one other player.  RK showed AA and doubled up.  After this hand he would only call on the SB or BB or would go all-in with AK or a very high pair.  It actually worked out for me to some extent as RK was on my left and every time I was the SB I would bet double the blinds and he would always fold (I guess he would have raised if he had a good starting hand).  When it got down to the three last players, RK became very aggressive and was calling all-in almost every hand.  I had a couple unlucky hands against him and got burned on the river.  In the end we went heads-up and he called all-in with A4 unsuited and I called with AJs.  He ended up hitting a 4 and I officially lost to a computer program (I think). I sent Poker Stars an email to ask about this player because I know computer programs are not allowed.  This is the response I received:

"Hello Jim,

Thank you for your email.

We have recently observed this player's seemingly impossible play
levels, and have completed a full review of his account.  In this
review, he cooperated fully the entire time, sending all program logs
while insisting he was a human.

We were skeptical, until he literally sent us a video of himself
playing 24 tournaments at one time; as hard as it is to believe, this
is a human being who is actually playing all these tournaments.

Players can play in up to 8 cash games at a time and tournaments are
limited.  If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Patrick K.
PokerStars Support Team"

So next time you are playing on Poker Stars, watch out for Mr. RainKahn.  Not sure how he is able to manage 24 tournaments at once.  Anybody else have similar experiences? Those of you who use Poker Tracker, can you provide some details on this player for the rest of us?



  • There's a bunch of threads at 2+2 about him. He's not a bot, just someone who used to play a lot of starcraft where the better players are capable of making hundreds of actions in a minute, so 24-tabling using a pre-determined strategy would be possible. I've played him in the turbo 15 sngs there as well and yeah, you can just about always steal his blinds. Once it gets to the later levels, he'll start pushing with a huge range. I'm curious to see what kind of ROI he gets with this strategy.
  • looks like RainKahn has been playing on Stars for a while. I'm surprised he/she has not been mentioned on pokerforum.ca previously. Probably a lot of members have played against him at some point. It notes that he has played 30 tables at once. how many monitors would that take? btw, what is a bot?

  • Viewing Player: RaiNKhAN 
    Total Winnings: $2,851
    Total Final Tables: 1

    Tournaments Played: Date Tournament/Event Place Winnings
    01/14/2006 Hold'em NL $3+Rebuys 36 $96
    12/30/2005 Hold'em NL $5+Rebuys 12 $223
    11/23/2005 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 131 $55
    11/22/2005 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 87 $86
    11/21/2005 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 60 $138
    04/17/2005 Hold'em NL $200 82 $705
    04/03/2005 Hold'em NL $100+Rebuys 17 $643
    03/15/2005 Hold'em NL $5 21 $32
    08/23/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 59 $85
    08/22/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 50 $86
    08/20/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 30 $118
    08/10/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 76 $71
    08/04/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 8 $167
    07/12/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 33 $126
    05/19/2004 Hold'em NL $20 34 $36
    05/17/2004 Hold'em NL $10+Rebuys 10 $162
    02/15/2004 Hold'em NL $2 54 $8
    02/10/2004 Hold'em NL $2 19 $14

    The above was lifted from his stats on www.thepokerdb.com, so, yes he's been around for a while. Certainly not the most successful MTT player on Stars.
  • I think he mainly plays non-tournaments now, more single table sit-n-go. Not many wins considering the amount of tables he is playing. Is this accurate?
  • It doesn't track SNG's, it was just as a point of reference for how long he's be around Stars and what his MTT results were like.
  • I know there are pros that 12 table $200 SnGs succesfully. Given how mechanically you can play the turbos on Stars once the blinds get big using a push/fold strategy and the probably extremely weak competition I see no reason to think this guy can actually do this and be a winning player, though he is clearly giving up a lot in terms of ROI.
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