Hotel Situation

M'kay, so I did some looking into the hotel situation today. The itravel2000 prices are only base estimates. If we want to put 3-4 people in a room the price is obviously going to be more. The option to just book a room for only two and pack four people into it exists I guess, but I don't think it's a good idea considering the main reason everyone wants to stay in the hotel is to get drunk and rowdy.

The Airport Hilton is charging roughly 160 for four to a room. I pretty much stopped asking questions when she gave me the quote. The Holiday Inn Select is 140 for four. I am unsure as to which hotel is closer to the club, but they aren't overly far from eachother, so I have booked The Heartbreak Kids into the Holiday Inn. The nice lady at the reservation desk told me they have tons of rooms left. I feel safe in saying most of the other teams will be able to get in if they call tomorrow (tuesday). Check in time is 3pm, with a check out time of 12 noon. We are reserved for late arrival should 3pm not work well with the breaks at the tourny.

If anyone has any questions just PM me, and I'll do my best to help people out.


  • The Holiday Inn is a 10 minute walk max from the Airport Club - 15 if you can't walk in a straight line
    and is definitely closer than the Airport Hilton.

    I'll be caliing tomorrow to book a room for members of Team Waterloo so if you know what rooms the put you
    in I can try to get one nearby
  • We won't know what rooms any of us are in until we check in. I recommend that all the teams assign one or two people and then have all the representatives go as a group to check in together in order to assure we're all somewhat near (if not beside) eachother. One of the designates will have to be the person who made the reservation, and whomever is putting the bill on their card should probably also be there - cause that only makes sense :D
  • Two things:

    Make sure there is parking available at the Hotel.

    Also, having been a hotel front desk person as a lousy summer job, I learned that you will always get a better rate if you call rather than use the internet. I use to always laugh at the poor folks who ordered online for 170 when if you came in an asked for a room we would give it to you for 75.

    So, Easy if you give a call and negotiate you can often get a better price! Although $35pp is definately reasonable.
  • Agreed, make a phonecall Easy.

  • I booked them yesterday on my MC...

    They're like 120 each, so not horrible... with like 7 of us, that means it's about 35 bucks.

  • It all sounds good. Thanks to Easy for doing the research and thanks to Mark for paying (your treat right?). Quick question: Who am I rooming with? I was thinking of getting one myself to share with the girlfriend but our schedules don't mesh so screw it. I'm gonna be drinking with the boys (and girl) anyways so lump me in with team Kit I (Heartbreak Kids Baby!!).
    Also, if someone who knows could send me directions because I don't know where the Airport Club is.


  • Hotel was cancelled, check your PM's.

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