Bristol St. Classic XXIII - Results!

With the final member of the Milton Crew, Larry L., all in and out with his short stack. The final table was formed.


Seat 1: "stpboy" Shannon ($8,500)
Seat 2: "MrsMoose" Fran ($25,100)
Seat 3: "Dirty Whore" Mark B. ($23,900)
Seat 4: James C ($13,700)
Seat 5: "SirWatts" Mike ($23,000)
Seat 6: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H ($12,600)
Seat 7: "Lamb Of" John A ($13,400)
Seat 8: "Zithal" Rob L ($11,800)

8th Place: "Lamb Of" John A - 11:50pm

Making his return to Bristol Street for the 2006 season and with blinds at 600-1,200(200) John found himself all-in with his AQ against Mike's QT. The ten was the first card off on the flop and John's tournament came to an end.

7th Place: "Zithal" Rob L - 11:58pm

At one point the dominate chip leader in the tournament, Rob found his stack dwindling as the final table formed. Fran bet $5,000 under the gun and Rob, on the BB with ATd pushed for a total around $10,000. Fran called, turned over 33 and the race was on. There was no help for the tournament host and his first final table of 2006 was at an end.

6th Place: James C - 12:28am (BUBBLE-BOY)

For the next half hour no one wanted to become bubble-boy and most pre-flop raises were met with folds. As the blinds rose to 800-1,600 and then again to 1,000-2,000(300), Mark found himself on the button with KJo. He raised all in and was called immediately by James who turned over KK, going to the flop as a 92% favorite. The flop was agony for James as it showed QTQ giving Mark the opened ended straight draw. The turn was a 7, but the 9 on the river made Mark's straight.

James had Mark covered by only 1,000 chips and found himself all-in the next hand with 84 losing to Mike's QT. Spectator's claim that the colour completely left James' face, but he handled the incredibly bad beat with dignity. Mark is a dirty, dirty whore. James is the Bristol Street 23 BUBBLE-BOY

5th Place: "stpboy" Shannon - 12:38am ($30)

On the short-stack at the final table, Shannon played a patient game eventually racing with TT against Mike's AJ. The flop came 8K5 and Shannon was well ahead. The turn brought a Q, which meant that Mike needed an A, J or T to take the hand. One of the two remaining ten's in the deck came on the river, giving Mike the straigt and putting Shannon out in 5th, also his first final table of 2006. Great game!

4th Place: "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 12:42am ($65)

After dodging the cowboy enslaught, Mark eventually got his money in with AK with Mike's 99. No help on the flop gave Mike another elimination and put Mark out in 4th place. A great tournament and some much needed Player of the Year points for Mark.

3rd Place: "MrsMoose" Fran - 12:59am ($95)

At this point in the tournament, blinds were 2k-4k (500 ante) and Mike held a massive lead over the other competitors. With Johnnie on the short stack, he found himself all-in with J5h v. Fran's ATc. The flop brought 7Q9, putting Fran ahead. The turn was a K and the river a T, giving Fran a pair but giving Johnnie the striaght to double up. Then, a hand or two

later, Fran pushed her dwindling stack with J8h and was called by Johnnie's 55. The flop came T48 putting Fran ahead, but the flop was all clubs and the only club in player's hands was Johnnie's 5c. The turn was a blank, but the river brought the case club, ending Fran's tournament in 3rd place. An excellent tournament for "MrsMoose"

With Frans' elimination and the blinds going to 3k-6k, we were now...


"SirWatts" Mike : $84,000
"JohnnieH" Johnnie : $44,000

With a 2-1 chip deficate, Johnnie switched gears and started turning up the heat on Mike. With blinds at 3k-6k, it didn't take more than a couple hands for Johnnie to accumulate chips. Finally, the players were all-in Mike's AQ v. Johnnie's K9. The flop brought 246, keeping Mike in front, but the 9 on the turn was all she wrote. With Johnnie covering Mike by 500, Johnnie captured the win, a guaranteed seat at the Grand Finals, a first place prize of $290 and the title of "Bristol Street Classic XXIII Champion"! With his second Final Table in the two 2006 tournaments, Johnnie takes an early and sizable lead in the Player of the Year Race.

For second place, Mike walked home with $160. A great tournament from everyone involved.

Check here for updated standing for the 2006 Player of the Year Race. (to be posted on Tuesday)



    1st: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H. - 1:06am ($290) - 57
    2nd: "SirWatts" Mike - 1:06am ($160) - 40
    3rd: "MrsMoose" Fran - 12:59am ($95) - 33
    4th: "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 12:42am ($65) - 28
    5th: "stpboy" Shannon - 12:38am ($30) - 25
    6th: James C. - 12:28am - 23
    7th: "Zithal" Rob L. - 11:58pm - 21
    8th: "Lamb Of" John A. - 11:50pm - 20
    9th: Larry L. - 11:31pm - 19
    10th: "Ercules" Eric - 11:23pm - 18
    11th: "Pinhead" Brad - 11:20pm - 17
    12th: "Slippery" Pete A. - 11:20pm - 16
    13th: "PokerQueen" Mandy - 11:18pm - 16
    14th: "Bluffy" Jeff B. - 10:59pm - 15
    15th: "ItsaMe" Mario - 10:54pm - 15
    16th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 10:47pm - 14
    17th: "SkittlePoker" Bill S - 10:23pm - 14
    18th: "ddmilkan" Dave D - 10:08pm - 13
    19th: "Ionstorm" Ian - 10:07pm - 13
    20th: "Ineedanick" Dave P - 9:51pm - 13
    21st: "morty" Sean - 9:34pm - 12
    22nd: "Ranger" Mike B. - 9:27pm - 12
    23rd: "Brava" Dave S - 9:16pm - 12
    24th: Wraychel - 9:10pm - 11
    25th: "TNORTH" Tom - 9:09pm - 11
    26th: "Oragami" Jonathan - 9:02pm - 11
    27th: "beanie42" Trevor - 8:45pm - 11
    28th: "8Ball" Tye Z - 8:37pm - 11
    29th: "compuease" Jeff C. - 8:33pm - 11
    30th: "moose" Rob - 8:18pm - 10
    31st: "westside" Wes - 7:55pm - 10
    32nd: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 7:34pm - 10
  • Zithal wrote:
    11th: "Slippery" Pete A. - 11:20pm - 17
    12th: "Pinhead" Brad - 11:20pm - 16

    Rob, Pete and I were eliminated on the same hand but I had him covered, so I believe our positions should be reversed.
    I'm going to need that extra point later in the year
  • Another great tournament, Rob!!

    When I realized that I had Mike covered by 1 purple chip, I was in total shock. I couldn't believe I won! Like you said Rob, "Most Subduded Celebration Ever!!" No cheering or anything. Weird for me, eh?

    Mike, thanks for a great heads-up match. I think that HU is the weakest of the weak part of my game, so I was just relived that I could complete with a player of your skill level (way above me!), and squeak out a narrow win. You played well, congrats.

    I was almost eliminated from the tourney early in the night, with the board T66J, Fran raised $200, I re-raise to $1200, (with A10), Fran INSTANTLY shoves back ALL IN. I thought about it 2-3 minutes. I knew she had a 6. But the Push Monkey was totally tempting me shoving back. I literally had to say out loud "GET OFF MY BACK MONKEY!!!" After the laughter died down, I mucked my hand. I was very irate with my dumb move, but a kind word from stpboy restored my confidence, and after the break my game was back on. The rest is now history....

    Thanks to Lamb of John for dealing the final table, and to everyone who stayed to watch the action.

    Wraychel also says Thanks and Congrats to the Money Winners.

    I can't wait to defend my title and tangle with "The Curse" at the next one!!


  • Pinhead wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    11th: "Slippery" Pete A. - 11:20pm - 17
    12th: "Pinhead" Brad - 11:20pm - 16

    Rob, Pete and I were eliminated on the same hand but I had him covered, so I believe our positions should be reversed.
    I'm going to need that extra point later in the year

    Sorry about that. I asked Pete and he said he had you out chipped.
  • IIRC Pete was in the SB and didn't have enough to cover the BB and brad raised to about 3xBB he definitely had Pete covered.
  • That is correct - SirDonk should know since he was the one that put us both out :'(
  • Thanks!!

    Correction made.
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