What are you looking for?

Just wanted to let everyone know that our club name has been chosen....thank you for everyones input!!!

Guys let me know what kind of game you are after...I want to make sure I have something for everyone!


  • 3/6 limit is closer to the game i'd be interested in playing...i would come out for sure to a 2/5 with a $50 buy in.....but 3/6 is enticing.....
    I hate to sound like a newb..but i like to play in a comfortable money bracket....and currently that's the 2/5 - (max) 3/6...
    thanks for being in tune with your clientel! (or soon to be clientel!). (is that how you spell that?!)
    Oh, what is the club name? or did i miss it?
  • Thank you Quine....you don't sound like a newbie...All smart poker players play at a comfortable money bracket....that's the only way we can play our game. I am definitely going to put together a limit game in the next week...I'm just really hoping to get the interest.... Two week ago I had a limit night and unfortunately there was very little interest.

    I have another question for all the forum members. When you are going to a tournament are you looking to have food provided for you?
  • I'm good with what quaine suggested. Ive only heard good things about your club. after learning to play omaha and 7 stud, id like to try those out as well. The only other i'd suggest is having a tourney, they seem to draw out alot of players.
    River Mike
  • Thank you mike...it's always nice to hear positive feed back. I am actually in the process of putting together a tournament, the date I'm looking at is Saturday April 1st, with a buy-in of $110. This date will be confermed by early next week and your sure to hear a lot more about the format.
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