Stars Sunday tourney is HUGE

Over 5500 people and 1.1 Million in the prize pool, Stars doesn't even have a prizepool for that many players it looks like they have to make one up now. Who's in from here? I already busted :rage:


  • I was unable to play in today's tournament.  I am definitely going to play in the next Sunday tournament that my schedule will allow.  5500+ players is awesome.

    How long do think it will take to finish?  And, will they stop increasing the blinds at a certain level (I believe eventually they cap the blind increases)?  With so many chips in play, they might decide to keep advancing the blinds.

    My finish time guess: 12:45 am.  Over or under?
  • all_aces wrote:
    My finish time guess: 12:45 am. Over or under?

    An easy over.

    Mmmmm... fried eggs...*drool* :)

  • yeah i busted in the first hour too :'( it is amazing tho, so many ppl and a nice big prizepool

    im pretty sure last week with 4500 or so lasted til like 4 in the morning

    did they change the structure? i thought last week was 25 minute levels but this week its 15 :\
  • did they change the structure? i thought last week was 25 minute levels but this week its 15 :\

    I noticed that too. IIRC, the bling levels used to be 20 minutes for the big Sunday tournaments.

    That's too funny of a typo to fix.

  • I was in it.

    I lasted for almost 3 hours and busted out 951 of 5506. No money, but I am happy with my play to get that far. I was cruising along early on, and I get dealt AA UTG, I smooth call, a MP poooshes all in for 6k, I had about 12k, I call. He shows 95 off..... 4 hearts on the board, his 5 is a heart, my A's are not..... donk.

    Next hand I get 99, with a 9 on the flop, I poosh, 1 caller who hits his runner runner flush on the river.

    55 lost to A3 when the A hit the river......

    Then I get severely short stacked when the blinds are 400/800, I poosh 4200 with A4 soooted and get called by MP with A7o and IGHN.

    549th pays $660, that would have been very sweet for a $6 investment.

    PS- Last weeks tourny finished at about midnight, this one probably around 1am.
  • anyone still alive and kickin? I'm bored and wouldnt mind railing for a bit
  • i guess i was way off with the 4 am, i ended up staying up that whole night so well....yeah
  • Stars is going nuts... the 10+R has 1800 people and an 87k+ prizepool tonight...

    They are definately monopolizing online tourneys
  • PokerStars Game #3956254425: Tournament #18784049, Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (25000/50000) - 2006/02/13 - 00:09:48 (ET)
    Table '18784049 744' Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 1: No10No10Ho! (763955 in chips)
    Seat 3: HASTINGS (1012366 in chips)
    Seat 4: LosChief (1669164 in chips)
    Seat 6: Gakn29 (694929 in chips)
    Seat 8: mjc5068 (490933 in chips)
    Seat 9: gbmantis (1219204 in chips)
    No10No10Ho!: posts the ante 2500
    HASTINGS: posts the ante 2500
    LosChief: posts the ante 2500
    Gakn29: posts the ante 2500
    mjc5068: posts the ante 2500
    gbmantis: posts the ante 2500
    Gakn29: posts small blind 25000
    mjc5068: posts big blind 50000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    gbmantis said, "i would like to give a shoutout to jjprodigy, the best poker player in the world"
    gbmantis said, "and to the big man upstairs"
    gbmantis: folds
    No10No10Ho!: folds
    HASTINGS: raises 150000 to 200000
    LosChief: calls 200000
    Gakn29: folds
    mjc5068: folds
    *** FLOP *** [9s 9d 5c]
    HASTINGS: bets 100000
    gbmantis said, "she's before my time lee"
    LosChief: calls 100000
    *** TURN *** [9s 9d 5c] [As]
    gbmantis said, "i mean"
    Gakn29 said, "a big canada flag"
    gbmantis said, "i'd still do her"
    gbmantis said, "but"
    HASTINGS: bets 100000
    gbmantis said, "she's old enough to be my grandma"
    Gakn29 said, "were doing well so far in Italy"
    LosChief: calls 100000
    *** RIVER *** [9s 9d 5c As] [Kc]
    HASTINGS: bets 500000
    LosChief: raises 650000 to 1150000
    HASTINGS: calls 109866 and is all-in
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    LosChief: shows [Ah Ac] (a full house, Aces full of Nines)
    HASTINGS: shows [9c 9h] (four of a kind, Nines)
    HASTINGS collected 2109732 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 2109732 | Rake 0
    Board [9s 9d 5c As Kc]
    Seat 1: No10No10Ho! folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: HASTINGS showed [9c 9h] and won (2109732) with four of a kind, Nines
    Seat 4: LosChief (button) showed [Ah Ac] and lost with a full house, Aces full of Nines
    Seat 6: Gakn29 (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 8: mjc5068 (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 9: gbmantis folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Shitty way to go from chip leader to bust in 3 hands.
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