Brampton NL tournament **RESULTS**

Hey guys,

I am going to host a No Limit Hold’em Poker Tournament.
Sunday Feb. 26th, 2006
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Hwy7 & Chingacousy (details when you confirm)
space for 20 players (2 tables of 10)
Now space or 30 players

$25 buy-in
1000 starting chips
In the first hour
1 rebuy permitted if you bust out $25 for 1000 chips
1 add-on permitted if you haven’t used your rebuy $25 for 1000 chips

Blinds start at 10/20 go up every 15mins.

Payout will go to top 4 spots. 50%, 30%, 15%, 5%


  • Here’s who we got so far.

    1.  Gene
    2.  Tom
    3.  Ian
    4.  Garth
    5.  Whota
    6.  thebusdriver (me)
    7.  derksen
    8.  STR82ACE – tentative
    9.  ElElliott
    10. BigChrisEl
    11. Beachguy
    12. Kaotic Trance
    13. Dextasy
    14-15. Fizzer +1  confirmed
    16. CBRChic
    16. JBIRD8306
    18-19. ROOKIE +1 - tenative
    17-19.  Pegasus Kid +2
    20. Mike
    21. Vick
    22. the_need_for_speed  confirmed
    23. FishHead
    24. Paul -tenative
    25. Tony
    26. n 4 sir

  • If you need anything from me Jeff (cards, table, chairs, etc.) just let me know.
  • Didn't think we'd get so close to 20 so quick.  If there's enough interest, we'll make room for a 3rd table.  Also depending on turnout, payouts may change to allow for a 5th prize.

    With the buy-in at $25 and on a Sunday afternoon you are bound to get lots of interest in this game, because most of us have an extra $25 lying around and no much to do on a Sunday.
  • 12. Kaotic Trance

    Is this Vince??
  • esool wrote:
    12. Kaotic Trance

    Is this Vince??

    LoL  small world. 

    11-17 & 19 on the list are from GTAM.
  • esool wrote:
    12. Kaotic Trance

    Is this Vince??

    LoL  small world. 

    11-17 & 19 on the list are from GTAM.

    That's funny. I guess Vince only gave up my games. Wait till he finds out yours are no softer..

    We ride in the same circle.

    Do you ride?
  • esool wrote:
    esool wrote:
    12. Kaotic Trance

    Is this Vince??

    LoL  small world. 

    11-17 & 19 on the list are from GTAM.

    That's funny. I guess Vince only gave up my games. Wait till he finds out yours are no softer..

    We ride in the same circle.

    Do you ride?

    Yep,  I've been on quite a few rides with Vince.  My handle is Spring Fever on
  • LoL  small world. 

    11-17 & 19 on the list are from GTAM.

    That's funny. I guess Vince only gave up my games. Wait till he finds out yours are no softer..

    We ride in the same circle.

    Do you ride?

    Yep,  I've been on quite a few rides with Vince.  My handle is Spring Fever on

    I don't spend much time on gta. I roll with
    We sound like a couple of homos now.

    I don't ride much on the street anymore, I mainly do track days now. We'll have to hook up this summer.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    If you need anything from me Jeff (cards, table, chairs, etc.)  just let me know.

    Well, now that you've mentioned it AJ, I kinda had my eye on your fold out table top, and some cards, your chips are nice too. And what's your wife doing Sunday night? :D

    We'll talk tonight
  • esool wrote:

    I don't ride much on the street anymore, I mainly do track days now. We'll have to hook up this summer.

    Definately, your on.  I know we must have crossed paths, because I've done a couple of fuzzy rides, and I've been to shannonville a few times too.

    Now with all the trash talking your doing on Vince, does that me I can put you down for a seat?
  • Sure, if Vince is going to be there the game can't be that tough..
  • Is a third table being added? I'd like to attend and I could bring another 2 - 4 players.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    If you need anything from me Jeff (cards, table, chairs, etc.) just let me know.

    Well, now that you've mentioned it AJ, I kinda had my eye on your fold out table top, and some cards, your chips are nice too. And what's your wife doing Sunday night? :D

    We'll talk tonight

    Anything you need Jeff, just let me know...chips, chairs, tables, cards, dog, wife, kid,'s all YOURS :D

    I DO plan on taking back the chips, chairs, cards, and tables...they rest...well, I'm easy.
  • esool wrote:
    Sure, if Vince is going to be there the game can't be that tough..

    Please remove me from the list for this game. It has just dawned on me that I will be spending all day/night Saturday at the Airport Club organizing & playing in my charity tourney. I will not want to leave my family for a second day in a row.

  • Is a third table being added?  I'd like to attend and I could bring another 2 - 4 players.

    For you Pegasus, we'll make room. Just firm up if your bringing 2 or 4, I'll put you down for 2 ok.

    No worries esool, I know hosting can be tough, leaving the family all weekend even tougher.
  • Are you still looking at 25 players for this Bus Driver?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Are you still looking at 25 players for this Bus Driver?

    Not sure, you never know who's gonna pull an AC/DC on us, but I'm thinking well get a min. of 20. We're still making room for 3 tables, and more players are welcome as long as you confirm by Saturday at the lastest. (see next post)
  • Ok we are getting close to show time.  Just a reminder, because I’ve forgotten who I’ve given directions to and who I haven’t.  If you have directions, when you get there, go to the side door on the left side of the house (Yes a house! Hard to believe, a home game at a house).  If you don’t have directions, email me at

    Last thoughts…

    If your down as tentative or you have a “+1” (buddy coming with you), please confirm, and supply your buddy(s) name.  This is to help us organize, since we are pre-seating using tournament director.

    Start time is 2:00pm.  If your new or confused plan to arrive early, I’ll give a brief breakdown of the basics.  If you’re an old pro, I don’t have to tell you to show up on time.

    If you can’t help being late, you have some grace until first break (approx. 3:00pm).  Your chips will go on the table, and your blinds posted as they come up and your cards folded for you.  After the break, if you still haven’t showed up, your out.

    We have added a 3rd table, so there is room for a few more.  So if you want in on this one, it’s not too late.
  • Please re-read the second post with the guest list for new information.
  • Sorry Jeff, but due to circumstances recently I am unable to attend your game. Have fun, and take it down for me, will you?
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Sorry Jeff, but due to circumstances recently I am unable to attend your game.  Have fun, and take it down for me, will you?

    ok TwoChip, was hoping for one of your miricle performancing, but we have all of season two for that. See ya, next time.
  • Sorry I couldn't attend. I had to come into work today for manadatory overtime.
  • Sorry I couldn't attend.  I had to come into work today for manadatory overtime. 

    We'll have to get your money next time. :D
  • Well I hope everyone had a good time, I know 4 people who did…

    1st place and $400 to Chris
    2nd place and $250 to Ian
    3rd Place and $125 to Gene
    4th place and $75 to Tom

    I’d like to add, that no forum members finished in the money.  You guys suck, I’m thinking my game will improve instantly just by renouncing my membership.
  • I had an OK time. I just found that the blinds were too aggressive in relation to the starting stack. Plus it stings when you have your high pockets get cracked.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I had an OK time. I just found that the blinds were too aggressive in relation to the starting stack. Plus it stings when you have your high pockets get cracked.

    Your right, I only looked at the blinds for the first time from a players perspective, when I sat down to play the first hand. I look at the blind structure on posted on the poll, looked at my chips, then looked at the poll again. and thought "Oh shit, this is going to be quick"

    Still, it took approx. 3.5 hrs. Next time, we'll work on squeezing a couple of more levels in there. And the rounds were fast too. Maybe just increasing each level from 15min long to 20min long will make the difference?
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