Feb 16th 8:30pm $50 freezeout - RESULTS

Hey gents,

Seems like we might have enough interest for a game this Thursday.

Noone seemed to object to keeping the buy-in/format the same as our regular league games...so we'll do a $50 freezeout. I'll email directions out to everyone who confirms attendance. If you said in the other thread that you were in, I'm putting you on the players list...if you've changed your mind, let me know.

Player list:
Allen (new player - coworker of ChrisE)
Wyndam (new player - coworker of ChrisE)

Anyone else in? New players welcome :)


  • ummm, fresh meat :D
  • A fishing we will go...a fishing we will go :fish:

    Ummm, I thought Chris worked from home....how does he get co workers???
  • Sorry, I will be out.......... not that anyone would be surprised I can't make it
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    A fishing we will go...a fishing we will go   :fish:

    Ummm, I thought Chris worked from home....how does he get co workers???

    I wish I worked from home.

    These guys are new'ish to the game so take it easy on them Bus Driver ;)

    They’ve both played some smaller games and lower stakes but have been trying to learn, so if they make a bad call and suck out on you take it easy on them, plus I have to see them at work on Friday.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    take it easy on them, plus I have to see them at work on Friday.

    We'll send you to work with a big thermos of hot chocolate - how's that sound?
  • This game looks to be shaping up nicely - David & Justin might be bringing some new faces as well.
  • Sounds great, Eleanor. See you thursday night!!
  • Looking forward to it!
  • David's friends can't make it. So it looks like we'll have 10 players.
  • All together now....


    Sounds like it will be a good game. Looking forward to it. Thanks El and BigChris!!
  • Hope I didn't scare them off  :'(

    I've be beating up on Party Poker fish all week long. I'm definately bringing my  :as game tonight.  For the rest of you, I'll bring hot chocolate. :D
  • This time...

  •   For the rest of you, I'll bring hot chocolate. :D

    That's OK we have enough hot choclate to go around :D
  • Even with the freezing rain, we still had a good turn-out last night, with only AC/DC not making it.

    Derksen played a solid game and took home 1st, I took 2nd , and new player Allen took 3rd.

    BusDriver busted out first – and Mrs.BusDriver got to go to the movies (do they serve hot chocolate there?).

    Having new players shook things up a bit, with Wyndham taking an early lead after taking a monster pot from BigChris. He ended up as bubble boy after a few tangles with Derksen. Allen played a tight game and was rewarded with a cash finish! I hope you guys had a great time, and that you’ll make it out to a few league games!

    We had a great time hosting, thanks everyone for making it out despite the weather.
  • Great game, everyone. And thanks to Chris and Eleanor for hosting last night. Very well done!!

    I STILL can't get over David pulling off that straight on the river to bust up my trip 10's!! :rage:
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    I STILL can't get over David pulling off that straight on the river to bust up my trip 10's!!   :rage:

    Poker at the Elliott's is Rigged!!!!!

    Good game everyone, Eleanor and I both enjoyed hosting the game.

    Thanks to AJ and Justin for bring their tables (even though we only need one).
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    I STILL can't get over David pulling off that straight on the river to bust up my trip 10's!!   :rage:

    Poker at the Elliott's is Rigged!!!!!

    Good game everyone, Eleanor and I both enjoyed hosting the game.

    Thanks to AJ and Justin for bring their tables (even though we only need one).


    Thanks to the Elliott's for hosting, and for the rigging of course!!

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