Holy Spanking, Batman!!

I'd just like to congratulate the Canadian Woman's Olympic Hockey Team on their routing over the Italians today.

In case you didn't hear, the final score was:



They looked like they were playing against a group of road hockey players or something!!

Well done, ladies!!!!!!!!


  • The Italians accomplished their goal then!

    Apparently the Italian coach said before the game that all they wanted to do was keep it within 20.
  • Didn't Janet Jones have an Over/Under wager on this game? :D
  • I believe the line was 13.5.... hope she took the over!!
  • The host country gets a team by default, the hammering they laid on the Russians was even worse...unfortunately the sport has a lot of growing to do before the talent level rises, they should just let Canada and the US play a best of 7. Nice to see Agosta playing so well, I believe she trains in Kitchener?
  • to sort of get off topic, some of you may have heard in 04 that Greece was having a very difficult time putting together a baseball team. Prior to the summer games being held there, they had only 2 baseball diamonds in the whole country.

    The host country, as I understand, not only gets a team, but under IOC regulations is required to have a team.

    Personally, I think a 16-0 route was a bit much, I hate to see a team get demoralized, even if it does make me happy as a Canadian and a hockey fan.
  • Well, at that level of competition you cannot sit back and change your game plan, you practice long and hard to play at that level it becomes instinct, changing that could possibly affect your play against better competition, they are there to win the gold and they are the best in the world. I do agree that players should not crash the net or do anything stupid but they still have to play hard and take advantage of any scoring opportunities that come up...it's unfortunate for the weaker teams but I don't think Canada was out of line at all. It's a growing sport, the talent pool will increase and the games will get better, for now we rule!
  • You have to play hard all the time. In case of ties in international play, they use goal differential as a tie-breaker. You'd hate to see another team also win all their games in the preliminary round and take the #1 seed because we took it easy on a team.

    All the teams understand this, and it's not unsportsmanlike.
  • I think it's unfortunate that we had to humiliate the host country though. Would have been nice if we were last to play them so we knew what we had to beat them by, maybe we would've only had to beat them 15-0.
  • I don't think the Italians had any ill feelings toward Canada for running up the score. I thought it was great that the crowd would roar every time the Italians got the puck over centre ice, and a shot on goal brought the house down, you would think they just scored!

    As long as the goal differential is a deciding factor in tie breakers there will be routs like this. Someone suggested that they drop it as a tie breaker, but what would they revert to?
  • They should just have a max 10 mercy rule. Finish the game but any +/- over 10 does not count.

    I don't think there is a requirement to field a team in every sport but if you got a free entry, wouldn't you put a team together?
  • I think it's unfortunate that we had to humiliate the host country though.  Would have been nice if we were last to play them so we knew what we had to beat them by, maybe we would've only had to beat them 15-0.

    What did you want them to do?  Stop skating?  Don't shoot?  Don't check them?

    All that they can do is win with class.  Don't be skating by the bench after goal 10 with your arms in the air etc...pumping fists etc.

    Its supposed to be a game played at its highest level...and you don't want them to try?  Getting pounded on sucks...but, there's a right way and a wrong way to win big.  Italians expected to get pumped, the score didn't matter, it was the way the Girls on the ice handled it and by all accounts they did it with class.
  • Totally agree!

    Our Women's team (and Mens) are one of the best hockey teams in the world. Theyre playing to win a God Medal. If they change the game plan halfway through a game, it could knock the team off stride.

    Let's be happy and supportive of our Olmpians. They've worked REALLY hard to get where they are, let them enjoy it!!

    Nobody complains when the US spanks the competion in any other sport. (Basketball!!)

  • JohnnieH wrote:

    Nobody complains when the US spanks the competion in any other sport. (Basketball!!)


    Nobody expects anything from the US. Most of their athletes act with a total lack of class.
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