Along the same line as funniest thing heard...

Playing in a small .50/1 nl game at work, 5 or 6 guys buy in for $50

Here are a few pots for background... it's not a bad beat post I promise...there's a punch line.

Pot 1/ Player takes down my AK with A4 (2 pair) (I lost about $30)

Pot 2/ same player...I have T8   flop is 982 he checks I bet he calls
turn is Q...he checks I bet more he calls, River is Q, he checks, I decide to represent the Q and  bet a larger amt, but still small enough so it looks like I want a call, he thinks for a while and calls..I say "if you call you're good" and flip open my bluff. He says "I knew you were bluffing" and opens T played

Pot 3/ Same guy raises preflop to $4, button calls, I have 5/5 in BB and re-raise to $10, player calls, button goes all-in for $22 total (with A/9s). I have $127 in front of me and announce  "all-in" ( to get heads up). player thinks long and hard, shows his hand to neighbour, thinks some more and finally says...I call ( for all of his $94) flips over J/6o, hit's a 6 on the turn to take all pots.

After the game player is putting the chips away (winner's duties) and it's just the two of us, I say (tongue in cheek) you played a good game tonight.
He says, thanks, I got lucky a couple times.
I say (tongue still in cheek) maybe not so lucky, maybe just good.
He says..(in lowered voice confidentially)'s the punchline......." Ya, I've been getting pretty good at reading players"


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