have to share my quads

Both quads in same sitting.

Hand #11534605-18730 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 10/Feb/06 15:52:55

waderwon is at seat 0 with $2789.50.
howzatt10 is at seat 1 with $3738.50.
drycreek is at seat 2 with $4866.
brian51 is at seat 3 with $2223.
adversity is at seat 4 with $2373.
G0 F1SH is at seat 5 with $2178.50.
The button is at seat 1.

drycreek posts the small blind of $10.
brian51 posts the big blind of $25.

waderwon: 9c 9h
howzatt10: -- --
drycreek: -- --
brian51: -- --
adversity: -- --
G0 F1SH: -- --


adversity raises to $85. G0 F1SH folds. waderwon
calls. howzatt10 folds. drycreek folds. brian51

Flop (board: 8d 4h 9d):

adversity bets $205. waderwon calls.

Turn (board: 8d 4h 9d 9s):

adversity checks. waderwon checks.

River (board: 8d 4h 9d 9s 3s):

adversity bets $400. waderwon raises to $1400.
adversity calls.


waderwon shows 9c 9h.
waderwon has 9c 9h 8d 9d 9s: four nines.
adversity mucks cards.
(adversity has Jd Jc.)

Hand #11534605-18730 Summary:

$3 is raked from a pot of $3415.
waderwon wins $3412 with four nines.
Hand #11534605-18876 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 10/Feb/06 16:51:00

waderwon is at seat 0 with $3868.
adversity is at seat 1 with $940.
NiTorious_X is at seat 2 with $3041.
whitsonb1 is at seat 3 with $1779.
hulk7 is at seat 4 with $3879.
redbabe is at seat 5 with $1242.50.
The button is at seat 5.

waderwon posts the small blind of $10.
adversity posts the big blind of $25.

waderwon: Tc Th
adversity: -- --
NiTorious_X: -- --
whitsonb1: -- --
hulk7: -- --
redbabe: -- --


NiTorious_X folds. whitsonb1 raises to $85. hulk7
folds. redbabe folds. waderwon calls. adversity

Flop (board: Kh Td Ts):

waderwon checks. whitsonb1 bets $195. waderwon

Turn (board: Kh Td Ts 4d):

waderwon checks. whitsonb1 bets $585. waderwon
raises to $2340. whitsonb1 goes all-in for $1499.
waderwon is returned $841 (uncalled).

River (board: Kh Td Ts 4d 6d):

(no action in this round)


waderwon shows Tc Th.
waderwon has Tc Th Kh Td Ts: four tens.
whitsonb1 shows Ad Ks.
whitsonb1 has Ad Ks Kh Td Ts: two pair, kings and tens.

Hand #11534605-18876 Summary:

$3 is raked from a pot of $3583.
waderwon wins $3580 with four tens.


  • Cleaned up on both hands too. Very nice.
  • Nice hands.

    Looks like the guy from the first hand learned his lesson and folded when you smoothcalled the pf raise for the second time.
  • How do you propose to share? I can pm you my Neteller account #. :wav:
  • Nice work if you can get it. Too bad the rake is so high.
  • Very nice....and this is cash game right? rake $3 max, cool...what's the buy-in for that game?
  • I hit quads and a straight flush in the same session at niagara the other day...I was still stuck on the day.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Nice work if you can get it. Too bad the rake is so high.


    $3 on a $3000 pot is high?
  • 13CARDS wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Nice work if you can get it. Too bad the rake is so high.


    $3 on a $3000 pot is high?
    Time for an adjustment on your sarcasm detector.
  • lmao.....yeah i wasnt to worried about the rake
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