Exhibition Game(s)

Since we're having a few weeks break from league play....I'm wondering what the interest is in a few Thursday night "exhibition" games....no points, no bracelet, just cash ;)

I was thinking we could do the same buy-in as regular league games....but instead of putting $10 into the TOC fund, making them bounty games....so there's a $10 bounty on everyone. Or we could just have the total buy-in go into the payout....we could go for a smaller buy-in...



  • I'm in!!! My preference would be no bounties...they tend to do me in :'(
  • I thought both of you guys would be soured on the whole 'bounty' thing. Or maybe El's suggestion of Bounties on everyone will force some crazy family all in???

    Bounty... too much of a pitty prize IMHO.

    Anyway, I'm in.
  • derksen wrote:
    Or maybe El's suggestion of Bounties on everyone will force some crazy family all in???

    It was just an idea I had on the way in to work this morning. (as I drove in bleary-eyed....since I tossed and turned all night lamenting my defeat)

    My choice would be a $50 buy-in, no bounties.
  • Some how an exhibition victory would just seem empty.  Hey, but the money will comfort for me, while I wait for my first official league game win.  So I’m in.

    Having said that I’d also like to invite you all to a home game I’m helping organize.  I’m supplying the tables, my buddy is supplying the basement.  We have room for 20.  Out of our immediate friends we have 6 seats booked.  I’m giving you guys first crack to reserve, since I know and like you all, and rather have the event full with Ching. Hill regulars than strangers.  Anyways, here’s the general details I’ll be posting in the Home Game section next week.

    Hey guys,

    I am going to host a No Limit Hold’em Poker Tournament.
    Sunday Feb. 26th, 2006
    Time: 2:00pm
    Location: Richard’s basement
    space for 20 players (2 tables of 10)

    $25 buy-in
    1000 starting chips
    In the first hour
    1 rebuy permitted if you bust out $25 for 1000 chips
    1 add-on if you permitted if you haven’t used your rebuy $25 for 1000 chips

    Blinds start at 10/20 go up every 20mins.

    Payout will go to top 4 spots.  Something like 50%, 30%, 10%, 10%
  • Hmmm.... and I thought we were about to hit the 'off season'. Feb 26th is good for me as well.

  • I'm going to take at least 1 (!) week off. Depending on when the next league starts up, I'd like to come out for a game.
  • Sounds like a good game Jeff - but I have dinner with my folks on Sunday afternoons.
  • Jeff, I would love to make it out to your game on the 26th, but at this time, not sure if I can. Have daughter committments already for that weekend, and I think the Spring Fishing show is on at that time as well, which I attend each year with my fishing buddy. If I can swing it, I'll make it out (but damn, I don't like rebuys :rage: ). I'll keep you posted.

  • I'm good for Elliot Clan gathering... Please count me in for thursday, but the 26th is no good to me, cause I'll be in Lake Tahoe skiing my ass off.

    Thanks again everyone and I'll see you thursday?

  • Jeff, I'm in! just let me know where it's at!
  • jbird8306 wrote:
    Jeff, I'm in! just let me know where it's at!

    Hey J, the link for Jeff's game is Here
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Jeff, I would love to make it out to your game on the 26th, but at this time, not sure if I can.  Have daughter committments already for that weekend, and I think the Spring Fishing show is on at that time as well, which I attend each year with my fishing buddy.  If I can swing it, I'll make it out (but damn, I don't like rebuys  :rage: ).  I'll keep you posted.


    Ok AJ, I'll make this easy for you. Bring $50 with you. Don't bust out in the first hour. Do your add on. Consider it a $50 buy in. Easy enough?
  • derksen wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Jeff, I would love to make it out to your game on the 26th, but at this time, not sure if I can.  Have daughter committments already for that weekend, and I think the Spring Fishing show is on at that time as well, which I attend each year with my fishing buddy.  If I can swing it, I'll make it out (but damn, I don't like rebuys  :rage: ).  I'll keep you posted.


    Ok AJ, I'll make this easy for you. Bring $50 with you. Don't bust out in the first hour. Do your add on. Consider it a $50 buy in. Easy enough?

    Thanks for clarifyiing that up for me bud. But I have a strategy planned out that's even better...

    First, I take ALL of your chips before the first hour.
    You then rebuy
    Then, I take ALL of THOSE chips from you.
    I then have enough chips that I don't HAVE to addon.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Jeff, I would love to make it out to your game on the 26th, but at this time, not sure if I can.  Have daughter committments already for that weekend, and I think the Spring Fishing show is on at that time as well, which I attend each year with my fishing buddy.  If I can swing it, I'll make it out (but damn, I don't like rebuys  :rage: ).  I'll keep you posted.


    Ok AJ, I'll make this easy for you. Bring $50 with you. Don't bust out in the first hour. Do your add on. Consider it a $50 buy in. Easy enough?

    Thanks for clarifyiing that up for me bud.  But I have a strategy planned out that's even better...

    First, I take ALL of your chips before the first hour.
    You then rebuy
    Then, I take ALL of THOSE chips from you.
    I then have enough chips that I don't HAVE to addon.


    Well.... in theory both of these options appear to work. The part you might have trouble with is not busting out in the first hour 'Champ'!! :D
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