TOC Winners!!!

Well, the first Tournament of Champions has just ended, and what a great game.

I must say, the play was top notch and everyone deserves congradulations on some great play.

Tonights winners are...

THIRD PLACE CHRIS E (BigChrisEl) $298.00

Congradulations to all three of you.

Bounty hunters tonight were Hork42, who took out Eleanor, and TheBusDriver, who took me out. Eleanor and I went out 1 - 2...not really a good show for the league point and money leaders.

Thanks to everyone who has come out to play at our new league. I had a great time organizing and hosting it, and I hope everyone had a great time playing here. Season 2 will start up in a couple of weeks, so watch for the post.



  • Congratulations to the winners.

    AJ, thanks for hosting the season. Well done!

    It was a blast playing there these past few weeks. Great group of people to spend thursday nights with.

  • Good game everyone,

    It was very obvious to me last night that everyone was playing their “A” game last night, and there was some serious playing last night.

    Thanks to AJ for hosting, he ran a perfect game and what more could you ask for from the host. (We even let him win a few games ;) )

    Also thanks to all the people that showed up, I think I learned a lot from everyone.

    The reason why I joined the league was to try and improve and play more “live” games, so making 3rd in the TOC was just a bonus.

    Congrats to Justin and Derek, you guys played awesome last night.
  • You all know how lucky you are. I had two shots at JHJ, and he escaped both times. I had a shot at Derken, and he rivered me, then I was so broken and humiliated, I declined to take my shot at BigChris who I would have rivered if I played the hand.

    No I'm not bitter, I really enjoyed the season. Everytime out has been a learning experience.

    When it comes right down to it, everyone played awesome. Congrats guys.
  • You all know how lucky you are.  I had two shots at JHJ, and he escaped both times.  I had a shot at Derken, and he rivered me, then I was so broken and humiliated, I declined to take my shot at BigChris who I would have rivered if I played the hand.

    Okay, I'm confused...first you bitch about getting rivered...then you bitch when you discover you would have rivered???

    No satisfying you, is there BusDriver? Didn't you get a bounty last night, anyway??
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Okay, I'm confused...first you bitch about getting rivered...then you bitch when you discover you would have rivered???

    No satisfying you, is there BusDriver?  Didn't you get a bounty last night, anyway??

    You just have to know when you are going to catch your river and when some one else is going to catch it, then you adjust your play accordingly. I mean how difficult is that?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Okay, I'm confused...first you bitch about getting rivered...then you bitch when you discover you would have rivered???

    No satisfying you, is there BusDriver?  Didn't you get a bounty last night, anyway??

    You just have to know when you are going to catch your river and when some one else is going to catch it, then you adjust your play accordingly. I mean how difficult is that?

    Oh, I can bitch all I want, what else is an ugly cousin to do.  And it gets even better.  Upon further review.  Pkface has been stripped of the "Most Worthy" title, and I have awarded back to myself.  After my dismal 4th place finish last night, I'm counting it into the tally.  This judgement is un-appealable.

    I was factoring in gut instinct well last night, but I pigged out at the break on old cheese.  Then my gut was off, so I forgot to factor in what all those rumbles meant.  Folded alot due to indigestion.  :rage:

  • Oh, I can bitch all I want, what else is an ugly cousin to do.  And it gets even better.  Upon further review.  Pkface has been stripped of the "Most Worthy" title, and I have awarded back to myself.  After my dismal 4th place finish last night, I'm counting it into the tally.  This judgement is un-appealable.

    I was factoring in gut instinct well last night, but I pigged out at the break on old cheese.  Then my gut was off, so I forgot to factor in what all those rumbles meant.  Folded alot due to indigestion.  :rage:

    Well it was partly my fault too; I was sending you psychic messages when I was involved in hands with you. Getting you to fold when I knew you would beat me on the flop, and getting you to call when I knew I would beat you. Now if only I could use those powers against Derek and his Ace-10...........
  • [ I'm counting it into the tally. This judgement is un-appealable.

    Excuse me? :bs:

    Me thinks that old cheese you ate has reacted in more ways with your memory than it did with your gut!
  • Congrats Justin, Derek, and Chris - you survived a tough game last night.

    I now know what it's like to be the CHUMP. I think the bounty was too much pressure for me. It's like that black chip was taunting me into submission. Suprisingly, I was more upset the nights I finished deeper....last night just left me feeling unsatisfied!

    Great season, guys - can't wait for Season 2!
  • Congrats everyone!!! Nicely done Justin, I guess those pocket Aces 'rocketed' all the wayt to the top....

    Once again Big Thank You to our organizer and host AJ!!!! Excelent Job!!!!!
    Thank you all for letting me play, although I know that you just want my money...

    Hope to see you all soon for season 2,

    Yours truly,
    The :fish:
  • ElElliott wrote:
    ....last night just left me feeling unsatisfied!

    Chris?? Any comments? 'Cause if YOU can't satisfy the lady......... :D
  • A great game and a great leauge. What else can be said.

    Justin, kudos to you and your pocket 3's. I'll make sure to be a little more careful the next time that situation arises. It all started when I staked you with my call holding 23sooted! Anyway, congrats. Look forward to playing for your money again soon. :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Well it was partly my fault too; I was sending you psychic messages when I was involved in hands with you. Getting you to fold when I knew you would beat me on the flop, and getting you to call when I knew I would beat you. Now if only I could use those powers against Derek and his Ace-10...........
    Chris... this hand had me a little worried before I saw your cards. A-10 has been pretty mean to me in the past, and I figured it would be again. Maybe this should be the 'new' dream hand!!
  • Congrats to Justin, Derek and Chris. You got the cards at just the right time. I can't believe I had KK four times last night and didn't get action on one of them, including a reraise that Chris surprisingly :D didn't call.

    Thanks very much to AJ for organizing and hosting. The league was very well run. In addition, it was a pleasure playing with all of you.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Congrats to Justin, Derek and Chris. You got the cards at just the right time.  I can't believe I had KK four times last night and didn't get action on one of them, including a reraise that Chris surprisingly  :D didn't call.

    Thanks very much to AJ for organizing and hosting. The league was very well run. In addition, it was a pleasure playing with all of you.

    Well the truth was I was trying to steal the blinds so when you raised all-in I knew my cards were useless (they were pretty much useless to begin with)
  • Hi everyone!

    Just figured out where all this posting was happening!

    I woud like to thank AJ for his amazing hosting abilities, and to the rest of you for being such great people to play poker with!
    To Chirs and Derek, CONGRATS!

    Hope to see you all next season!

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