Rogers now throttling port 1720?? Anyone?

Noticed I've dropped way down in download speed this week -- anyone else?


  • I don't use Rogers personally, but check the following:
  • Who do you use beanie? I'll get you a sign-up bonus :D
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Who do you use beanie? I'll get you a sign-up bonus :D
    I have DSL with Sentex (a local ISP that my company has worked with forever).
  • AH, doesn't sound north york-ish
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    AH, doesn't sound north york-ish
    Nope - Kitchener. Sentex does have some Mississauga installations, but I don't think they run out that far.
  • Switch to BitComet as your torrent client GTA and set encryption to always be on, they can't throttle regardless of port.
  • BitComet r0x0rs
  • will do, thanks
  • lemme know if it works for you GTA, I've got the same Rogers issues.
  • Where does one find the encryption setting?
  • Under Options -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Connection -> bottom option "Protocol Header Encrypt (Anti BT Protocol Filter)" Change to "Always"
  • Unfortunately, no improvement. Maybe I need to change some other settings? I tried the port at the default random and then at 1720, no difference.

    Maybe I finally need to move to Bell?
  • I too have been having this problem over the last few weeks. I just tried BitComet because of the advice above and it's increased my speeds dramatically. Not where they used to be, but a lot better than 1kb/s.

  • Shouldn't need to change any other settings.... Also make sure that the port you're using is forwarded on your router.

    I went from the 1k/s to 100+
  • Thanks Hork, seems to be making a big difference already.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Unfortunately, no improvement.  Maybe I need to change some other settings?  I tried the port at the default random and then at 1720, no difference. 

    Maybe I finally need to move to Bell?

    There are other factors that can reduce speeds...and keep in mind it's only as fast as the feed as well so regardless of settings if you're leeching from a slow source it'll be slow! If you need help tweeking the settings let me know, send me your email and I will send you my settings, I've tweeked them over time and my d/l speeds are very fast! One this is for sure, if you're on Rogers and you don't set the encryption on to 'always' it doesn't matter what your other settings are your speeds will suck, because Rogers sucks!!!
  • Big E wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    Unfortunately, no improvement. Maybe I need to change some other settings? I tried the port at the default random and then at 1720, no difference.

    Maybe I finally need to move to Bell?

    There are other factors that can reduce speeds...and keep in mind it's only as fast as the feed as well so regardless of settings if you're leeching from a slow source it'll be slow! If you need help tweeking the settings let me know, send me your email and I will send you my settings, I've tweeked them over time and my d/l speeds are very fast! One this is for sure, if you're on Rogers and you don't set the encryption on to 'always' it doesn't matter what your other settings are your speeds will suck, because Rogers sucks!!!

    I'm pretty sure it's just throttling in my area as I previously had speeds of 200+
  • Okay then, just make sure you have encryption always on and keep in mind the source also has to have encryption on otherwise it'll be throttled. It may be that the source feed does not have encryption enabled.
  • I'm not sure how I determine this for the source feeds, I am downloading from the same sources as always -- mininova, isohunt, piratebay. I would have to assume that I'm downloading from the same places as most people as these are the most popular sites. If it matters, keeping my computer on at work I receive great d/l speeds similar to what I used to get at home. I assume they aren't using Rogers.
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