Reverse Misclick

At Paradise playing $0.50/1.00 NL . We've all misclicked and read the sob sorries (folded those quads :( ), but I'm wondering how you handle the opposite type of misclick. I raised when I meant to fold, so I'm wondering how people handle these situations?

Table "Tinaroo" (real money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: rparsons7777 ($29.00 in chips)
Seat 2: AceCrackaRon ($75.50 in chips)
Seat 3: PPRINCE65 ($91.00 in chips)
Seat 4: fastman14 ($94.50 in chips)
Seat 5: Gjamers33 ($55.75 in chips)
Seat 6: Beanie42 ($74.50 in chips)
Seat 7: tojamer ($76.00 in chips)
Seat 8: Magge ($118.75 in chips)
Seat 9: chiefconrad ($160.25 in chips)
Seat 10: daizy7 ($91.00 in chips)
Gjamers33: Post Small Blind ($0.50)
Beanie42: Post Big Blind ($1)
Dealt to Beanie42 [ 8h ]
Dealt to Beanie42 [ 6s ]
tojamer : Fold
Magge : Call ($1)
chiefconrad: Call ($1)
daizy7 : Fold
rparsons7777: Fold
AceCrackaRon: Fold
fastman14: Fold
Gjamers33: Call ($0.50)
Beanie42: Check
garbage hand - check and fold (barring a miracle flop)
*** FLOP *** : [ Kh 3h Js ]
Gjamers33: Check
Beanie42: Check
Magge : Bet ($2)
chiefconrad: Call ($2)
Gjamers33: Raise ($8)
Beanie42: Raise ($14)
ARGGGGG! Mis-clicked. Not only that, but I re-re-raised...
Magge : Fold
chiefconrad: Fold
Gjamers33: Call ($6)
*** TURN *** : [ Kh 3h Js ] [ 4h ]
Gjamers33: Check
Now what? I'm multi-tabling, so no real reads. From PT, Gjamers33 has played 15 hands, with VPIP 50%, W$SD 25%, PFA 0.75 . Do you just swallow your loss and check/fold, or do you make a play?


  • Well, he had 15.00 or so of his starting 55 in the pot already.
    If you make a "play" you run the risk of him coming over the top with the rest of his stack figuring he's got enough in already, might as well throw in the rest and you've blown off even more chips.

    His re-raise may have been trying to find out where his J was, or a weak K.
    But, if he even has a 3 in his 50%VIP hand, he's ahead of you.

    I'd check and fold and pay attention.
  • LOL. Too funny. Dude, maybe you should play like 11 tables at the same time instead of 12. 12 is too many. You're over-extending yourself.

    He check-raised into a bettor (mind you a weak bettor) and a caller of that bet from out of position. He caught a piece of the flop. If the turn is an ace, a nine, or a heart, I'm betting it, big-time. (Which it was). If it was anything other than these cards, I'm out of there.

    If you bet, say, $20 on the turn and he raises, fold. If he just calls and the river is another heart, check behind. Your hand might be good. If the river comes another heart and he bets into you, I don't know what to tell you!!!
  • all_aces wrote:
    LOL.  Too funny.  Dude, maybe you should play like 11 tables at the same time instead of 12.  12 is too many.  You're over-extending yourself.
    Actually, even 4 is a bit hard for me right now - I was only playing 3 tables at the time.  My finger just happened to slip off the touchpad at a REALLY bad spot.
  • I think you had either make a pot sized bet (if you're feeling ballsy) or just check and be ready to fold. I've done this before but just really lucky and hit the flop (when accidently raising pre-flop). I have learned to never do it again.

    So what did happen, Trevor?
  • all_aces wrote:
    If the turn is an ace, a nine, or a heart, I'm betting it, big-time.  (Which it was).
    Winner! His play seemed too weak, so I bet $30 on the heart (too much? - basically a pot bet) and he folded. I just wasn't sure if this was the right play, or if I should have just let it go. His check just seemed too weak. I also showed my hand afterwards, and everyone thought I was a donkey! ;) I'm not sure if showing was the right move, but considering how tight I am, it did get me some action on the hands I normally play :)
  • Brilliant!!!

    I believe that's called "failing upwards"!!

    Nice hand.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Translation - luck applied semi-intelligently ;)
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