Would you continue to play at this site??

       I play alot at BugsysClub, and post in the forum there alot, its bad beat hell but for the most part I like the PPL. :D   Anyway a few months back, someone had posted about 2 players that were married, being in the same tournament, same table and the hubby "soft" playing the wife so she made the money. The husband actually admitted it in the forum(bonehead) was a huge arguement, but in the end Poker Manager made some ruling  saying from what I understood, that PPL in the same house could not enter the same tournament. Only makes Sense.,The couple was not punished, banned or anything, just taken at their word that they "promised" never to do it again!
      Yesterday, I was in a $20 tournament, both hubby and wife were at my table!!!!  I asked at the table. where hubby informed me, he won a free entry and wifey bought in so it was ok.  ????So I posted in the forum asking why this was OK, you cant cheat if one bought in and one got a free entry?? Said it made no sense to me.  Poker Manager said he covered this in a different thread and if I continued to cause trouble I would be banned from the forum, before I could answer him I was banned.   I just think its insane to let people do this, I mean, I know people cheat, but when the PM actually's knows this, he still lets them play the same tournaments.  How can a poker site condone this?

                                                           Smoking :ah :ac :ad :as


  • I think that, first of all, we need to determine whether or not soft-playing is collusion/cheating.  If it is, then they are cheaters, and shouldn't be allowed to play at the same table anywhere, on that site or others.  If it isn't then I guess they can play at the same table all they like.

    My take on it is that soft-playing, as I understand it, is not cheating.  Now, here it is as I understand it: when they get heads-up, they check...

    Never mind.  Scratch all that.  I guess I could delete it, but others might make the same mistake I was about to, so I'll leave it.

    They are soft-playing each other in TOURNAMENTS.  In cash games, when it gets heads-up, it doesn't really affect anyone else, so it doesn't matter.  And if they're soft-playing before it's heads-up, they're only hurting themselves.  In a tournament, however, the fact that he's willing to check it down when they're heads-up to save her some chips affects everyone still playing in the tournament. 

    This is clearly wrong.

    And it makes no difference whether or not they bought into the tournament or won their entry.  They should not be allowed to play at the same table, which means that they should not be allowed to play in the same tournament, because the possibility exists that they'll end up at the same table (assuming it's a multi-table).

    However, it's damn near impossible to enforce.  In this case, it is possible, because they live in the same house and the guy actually admitted what he was doing.  (LOL).  If a guy from Toronto ends up at the same table as his friend from Calgary, though... it'd be tough to spot.

    A WSOP example (this has been brought up on this forum before, but I still find it interesting):

    Dave Scharf saw this happen when he was at the TV table of the Main Event.  They were very close to the money... let's say for fun like 10 spots away.  By coincidence, two friends were at the same table.  One had a massive stack.  The other had a very short stack.  It was folded to the short stack guy, who was on the button or possibly the small blind.  He moved all in.  Heads up with his friend in the big blind.  The friend had odds to call with any two....  and folded, giving the shortstack a much needed round of blinds.

    Now, if you were the big blind, would you have folded in this circumstance?

    I thought about this a lot.  Let's say it was my brother on the button.  And he won the entry, and he REALLY REALLY needed to make it to the money.  Pregnant wife, newlywed couple, whatever.  I'm making this up.  If I needed chips, I'd call him with any two, like I'm supposed to.  But if folding my big blind on that hand made an infinitesimally small difference to my stack, I would do it.  I would fold and let him wait another round.  I might be a bad person.  I can't tell.
  • However, it's damn near impossible to enforce. In this case, it is, because they live in the same house and the guy actually admitted what he was doing. (LOL). If a guy from Toronto ends up at the same table as his friend from Calgary, though... it'd be tough to spot.

    This is a good point. For every dumb yokel that comes right out and admits chip dumping/soft play on an internet forum, there are gazillions of dumb yokels on gazillions of sites who do so and are never detected.

    On the other hand, if you don't care for how one particular online poker site has dealt with one particular instance of (what you beieve is) cheating, there are plenty of other online poker sites out there.

  • Devin,

    Soft playing is collusion in both cash and tournament play. You are inherently avoiding all risk on further streets knowing that the hand will be checked down, while everyone else in the hand has to risk bets on future streets. There was a great article in the last cardplayer regarding this. Lets see if I can find in online.

    Here goes,


    Oh, and fk no, I would never contribute a cent of rake again to that online room.
  • Ok. here is the person in questions exact words on the subject, speaking to the person who complained they were cheating :

     "   i apologise for speaking to u at the table as u were playing. just so everyone knows, the two players in question were me and my wife. most of u i guess know us, certainly in the games we play at our level. susie had just taken a beating fair enough. np with that, neither does she, we take our beatings with our wins. next hand i find shlt in my hand, funnily enough exactly what the first reply to this guessed 4 7 off. yep if it had been ANYONE else in the bb i would have raised the blind to put them all in. it wasnt anyone it was my wife. i flat called to see if i hit, i missed, she assures me since that she hit so bet, i'll never know but at the end of the day i missed. a comment was made at the table which we did at the time take in the jovial manner we thought it was intended, obviosly not. we then went on to wonder whether u would make a post but quickly realised it was only some fun and u werent that childish. oh how wrong. wayne its a shame, cause both me and susie have always, always enjoyed the banter with u."

                  He totally admits to cheating here.  I dont question his motives, I believe he did it on purpose, I do question a Poker Manager reading this and not dealing with it and then banning me for bring it up!!!!! I believe in the end both hubby and wife made the money and enough players complained, that they had to give the money back and it was shared amoungst the last few bubbles(who's to say if not 4 cheating 1 of these ppl dont make 1st or 2nd?)I understand this happened but dont ask the PM if your not sure :'(

    This was my 1st money site, been there over 3 years, small site, I know tons of People so its hard to give up.The last year I've played there has been mainly to have fun with my friends, I know its not a money maker(I'm up in the 3 yrs) Takes 10 minutes just to get a SNG going.....LOL
    I have like $32 left there, so I will get to 50 and cash and leave, or trade it for money on a different site with someone.
    I do play almost every other site online and make my money on those sites. they just arnt as much fun :'(
                               Smoking :ah :ac :ad :as  (did you put these Aces here Just for me Devin?) This is so cool!!! :D
  • all_aces wrote:
    I think that, first of all, we need to determine whether or not soft-playing is collusion/cheating.
    I think soft-playing is cheating.  It changes the dynamics of the game, and when detected, it also (rightly or wrongly) causes other players to worry about being "ganged up on", thus hurting their game.
    all_aces wrote:
    And it makes no difference whether or not they bought into the tournament or won their entry.  They should not be allowed to play at the same table, which means that they should not be allowed to play in the same tournament, because the possibility exists that they'll end up at the same table (assuming it's a multi-table).
    I was a bit worried about this when I saw some sites say IP's were checked, so my wife and I wouldn't be able to play each other.  We really enjoy it, since we can finally play full-table instead of HU all the time.  However, we both play to win, we just like playing against each other.
    all_aces wrote:
    I thought about this a lot.  Let's say it was my brother on the button.  And he won the entry, and he REALLY REALLY needed to make it to the money.  Pregnant wife, newlywed couple, whatever.  I'm making this up.  If I needed chips, I'd call him with any two, like I'm supposed to.  But if folding my big blind on that hand made an infinitesimally small difference to my stack, I would do it.  I would fold and let him wait another round.  I might be a bad person.  I can't tell.
    I won't softplay anyone.  In your hypothetical, I would take his chips, win the tourney, then give him a piece afterwards to help with his new family.  Everybody wins :)

    And to the OP - after a ruling like that, and then being banned for simply asking what the rule is, I'd never go back.
  • What sites permit multiple accounts from the same address?

    I know of: Tigergaming

  • moose wrote:
    What sites permit multiple accounts from the same address?

    I know of: Tigergaming

    By address I mean IP address, not email. And Jenn and I have played tournaments together at Supreme, PokerStars, and Paradise so far.
  • GTA Poker wrote:

    Soft playing is collusion in both cash and tournament play. You are inherently avoiding all risk on further streets knowing that the hand will be checked down, while everyone else in the hand has to risk bets on future streets. 

    Good point.  I hadn't thought of it that way.  The knowledge that you are safe on future streets will effect your decisions and your play on earlier streets.  (Does the term "future streets" sound kind of Blade Runner-ish to anyone besides me?  Poker is so cool...)
                               Smoking :ah :ac :ad :as  (did you put these Aces here Just for me Devin?) This is so cool!!! :D

    I have to give Neil (sloth) credit for that one.  ;)
    beanie42 wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    I thought about this a lot.  Let's say it was my brother on the button.  And he won the entry, and he REALLY REALLY needed to make it to the money.  Pregnant wife, newlywed couple, whatever.  I'm making this up.  If I needed chips, I'd call him with any two, like I'm supposed to.  But if folding my big blind on that hand made an infinitesimally small difference to my stack, I would do it.  I would fold and let him wait another round.  I might be a bad person.  I can't tell.
    I won't softplay anyone.  In your hypothetical, I would take his chips, win the tourney, then give him a piece afterwards to help with his new family.  Everybody wins :)

    You are a heartless bastard.  Did my example not tug at your emotions, at all?  C'mon.  You'd let him have it.  Just one.  What's it gonna hurt?  First one's free...
  • all_aces wrote:
    You are a heartless bastard.  Did my example not tug at your emotions, at all?  C'mon.  You'd let him have it.  Just one.  What's it gonna hurt?  First one's free...
    LOL.  First (and probably too serious for this thread), my personal integrity is the only thing I can control - no exceptions.  First one's not free, it's the initial push down the steep hill.

    Second (and a bit lighter and more on-topic) is that I play against my 10-year old to win.  It's partly my "play-to-win" attitude, but it's also because I want him to get better, and that can't happen if he's the victim of softplay (I honestly think victim is the correct word to use).  And to show how heartless I really am, I've taken it further and chatted with a few people after they have soft-played my son, and asked them to take all his chips if they can :) .

    But that's just me :)
  • I retract my earlier statement about you being a heartless bastard.
  • Day 3 and I havent heard back from the Poker Manager as of yet . I emailed him asking exactly why he banned me,(I know but I actually wanna see it in typing) as have a few others from the site that agree that I had the right to ask this question. If he ever gets up the nerve to email me back I will keep you informed!!

    Smoking :ah :ac :ad :as
  • moose wrote:
    What sites permit multiple accounts from the same address?

    I know of: Tigergaming


    Full Tilt

                              My nephew and I have accounts from 1 computer to these sites, if thats what ya meant. Both Party and Stars made us email a few times to get it done, the others we had no problems with.

  • Frankly, I would never play at this site again. This whole situation is bizarre. I wouldn't go back to play there for anything.

    As far as AA's example, I am with Beanie on this one. I have never played a game where the object of the game was not winning.* Everyone playing at their best is what makes the game fun. In the case of poker, it also helps serious players to improve their skills. I always try to do my best when I play any game. Every time my wife and I play a game with friends, she is quick to remind them of the time where she was killing me in a game of Monopoly. I was not happy about it, so she felt sorry for me and made a deal which was in my favor. I came back and began to dominate the game. Then she expected me to do the same for her, and I said forget about it. I crushed her without mercy. Now when we play any game, no mercy is given to me, ever. I like it that way. I feel I earned it then.

    * I believe there is a game made by "Mad" where the object of the game is to lose, but I have never played it.
  • Oh don't get me wrong guys.  If I go out on a date with a girl, and we play pool, I destroy her.  And laugh about it.  Right in her face.  Maybe that's why I don't get many second dates... ;)

    Just trying to be extreme with the whole brother/pregnant wife/on the bubble example.  Come on.  I play to win.  You play to win.  I play home games with my family and I check-raise bluff my mother, putting her to a decision for all of her chips.  (She calls, though... she's actually not a bad player...).

    So that being said... I play to win.  You play to win.  But you REALLY wouldn't fold in this one itsy bitsy little circumstance?  Doesn't make one iota of difference to your stack, roomful of strangers, almost in the money... give your brother 12K.  Come on.  Just give him 12K!

    I am a shit disturber.  BBC has mellowed out too much.  I am stepping up.
  • So that being said... I play to win. You play to win. But you REALLY wouldn't fold in this one itsy bitsy little circumstance? Doesn't make one iota of difference to your stack, roomful of strangers, almost in the money... give your brother 12K. Come on. Just give him 12K!

    I would probably let it go and give the "relative or friend who really needed a break" the chips. No harm to me.

    As for soft playing, I admit I have done this is a casino cash game once. I was at a table with my brother-in-law at Rama. In early position I limped with 10 7 clubs. Bad hand, but I played it on a lark (I had discussed this exact hand with my brother-in-law about 1 hour before we sat to play..I joked saying I would play it no matter what..it is an inside joke that takes too long to understand). he was in the BB. I hit a flush draw on the flop, he bet at it and I raised with one caller and him. Turn makes my flush and I bet again caller folds, he calls. On the river he bets and I know I have him but I just called. I didn't want to rub it in.

    Is that the same thing?
  •               I deal poker in a casino and most of the time when its HU unless the 2 hate each other ,I hear 'your my friend I wont bet you" It's not cheating, as you cant make someone bet. But, put these two in a tournament and  the friend issue doesnt come onto it. The guys i know that "horse" each other are just as ruthless to each other as to anyone else.

        As for Devin's question.............I call no matter what, unless I have 92 off and even then I'd think about it!!!! :fish:

      Day 4, no email from the PM :rage:

  •               I deal poker in a casino and most of the time when its HU unless the 2 hate each other ,I hear 'your my friend I wont bet you" It's not cheating, as you cant make someone bet.

    That was my first impression as well, until I read the article GTA linked to in this thread. You might want to check it out.
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