*****XS POKER CLUB 2/4 NL SATURDAY*****Kitchener*****

For those of you that have been here before you know exactly what to expect...the poker room you always wanted. We are always welcome to new players stopping by. Like always food and beverages (full bar) are included on the house. Yes we do provide a professional table and professional dealer (over 20 years exp.), so if you enjoy playing poker come out and have some fun, and meet some new friendly faces.
THE POKER ROOM IS SMOKE FREE...but there is a smoking room so you don't have to go outside and freeze your ass off.
Feel free to give us a call anytime with any questions or concerns about our game or location.

Yes you can reserve a seat.
For more info call

Damian 519 574-7045

Thank you to everyone that has come out to play in the past..

:c: :d: Congratulations to last weeks winners!!!!!!! :s: :h:


  • If I read this earlier I would have been there...online is not doing it for me tonight.

    When is the next one?
  • haddon you should go and check out Damiam's game. He has one every Saturday night. Great guys and fun times. You'll realy have a great time.
  • Great game last night Damian.
  • max buy in/rake?
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