Omaha. Guelph. Thursday!

Alright guys...we got time for some more games!

Sign up now!
or...later. you know..whatever.

1. Mark
2. River Mike (maybe)
3. Vegas Tim
4. Mike's BFF (that's best friend forever. For those who dont know!)
5. Cowboy Mike
6. Sandro
7. Miranda
8. Big Mike


  • Count 2 for us
  • Done and done!
    Do you think we'd have time to play a shorter 7 stud game?
    I mean...i'd like the 7 studers to get practice as well.....but it'd have to be shorter than the last gamE!! :)
  • Count me in

  • I'm likely a no-go for Thursday this week :(
  • but it's tons of fun! what could be more important!?
  • Damn you and your "I need Omaha practice" What about us Stud players huh?
    BTW Mark Good play in the Rock on Tuesday.
    You did miss some guy freak out at the consolation table. He had A/K and some one went all in before him with K/9 and beat him. The guy freaked out and had to take a 15 mintue time out. Reminds me off another guy we used to play with.
    River Mike
  • Hey whereabouts in Guelph are you??
  • He's pretty much downtown. Are you thinking of making a road trip?
  • The Tired one is ready to play.
  • what could be more important?

    I did a very, very, very, bad thing....started my own business.
    It's really getting in the way of poker this month!

    ...and, I'm playing in Beanies Friday night tourney :)
    (He's still looking to a couple of players to hit 32....anyone?)
  • Understandable. Your own business is very time consuming. Unfortunately not in town this weekend or I would be at Beanie's. Always a great time.
  • i wouldn't mind (beanies on friday) much is the tourney!
    Mike, you are in..and TNORTH.....if you want directions i will send them out to you!
  • Any room left for Timmehhhh? If so, me in.
  • we would love to have you come. take all our money. and not rep your city during tourney weekend!
    i mean....
    we would love to have you come!
    note to self: take all that other stuff out before tim reads it...
  • wouldn't mind (beanies on friday) much is the tourney!

    $20, like Sandro said, Beanie runs an excellent tourney. I've gone to his last 3
    and they are great. Well run and some really good play...
  • hmm....very interesting....yeah, i'd definatly be interested..maybe i can go to the gym early that night... *ponder*
  • Dude did you sign me up for thursday?
    I mean if you dont call me River Mike I get so confused?
  • I'm in, sorry it took so long i didn't see it on the fourm for some strange reason.

  • It's at seven right. I didn't see a time in your original post. So I'm assuming it is at seven

  • Big mike, you are in.
    River mike..i though you were working?!
    if you aren't working, there is alway room!
    let me knoW!
    yes, it's at 7pm
  • I will be there a t 7pm ok.
    Talk to you then
    River Mike
  • why aren't you working?
    did your manager side with the jerkface who works there?
    tell me more!
  • I phoned in and said I didnt want to work this evening becuz of jerkface. And he gave me the night off.
    River Mike
  • sign me up
  • alright guys! we're full!
    it's confirmed! we are the poker place to be!
    7pm ya'll!
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