Idea for large buy-in event, just to guage interest

I am simply posting this to see if there is any interest in an event of this size. It would span 2-3 days and have a structure similar to the WSOP, with a prize pool large enough for the winner to get a seat in 2006 or 2007, depending on when it is run.

The main event buy-in would be $1,000

On day 1, we would start at noon with T10,000

Every time that the button passes the dealers spot (every rotation) the games would change between Limit Hold-em, 7 card stud, and Omaha

The blinds would go up every 45 minutes.

Limit structure for the first day would be

stakes end time of level
25/50 12:45
50/100 1:30 15 minute break
75/150 2:30
100/200 3:15 15 minute break
150/300 4:15
200/400 5:00 30 minute dinner break
250/500 6:15
300/600 7:00 15 minute break
400/800 8:00
500/1000 8:45 15 minute break
600/1200 9:45
700/1400 10:30 done for the day (with time to spare to hit the bar)

for those unfamiliar with the term "stakes" the small bet is the first number, and the big bet is the second number. the small blind is somewhere around half a small bet, although some fine tuning would be necesarry for the odd numbers (such as 25 and 75)

Day 2 would switch over to No Limit Hold-em, starting again at 12:00 noon

Blinds structure for day 2

Blinds ante end time of level
500/1000 100 12:45
600/1200 100 1:30 15 minute break
700/1400 200 2:30
900/1800 200 3:15 15 minute break
1000/2000 300 4:15
1200/2400 400 5:00 30 minute dinner break
1500/3000 400 6:15
1700/3400 500 7:00 15 minute break
2000/4000 500 8:00
2500/5000 500 8:45 15 minute break
3000/6000 500 9:45
5000/10K 1000 10:30 15 minute break
7500/15K 1000 11:30
10K/20K 1000 12:15 stop for the day here and go to day 3 if nesecary

There would have to be a multitude of satellites run to such a high buy-in event, quite obviously

I would expect to run satellites for about 1-2 mionths before

there could be:
$10 multi table and one table 10 man to a $100 qualifier 1 in 10 get into the qualifier

$20 multi table and sinlge table to a $200 Qualifier 1 in 10 get into the qualifier

$25 multi table to a $150 qualifier 1 in 6 get into the qualifier


1 in 10 get in
1 in 6 get in
1 in 5 get in

there would certainly be overflow money from the qualifiers, which would be awarded to the person finishing directly behind the qualifiers

If anyone has any suggestions, questions, or comments, please post them, and maybe we can make this happen.

If $1,000 is too much, I have an Idea for a $250 and a $500 event too. (same main event, different qualifiers)


  • I would be cautious advertising a game if this size. Not only law enforcement may take an interest but other people looking to score off the cash prizes. Just MHO.
  • Thanks for the suggeston. I can't see law enforcement having a problem with it, seeing as how I didn't plan on taking a rake, and I think that the baddies could be twarted by the fact that most of the money would have some from satellites , and people that want to buy in direct could do so before hand, that way all I have to do is bring my checkbook. Not as sexy as wads of 50's and 100's, but much safer
  • Law enforcement may have a bigger interest since the amount of money exchanged is higher. Search KWSOP on this site.
  • I did search that up, and as it turns out, they had a +10 that was what had the law enforcement all in a tizzy. There will be no +$ at the end of the $1,000.

    If any police try to tell me it is illegal, I will suggest they go back to study the rulebook.
  • Are these all hi games or hi/lo, if the stud and omaha are hi/lo i would play a 250 or 500..but I kinda think they aren't, and I doubt you would get interest for such a big game that isn't exclusively holdem
  • realy, you think makeing the stud and omaha hi/lo would increase interest? Well that is most certainly a good suggestion, perhaps we could put it to a vote in a seperate thread.

    I'll get on that later.
  • Well, it would increase the intereste by one (me). What I was saying is that it is unlikely that many people would be interested in a medium to high buy-in event that is not exclusively holdem.
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