A Nice Run at Poker Stars

I played 3 of the 180 man $20 buy in tourneys over the last 3 days;

Game 1 = 9th place
Game 2 = 3rd place
Game 3 = 1st place

Cashed about $1,600 over all.

Better try the $750K on Sunday at this rate!


  • Nice! :ah :ac :ad :as
  • I am getting absolutely KILLED on Stars the past three weeks. After coming in second and third in 2 different 180's, I have had to reload because I am getting rivered to absolute agonizing death...I am ready to quit...seriously...

    It's like that Moby album "Everything is Wrong."


    Bill ...this just sucks
  • Geez. I don't know what to tell you man! Maybe just play some lower stakes SnG's until your bad cards run dry. I know that a few months ago I was getting rivered like crazy on Stars. It was too the point I was convinced it was rigged. Stupid shit like loosing two straight hands with pocket KK, then loosing a 3rd straight when my pocket AA get cracked by those same pocket KK.

    Just find a way to ride out the storm.

    I'm up over 2K in the last 5 days.
  • get one of the programs which plays for you. just get it off the internet. they allow you to pick what cards you want it to look for and what ones you want to fold. you can set it so that it can fold at bets, all of the time, or check, or do whateveer youwant it to do.
  • Nice work Cheese!!

    I played two of those on Tuesday night and was doing ok in the first one, but then lost a whack of chips with 77 vs 66....with a 6 high flop, then the very next hand lost the rest of my chips with 77 vs 66...this time all in preflop, and again like a trained seal the 6 shows up on the flop.

    Immediately joined the second game and was on major tilt from the gate...can't recall a single hand , busted out 115th, for my worst finish ever.
  • IronDoc wrote:
    I am getting absolutely KILLED on Stars the past three weeks. After coming in second and third in 2 different 180's, I have had to reload because I am getting rivered to absolute agonizing death...I am ready to quit...seriously...

    It's like that Moby album "Everything is Wrong."


    Bill ...this just sucks

    Playing tournament poker can be discouraging when you feel like you are always getting outdrawn. Trust me I went on a rush for a few months then it came back to bite me for a bit but you have to look back on how you play when you feel down. Sometimes you get out of your gameplan and pick up some bad habits...I know I do. Just keep putting your chips in good situations and see where you can tweak you game to improve....in the long run you will profit.
  • PokerStars must be watching!!!

    After this original post, I'm getting killed on the river time after time after time, by the stupidest F'ing calls!

    Dropped $300 last night! Oh well, time to go back to the $20 tourneys!
  • get one of the programs which plays for you.

    Yes, do this if you want to get your account suspended. Read the terms of service pertaining to unauthorized programs...
  • PokerStars Game #3915742220: Tournament #19454439, Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level IV (50/100) - 2006/02/09 - 16:52:26 (ET)
    Table '19454439 1' One on One Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: PUNKYMISHA (1520 in chips)
    Seat 2: WARDDAWG69 (1480 in chips)
    PUNKYMISHA: posts small blind 50
    WARDDAWG69: posts big blind 100
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to PUNKYMISHA [Kc Ah]
    PUNKYMISHA: raises 200 to 300
    WARDDAWG69: calls 200
    *** FLOP *** [Ac 5c 9d]
    WARDDAWG69: checks
    PUNKYMISHA: bets 1220 and is all-in
    WARDDAWG69: calls 1180 and is all-in
    *** TURN *** [Ac 5c 9d] [8h]
    *** RIVER *** [Ac 5c 9d 8h] [7s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    WARDDAWG69: shows [6h As] (a straight, Five to Nine)
    PUNKYMISHA: shows [Kc Ah] (a pair of Aces)
    WARDDAWG69 collected 2960 from pot
    PUNKYMISHA said, "what a joke"
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 2960 | Rake 0
    Board [Ac 5c 9d 8h 7s]
    Seat 1: PUNKYMISHA (button) (small blind) showed [Kc Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces
    Seat 2: WARDDAWG69 (big blind) showed [6h As] and won (2960) with a straight, Five to Nine

    PokerStars Game #3915747633: Tournament #19454439, Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level V (75/150) - 2006/02/09 - 16:52:59 (ET)
    Table '19454439 1' One on One Seat #2 is the button
    Seat 1: PUNKYMISHA (40 in chips)
    Seat 2: WARDDAWG69 (2960 in chips)
    WARDDAWG69: posts small blind 75
    PUNKYMISHA: posts big blind 40 and is all-in
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to PUNKYMISHA [Kd Qh]
    PUNKYMISHA said, "PS no its not fixed"
    *** FLOP *** [7d 8s Qd]
    *** TURN *** [7d 8s Qd] [Th]
    *** RIVER *** [7d 8s Qd Th] [Jd]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    PUNKYMISHA: shows [Kd Qh] (a pair of Queens)
    WARDDAWG69: shows [9s Kh] (a straight, Nine to King)
    WARDDAWG69 collected 80 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 80 | Rake 0
    Board [7d 8s Qd Th Jd]
    Seat 1: PUNKYMISHA (big blind) showed [Kd Qh] and lost with a pair of Queens
    Seat 2: WARDDAWG69 (button) (small blind) showed [9s Kh] and won (80) with a straight, Nine to King

    And there is a rumour that Pokerstars is not fixed.
  • Welcome to the ante runner runner club...I'm sure you've been there before...lol
  • Yes all too well.
  • I really hate stars.. if it was mymoney I was playing with I would be seriously pissed with the beats im taking.

    Back to back one outers in my last two mtts.. heh. I love it.


    3rd mtt wasnt too bad tonight.. j7 beating qq all in preflop................
  • Cheese wrote:
    PokerStars must be watching!!!

    After this original post, I'm getting killed on the river time after time after time, by the stupidest F'ing calls!

    Dropped $300 last night! Oh well, time to go back to the $20 tourneys!

    ever hear about the ps cash out curse? :D
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