52o??? OH, COME ON!!!

It's official! Season 1 is now COMPLETE!! And the final game CHAMP is ME :D

But damn, you guys make it tough on an old fart, don't you??? I took a very nice chip lead, and started to blow it all away to El and BigChris. At one point, I had 200 in chips, with blinds at 200/400!! I thought I was doomed, but I lucked out, doubled up a couple times...enough to challenge Eleanor, and took her out of the game in third place. Eleanor takes $90 for her showing, and an additional 30 points for the Leader Board.

Heads up against BigChris, it was rang with deja vu from a couple of weeks ago. Chris had a chip lead on when he just called my big blind, with me holding 53s...and I hit the miracle 3 3 10 flop. We both checked, turn came up J, Chris bet into me...I raised all in, and suddenly we are about even in chips.

Last hand of the night saw my A5s take it down. Chris takes $130 for second place, and I took $220 for the win. Whoever said a chip and a chair is all you need wasn't kidding. Great game to everyone tonight. Speaking for myself, I have to say it was one of the best games I played to date, and one of the toughest!!!

Season 1 is now over, with only the Final Tournament of Champions Event to be held next week. I will be sending out the pics and excel file soon, including everyone's buyin to next weeks' Final Tournament of Champions.

I want to take this time now to express how much I have appreciated everyone making the inaugral season of our new league such a great success. Thanks to everyone who has come out to play and made this weekly league such a great time for myself and hopefully for everyone who has come out to join us. I can't wait for the next season to start up!!!



  • You played a great game AJ, I'm glad you let me hand on to that large stack for you for a little but eventually I had to give it all back.

    5-2 is an awesome hand!!!!!

    I just wasn't getting cards, every time I would get a high card you kept getting one higher, Ace to my King, King to my Queen.

    Good game overall.
  • Well done AJ. Hope you bring that lucksack to the Royal Cup. ;)

    Nah, really. U played g00t. We're going to have to call you Two Chip Louie from now on.

    I'm just glad to keep my streak of building a big stack and donating it to the chipleader.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    I'm just glad to keep my streak of building a big stack and donating it to the chipleader.

    And you can just keep donating to me every time :D

    Seriously, it was the toughest comeback I have ever had to deal with. I have never gone into a 3 handed game with so much and see it dwindle to so little so quickly. I was getting desparate. Coming back with only 2 chips was mind boggling to say the least...caught some decent cards, and Eleanor's fold in the small blind helped me too I think. And of course, hitting trips and slow playing them was what I would consider the turnaround point for me.

    I'll try to bring this lucky streak with me to the Ryder Cup in a couple of weeks. God knows I want to do well at this event, if only to give Team Toronto a decent shot at the title.

    Two-Chip Louie :D
  • Great game, truly exciting final 3.
  • Great game, truly exciting final 3.

    EXCITING?!?!?!? Damn it, man, I needed a life line!!!! NURSE, hurry up with the crash cart...we're LOSING HIM!!!
  • Wow. Every dog has his day...
    It wasn't too long ago that one didn't even need to look at their cards to beat AJ. All you had to do was read AJ's face which was like an open book. Nice improvement in a short period of time.

    AJ, you may make "squirrel of the week" on my home page.
    Send da pic boyee!
  • You'll get it by the weekend, to be sure.

    Post it right next to that other squirrely shot...from West Side's Game!!!

  • Don't mean to nitpick, but wasn't the hand 53o?
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    and Eleanor's fold in the small blind helped me too I think.

    You mean the bonehead moment that will haunt me FOREVER? To be honest, I can't even remember what I folded - so I don't know if it would have changed the course of the evening....but I do know that I won't ever do that again!

    Good game AJ - you deserved to win....that comeback was spectacular. Does the wifey get her dryer now?
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Don't mean to nitpick, but wasn't the hand 53o?

    5-3 was the hand I let him check for free pre-flop (Kicking my own ass on that one) and he caught trips.

    5-2 was the hand that I called his (min) raise with and then caught a 2 on the flop (which was on of the worse flops ever), at which point I went all-in AJ said he didn't believe me, called and my 5-2 held up.

    I don't why people were playing Ace-Jack and King-Queen cause 5 low card and 7-anything were the good hands.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Hork42 wrote:
    Don't mean to nitpick, but wasn't the hand 53o?

    5-2 was the hand that I called his (min) raise with and then caught a 2 on the flop (which was on of the worse flops ever), at which point I went all-in AJ said he didn't believe me, called and my 5-2 held up.

    Let's NEVER talk of that hand okay??? :'(
  • Good game guys! Congrats to the leaders.

    I had a tough game. Haven't been that card dead since before these games started up. Every time I pulled up a decent hand, it would be in the big blind, and I wouldn't even get a caller from the SB (damn you and your folding ChrisEl!! I got you to call that one time from the small blind by pratically begging you.... my Chinguacousy Hill Poker League 'Play of the Night'!!).

    What happens with point in the TOC? Are the points over with?

    Totally psyched about next week and the 'monster pot'. What is the total AJ?
  • derksen wrote:

    Totally psyched about next week and the 'monster pot'. What is the total AJ?

    I heard the 2nd place trophy for the season was $1000, so the prize pool for the TOC tournament is only $24.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    Totally psyched about next week and the 'monster pot'. What is the total AJ?

    I heard the 2nd place trophy for the season was $1000, so the prize pool for the TOC tournament is only $24.

    Well, good news for me I guess. 11 games x $50 a game + $10 for the TOC buy in = $560... my exact winnings to date.

    This means I could take a huge jump into the profit side if I place 1st and take down $12 for the win. My GF will be speachless to hear I can spring for dinner at Taco Bell.

  • Hork, I like your MATH. How's your supplier?

    The points everyone has earned to date will be added to your starting chip count for next week's Tournament of Champions.

    You still get your 1000 chips at the start of the game, PLUS you get a equal value in chips for the points you earned during the season.

    I haven't quite got the file updated yet to show exact pot size, but I will do that for everyone tonight and send it out. If memory serves, pot SHOULD be in the $1300 to $1400 range, less expenses.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Hork, I like your MATH.  How's your supplier?

    I actually have a trophy I'd be willing to sell you.  Probably let it go for $500   $700 or so.  Let me know if you're interested.   

    PS - it's a really nice trophy.
  • L,

    I noticed you were a little off your "A" game and complaining about forgetting hole cards earlier in the tourny, before the merge.  Then you got down right flustered in the final 3.  Moral of the story, too much fighting over inconsequential hands with hubby early in the tourny will weigh on your nerves in the final rounds.  lol.

    Actually you played excellent, just need to bring the killer instinct next week.
  • ChrisEl.... solid play with your stack size at the first table last night. I was envoius... I wanted to be the bossy one!

  • derksen wrote:
    ChrisEl.... solid play with your stack size at the first table last night. I was envoius... I wanted to be the bossy one!


    I was just getting solid cards and dream flops. Wasn't really stealing or anything just playing the hands that were given to me. Not many tough decisions when you are getting good hands.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    ChrisEl.... solid play with your stack size at the first table last night. I was envoius... I wanted to be the bossy one!


    I was just getting solid cards and dream flops. Wasn't really stealing or anything just playing the hands that were given to me. Not many tough decisions when you are getting good hands.

    Ok... let me revise:

    ChrisEl... you lucky f**k. If it wasn't for luck, you would have been chumped in the frist round by yours truly. You Suck!!

    How's that? :D J/K
  • derksen wrote:

    Ok... let me revise:

    ChrisEl... you lucky f**k. If it wasn't for luck, you would have been chumped in the frist round by yours truly. You Suck!!

    How's that? :D J/K

    Well I did put a large raise in with pocket 6's once, and I also bluffed with that horrible King-Queen suited :fish:
  • Sorry to interrupt this elequent TRASH TALK, but I just updated the excel file for next week's TOC.

    It's better than I expected!!

    If everyone shows up and pays their buyins owed to play, the winner stands to take home over $700!! :D

    We now return you to your TRASH TALK!!

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    It's official!  Season 1 is now COMPLETE!!  And the final game CHAMP is ME :D

    After a second look at my "Squirrel of the week" comment, I changed the word horrible to soft. Although I am sure most of you know I am only joking it dawned on me that others may not. I even stole a smiley face from this forum to accentuate the humour.

    I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm an asshole now would I? :)

  • esool wrote:
    After a second look at my "Squirrel of the week" comment, I changed the word horrible to soft. Although I am sure most of you know I am only joking it dawned on me that others may not. I even stole a smiley face from this forum to accentuate the humour.

    I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm an asshole now would I? :)


    The horrible Soft players prefer the term card challenged. It's much more politically correct.

    Thank you
  • Soft??? SOFT??? Is that a reference to my girth? :rage:

    No, really, Bill, I'm sure no one took offense to it, especially those that have played you before. We know you're a great guy who wouldn't offend anyone...unless they beat your KK's with AA's at a tourney somewhere.

    But hey, when would that ever happen? :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    At one point, I had 200 in chips, with blinds at 200/400!!  I thought I was doomed, but I lucked out, doubled up a couple times...enough to challenge Eleanor,

    Blinds 200/400 3 handed What was the starting chip count?
  • Starting chip count = 1000.

    Last I heard, the Vatican was looking into beatifying AJ. He'll be known as 'Saint Two Chip'.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Last I heard, the Vatican was looking into beatifying AJ. He'll be known as 'Saint Two Chip'.

    Just heard from them. Apprently, you have to be dead first. Go figure. :'(
  • Well, you came back from the dead...
  • Technically he was being kept alive unnaturally...not quite dead. I'm sure the others were looking to euthanize though.
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