Freeze-out Poker Tournament near Guelph Ontario! $28,000 Harley for 1st!

CANCELLED - For revised tournament details visit:

Qualifier Rounds March 17th to March 19th.  Final Day is Saturday March 25th, 2006.

:ah $200 buy-in
:ac Maximum of 128 Players per day (8 players at 16 tables)
:as Deal your own for the Qualifiers - dealers will be provided for the Final day.
:ad $28,000 2006 Harley Davidson Motorcycle for the Winner of on the Final day.

How to Qualify for the final day:

If you finish in the top 25% of the entrants for the day you play on, you are in.  Your chip stack goes with you to the final day.  If you fail to qualify on your first try, you can re-enter the next qualifier for half the initial price ($100).  If you still fail to qualify for the final day, you can play a third and final time for $50.  This is provided there are spots available for you to re-enter in following qualifier games.

1st place is currently a $28,000 Harley Davidson (2006) motorcycle.  Remaining payouts will be paid in cash.  Payout structure will be decided after we know exactly how many people have entered (re-entered, etc...) and before the start of the final day's event.

The hall has already been booked, and the Harley is also reserved.

I have tickets for sale if anyone is interested.  Without a ticket you will not be able to enter.  You can buy a ticket for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  Given the option to re-enter, Friday would be the best option just in case you need another day to qualify.

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or comments.  The finer details are still being worked out (food will very likely be provided, but drinks will not.  There will be a bar that we will have open to server alcohol and pop).  If you would like to buy a ticket, email me your First and Last Name, your phone number and the date you want to play.  We need this to put your name on the appropriate list.

Thank you.


  • Potential $76000 prize pool and first gets a 28k bike, how much of the rest gets paid out?
  • All costs will be covered (dealers, food, hall, rentals, etc...) We won't know until the first three qualifiers are done to be able to answer this. It will be fair, that is all I can say at this point.
  • jsteinberg wrote:
    All costs will be covered (dealers, food, hall, rentals, etc...)  We won't know until the first three qualifiers are done to be able to answer this.  It will be fair, that is all I can say at this point.
    Well how about an expected cost/revenue/payout estimate.. Don't think you are going to get much response without showing at least approx payouts based on number of players... We're a suspicious lot..
  • I suppose suspision is a good characteristic of a poker player ;)

    This is only approximate, as I don't have all the projected costs. Dealers will cause the biggest fluctuation, as they are paid per hour. So if we have an aggressive group, the cost will be lower. If we see some frog asses (water tight), costs will be higher.

    Approximately $3000 for recovering operation costs, dealers and food. NOTE that this is only a guess. As a rule of thumb, we would like to pay 10% of the people who paid, so if we get all 384, then 38/39 players will be paid from the $76,800. Of the $76,800, minus the estimated op costs of $3000, leaving $73,800. $28,000 (38.0%) for 1st place (2006 Harley Davidson Motorcycle), leaving $45,800 to pay the remaining 37/38 players.

    The payout structure will likely follow the WSPO payout schedule:

    31% 1st
    16% 2nd
    8% 3rd
    7% 4th
    6% 5th
    5% 6th
    4% 7th
    3% 8th
    2% 9th
    1.2% 10th - 12th
    1.0% 13th - 15th
    0.8% 16th - 18th
    0.6% 19th - 28th
    0.4% 29th - 38th

    As you may figure out, 0.4% is less than the initial buy-in, which we don't like, so we will make some modifications to this to make sure 29th thru 38th get their money back. Something like 0.5% for 19th-38th would give them all $229 (with a full tourney).

    You may also figure out that our 1st place is getting 38% of the pot, unlike the 31% the WSOP example suggests. We will need to get those 7 points back from somewhere (likely 2nd and 5th thru 8th)

    Keep in mind we have already 'commited' to the bike, so the first place prize will greatly affect the other payouts.

    Hope this approximation helps rest some 'suspicions'.

  • Could one, say, take a picture of the bike and the 28k in cash? Or a nice mountain bike and 27k?
  • And how would we know what the winner would want in place of the motorcycle? If a cash option is available for 1st place, you would get to choose whatever you want to buy. In fact, we'll even let you choose where you want to spend it.

  • We had another meeting on the weekend and have confirmed several items. One of those is the rules to be used for the tournament. Robert's Rules was used as a major contributor, and we have removed most (hopefully all) references irrelevant to this tournament. I have supplied to rules here for easy reference. The format details and ticket information will be posted following this one.
  • Here is the format and more details on the tournament:

    Players who purchase a ticket ($200) are required to provide their First Name, Last Name, Phone #, and the date they want to play on to the person who sold them the tickets. First come, first served. You will be notified if your date is not available. The player is responsible for replying to register for another date. Make sure the number you provide is reliable. One (1) attempt to contact you will be made.

    Buy-in will include a food ticket, access to a cash bar, 2000 starting chips, a seat and table reservation and a $5 bounty chip. Each player will receive a bounty chip when they knock someone out of the tournament. Each chip is worth a cash prize of $5. You can only lose one $5 bounty when you are knocked out. If you have more than one, you offer up your $5 bounty, but keep the remaining bounties you earned.

    The top 25% from each qualifying event will proceed to the final on March 25th. The amount of chips will be counted, and registered with your name. On the day of the final, you will regain the same amount of chips as you had when you qualified. Once qualified, you are not eligible to re-enter another qualifier.

    If you fail to qualify on any attempt, you are eligible to enter the remaining qualifier events for $100 (per event), provided there is seating available. First time players will take precedence over other players. The last seat that was purchased for $100 will be the first released to a first time player. The player will be reimbursed their $100 in such a case.

    We will try to provide dealers for each table on each day. If we can’t get enough dealers for all the tables for an event, none will be provided for that event.

    Seats will be randomly assigned prior to each event. Each player will arrive and hand in their ticket at the front to get your chips and table and seat number. Each player will start with 2000 in chips, and the blinds will start at 25/50. Blinds will increase every 20 minutes. Full blind schedule will be posted at each event.

    The highest number table will be collapsed, and followed in descending order. (e.g. Table 16, then 15, 14, etc). The players at the table with the highest number will be used to fill in vacated spots at other tables.

    Registration deadline is March 11th, 2006. All fees must be paid before registration is confirmed. No $$$, no entry. Ticket sales available at the door on the day of the event, with a $100 surcharge. This will be done on time and seat availability. No Guarantees.

    Blinds on the final day will start at a level fair to the people who qualified on the day with the lowest turnout. This will be decided after all qualifiers are completed, and before the final day. The schedule will remain the same with 20 minute levels.

    On the Final day, the top 25% from the final event will receive a prize. First place has the option to take a cash prize in place of the Motorcycle. The cash prize will be 70% of the purchase price of the motorcycle, - $16,345. The other 30% will be returned to the prize pool to be shared by all remaining payouts. The minimum payout will be at least equal to the initial entry fee ($200), not including earned bounty chips.

    Photo ID will be required for players who qualified for the final event. Tickets are transferable for any event, including the final day, as long as management is made aware of the change in person by the original ticket holder.

    Each entrant into the tournament will be required to purchase ($20) a non-voting club membership, valid for the current calendar year (if currently not a member). Payment made in cash at the door. This goes to the club, not the prize pool or the organizers.

    Management reserves the right to deny entry to any person. Any behavior that is considered offensive, or makes the event less enjoyable for anyone is subject to removal at management’s discretion. Security will be provided for this event and used if necessary.
  • Minor addition:

    The motorcycle is a 2006 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail. Tickets can also be picked up at either of the upcoming monthly tournaments (Feb 11th and Mar 4th at noon). For location details, email me.

    Cheers all.
  • U GUYS should get westside poker to run satelights for your Big turny more people and cheaper buy in for sum people
  • Actually we have several options for satellites, but thank you for your suggestion. The idea is to maximize the prize pool, so it may still be open for discussion. PM me with any ideas you may have. I am leaving for the DR for a week, so it may take me awhile to reply, but i will when I return.
  • The registration deadline has been set at March 11th at Midnight.

    Anyone else who is interested in participating, please email Jeremy at Spots are filling up, so get your tickets soon before the earlier dates are all full.

    Good luck to all those who enter(ed).
  • Another update:

    I have aquired the software that we will use to manage and track the results of this tournament. Everything from buyins to seat changes to payouts will be managed from this system.

    Here is a link for details on the software:

    I have used it at another live event and the software kicks ass. Easy, in-expensive and accurate. Saved me, the dealer and the organizer loads of time. If you are looking for something to use for your own leagues/home games and want to track stats and such, this is awesome. It was less than $30 CDN!!!!

  • :ah :ac :ad :as   UPDATE   :ah :ac :ad :as

    The Harley Tournament has been modified.  For some reason there just wasn't enough people committed to coming, so we have changed the multi-day tournament to a single day event.  Anyone who has purchased tickets will be considered confirmed for the tournament and refunded the difference, or refunded entirely if they do not wish to enter the modified version.

    Registration is now open for the following tournament.  Please email or to confirm you want a seat.  You will need to provide a first and last name, along with a nickname (if you have one to use).  Location information will be sent to you once you confirm via email.
    Friday March 17th, 2006  $100 tourney +$10 (+$10 bounty chip optional)
    5-6:30pm Registration
    7pm Cards in the air

    :h: Top 10% of entrants get paid
    :s: First Place will have 40%-50% share of the pot (guarenteed).
    :d: Final table will have a dealer
    :c: Two scheduled breaks before final table (to coulour up chips) Breaks during final table TBD
    :h: MAX 96 players (12 8-player tables) Merge to final table at 8 players.
    :s: Blinds start at 25/50 and raise every 20 minutes

    Projected Blind and ANTE Schedule

    25/50 0
    50/100 0
    75/150 0
    100/200 0
    150/300 0
    200/400 25
    300/600 50
    400/800 50
    500/1000 100
    600/1200 100
    800/1600 200
    1000/2000 200
    1500/3000 300
    2000/4000 300
    2500/5000 400
    3000/6000 400
    4000/8000 500
    5000/10000 500
    10000/20000 1000
    15000/30000 1000
    20000/40000 2000
    25000/50000 2000

    1/2 NL Cash game tables ($40 min buyin - $300 max buy-in) (dealers provided)

    Kitchen will be open for food purchases
    Cash bar
  • What's the starting chip count? How many positions get paid? Show % for #2 thru #8 position. What's the rake? If you post the details prospective players won'y be deterred and or suspicious. Await your response.
    Larry L. - ' The Wine Man '
  • The +$10 is referring to the house fee. This will be used to cover rental costs and supply expenses (decks of cards, dealer fees, tables, hall etc...)

    Each player will start with 2000 in chips. The bounty will be paid out $10 per chip when each player leaves the tournament.

    Projected payout structure:
    1st 50% $4800
    2nd 15% $1440
    3rd 9% $910
    4th 7% $670
    5th 6% $580
    6th 5% $480
    7th 4% $380
    8th 2% $190
    9th 1% $140

    To reserve a seat, email or
  • I"d start a new post for this event, something like $100.00 FREEZE-OUT March 17th. a lot of people might not see that the format has been changed.

    Anyway, I'd like to play, can you send me the venue name.


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