funny table chat

A couple funny things stand out from last night....

At an early table 1 guy says, "boy I wish I was in this
hand." I see cards and chips in front of him, so I say back,
"you are in this hand." Laughs all around, him included.

Another guy at another table starts bragging about playing
mostly the $55 and $109 tourneys. Wants to know what we all
play in. So I look him up on pokerdb and bust his ass. lol
He had 2 money wins for $98 total, neither one in ANY big
tourneys. So I ask him why he only has $98 in winnings
and he is stunned. lmao A few others chuckled. But it got
him to stop bragging. (I never did tell him how I knew,
better he just thinks I'm god lol) :)

Another table a guy is talking to a railbird friend, telling
him how him and his wife ran into Mike Matusow somewhere,
and how he hit on the guys wife, and she laughed at him.
Then his buddy says something about about Mike doing some
time in jail, so I say. "Maybe that's where he got the name
"Mike the mouth." Big laughs all around. :)

See, poker can be fun!


  • What is pokerdb?

    You were kidding right? lol
  • Since this subject came up, I'll share how I quickly tag
    notes on opponents. After I check them out on thepokerdb,
    I'll post a brief note in the notes window on them about
    their winnings to give me a better idea about their skill
    level. If they are a donk with no wins, I type "a donk with
    no wins." lol If they have my winnings or so, I put that
    down. If they have lots of money wins and lots of final
    table showings I write the $'s and number of FT showings
    followed by the word DANGER!!! Keep it simple. lol
  • Nope, wasn't kidding. Thx for the info.
  • Yea.. ditto.. what is pokerdb?

    I couldn't find anything that may relate to this after searching google.

  • Actual address seems to be

    Keeps track of MTT wins for every Stars player dating back to about 2004.  Problem is, it only tracks MTT's, and only for PokerStars.  Useful information though, especially the way DJP is using it.
  • There's actually a firefox plugin for thepokerdb now :)
  • thepokerdb is a great Stars tool.

    All_Aces, did you not post (damn near a year ago now) about a site that listed stats for Party SNG's etc?
    I searched for it, but, couldn't find it.
  • further to the funny table chat topic.....

    I was playing online in a MTT last night and ended up at a table with 4 other Canadians (rare on the site I play), and I won a couple of pots in a row, and one of the players from Alberta made a comment about it, something like 'well done, keep it in Canada", something like that....

    So I responded with "Yeah, I brought my 'eh' game today', which was a big hit.

    I'll have to use it again sometime.

    Just a goofy addition to the original topic..... :)
  • So I responded with "Yeah, I brought my 'eh' game today', which was a big hit.

    Nice one... consider it stolen.

    Wolf, I did make a post about a site that lists PartyPoker sit and go ITM percentages for most if not all of its player base, but I haven't used it in a long time and can't remember the name of the site.  I just checked it out for kicks... real players probably pay attention to that stuff, though.  ;)

    I think I posted it in Advertising, but I'm not sure about that one either.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    thepokerdb is a great Stars tool.

    All_Aces, did you not post (damn near a year ago now) about a site that listed stats for Party SNG's etc?
    I searched for it, but, couldn't find it.

    I found this Wolff:
  • I can be a real jerk at the table sometimes, a funny jerk though.

    imadonk "I had a set"
    stpboy "I had a bleeding ulcer"
    imadonk "what?"
    stpboy "yeah, a bleeding ulcer"
    imadonk "ok..?"
    stpboy "oh, you don't care?"
    imadonk "not really"
    stpboy "yeah, I know how you feel. I don't really care that you had a set"

  • I've been 'yplc'ing people as I bust out of tournaments lately. (a lot)

    Usually gets no reaction, but occasionally I get a "what does that mean?"
  • Ok, I'll bite.......what does that mean?
  • I'm going to guess "You play like crap", I couldn't find any of my buddys there!! :'(

  • yplc never gets old as far as I'm concerned. Works good in SNG situations as well when guys bust out early but still lurk. is only for Stars tournies...Harthgosh, all_aces, SirWatts, wader, Dick Hertz, all have some impressive stats on there...
    If you are bored in a MTT its a mindless tool to figure out who's at your table with you if you are playing on Stars.
  • When I try and go to that site it says its closed. Did it get shut down or is my internet playing tricks on me?
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