Gauging Interest


I have been asking and prodding and hoping for a bit that someone would put together a fixed limit tournament.

Noone has.

Today it occured to me to just do it my damn self.

Nothing has been solidified at this point, but I am looking at a March date.

The buy in would likely be in the 50 or 60 dollar range, and the event would be held in London Ontario at the London Poker Club.

The club can seat in the area of 100 players on fulll size, Casino Quality tables, tournament director software will be used, and there will be food available on site.

Cash games would be available to follow I'm sure.

Ultimately, I'm just hoping this post will help me to gauge some interest on the part of forum people. I want to ensure a decent turnout and prize pool.

This may ultimately be a confusing way to go about gathering that information, but my fear is that people will not come out for a limit event.



  • LOL, so no then?
  • honestly man I see people try to "gauge" interest all the time on pokerforum. no one responds untill you actually announce the tourney so that will be your only way of gauging interest. You should see also able to find half the participants in person as well cause tourneies never seem to have large tournouts unless people are talking about them.
  • pparent wrote:
    tourneies never seem to have large tournouts unless people are talking about them.
    *this does not apply to KW tourneys  :D

  • ....there's a London Poker Club?? where is this place???
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