"Collusion" aka "How do you play with friends at the table?"

Micr0be and I were at 5-10 Brantford casino the other day seated next to each other. I'm in the SB and micr0be is in the BB. 4 of us limp (myself with Q9S00TED) and we see a flop of JT4. I bet, Micr0be raises. Lady next to act announced to the dealer "IWTSTH" and starts ranting and raving how we're colluding and pushing her out of the pot. She folds. We're headsup to the turn which brings the 8c. I check figuring that he has a Jack and was protecting and will bet but he checks behind. Well lets just say the Lady was none too pleased with that. Turn blanks, I bet and he folds. She tells the dealer that she wants to see micro0bes hand. I say 'No way' along with the rest of 'our half' of the table. Dealer says no way and she starts ranting again to 'her half' of the table. Anyway, I show my Q9 for the straight but she doesn't care.

Cue to 4-5 minutes past the incident and she's still calling us cheaters. I smack my hand on the table and say "Lady, either call the floor over or stop calling us cheaters.". She get the floor and requests a seat change.

Now. My question is, how do you handle yourself at a table when you are good friends with the person beside you and are both aggressive? It can kinda look like we're trying to force people out, but I've seen far worse offenses where friends knock out the table and check down.

oh if it matters, microbe held KQ for the far better OESD and I missed a bet on the turn that keeps me awake at night.


  • I think you handled it perfectly actually: call the floor or leave, but just shut up about it already.

    You can't blame her for worrying about collusion... it happens more often than most people think.  But friends sit at poker tables with friends all the time... it's a social game, a way to hang out with your buddies and have something to talk about besides sports and women. 

    I think dealers and floor personnel can tell the difference between friends sitting at the same table and friends sitting at the same table and cheating.  Let them do their jobs and identify what might or might not be collusion.  If the lady suspected something, she shouldn't even mention it to you: it should be an issue between her and the floorman.
  • The very first time I went to a casino with my wife after 45 min. or so the floor came over and separated us because he said we had been discussing live hands. We stayed at the same table and had no problems after that. Ever since then we frequently sit side by side, always discuss the hand after it is over or get up from the table first and have never had a problem.

    That being said I know what my wife will play from what position and will sometimes reraise her to isolate, even with what I think may be second best but I would do that to any player that I have a good read on.

    Boo hoo I say to the lady who wants to play weak cards that don't withstand a flop raise...
  • buy her a shot of tequila and offer to play her HU.
  • harthgosh wrote:
    buy her a shot of tequila and offer to play her HU.

    I always forget that alcohol can solve all problems.
  • moose wrote:
    The very first time I went to a casino with my wife after 45 min. or so the floor came over and separated us because he said we had been discussing live hands. 

    This happened to me in Vegas, a couple sitting together discussing every hand, they would whisper, one would fold the other play, it pissed me off but I never actually heard what they were saying so I did not call the floor, besides I was too busy trying to figure out if the dead guy to my right was male or female? But by only one of them going in each hand (yes I think they played almost every hand?) it took twice as long to get their chips!!!

    I say if you have proof call the floor, otherwise STFU!
  • moose wrote:
    The very first time I went to a casino with my wife after 45 min. or so the floor came over and separated us because he said we had been discussing live hands.  We stayed at the same table and had no problems after that.  Ever since then we frequently sit side by side, always discuss the hand after it is over or get up from the table first and have never had a problem. 

    That being said I know what my wife will play from what position and will sometimes reraise her to isolate, even with what I think may be second best but I would do that to any player that I have a good read on.

    Boo hoo I say to the lady who wants to play weak cards that don't withstand a flop raise...

    My wife and I frequently play together too. I usually don't change my style of play if she in the same hand as me or not, however if she is in the same hand as me I will be a little more cautious as I know the type of hands she plays and I think she knows the same about me. However I still try and take as much money off of her as I can.

    When players that know each others playing style get together in hands the play is usually different and others may think it is Collusion when it is not.
  • My best friend and I go to Brantford weekly, and more often than not, we end up at the same table. We went through different phases of 'avoid pots with each other' and 'don't try to draw out on each other' when we were raw at B&M play, but that's all long gone. We had a situation where a lady at our table (maybe even the same one BBC Z) was accusing us during the hand of raising and re-raising to get her out, and it just so happened that we had a showdown at the end so she got to see our cards. Bottom line is that she shut her mouth when she saw that I flopped top set (Q's) and was pounding the bet, and he was rasing me on a nut flush draw, and rivered the flush. When she saw how annoyed I was at him, she didn't say another word.

    Good topic though, it's pretty easy to spot when you see it at the table, but it's a different story to look for it when it's not there.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    I smack my hand on the table and say "Lady, either call the floor over or stop calling us cheaters.".

    I think you handled it perfectly, although I think you were being generous with the term "lady".

    BigChrisEl wrote:
    My wife and I frequently play together too......However I still try and take as much money off of her as I can.

    Try is the operative word here. ;)
  • I would say to her that if you colluding you would try to pretend that you don't know each other.
  • I"ve had people look at the g/f and I as we played the same table, however no one has really said anything. And normally if we start at the same table I eventually ask for a table change for 2 reasons.

    1. If we both want to go for lunch/dinner together we can't while sitting at the same table.

    2. Once the casino gets busier (we usually go very early in the morning) a higher stakes soft game can be found.

    I think I'd handle it the same as you did BBC, call the pit boss over and make your accusations known. Let the casino rule. If they want to force a table change let them.
  • My wife and I frequently play together too. I usually don't change my style of play if she in the same hand as me or not, however if she is in the same hand as me I will be a little more cautious as I know the type of hands she plays and I think she knows the same about me. However I still try and take as much money off of her as I can.

    I love it...LOL!

    When my buddy and I go to Brantford we usually try to sit at different tables. On the couple of occassions that we have sat at the same table we have only gone head to head a couple times.

    I like the way BBC Z handled the situation. Hopefully he gets to play against her again and takes all her $$.
  • I like the way BBC Z handled the situation. Hopefully he gets to play against her again and takes all her $$.

    She was a weak-tight rock. Probably marginally profitable without the rake but I'm happier to get her to leave and get replaced with a clueless LAP.
  • She was a weak-tight rock.

    Let me guess, whiny Asian right?
  • Let me guess, whiny Asian right?

    Swing.. and a miss.
  • Meh, guess it wasn't the regular I was thinking...
  • next time use chip signals and verbal signals.
  • harthgosh wrote:
    next time use chip signals and verbal signals.

    I'd love to see someone using explicit verbal signals at the table.
  • Fallsview 5/5 NL

    2 limpers from MP, I raise to $25 total on the button w/ AK s. BB & 1 MP limper call.

    Flop is 3 s, K c, 8 s

    BB & MP check, I bet $65. BB raises min. MP folds, I reraise all-in. BB folds.

    2 women at the table accuse BB & me of being brothers (he was pot-committed they argue, & we're both Asian). I said he isn't pot-committed if he was bluffing, & I've never met the guy in my life. They kept going on about it until I told the dealer to do something about it. He told them to stop accusing.
  • How do I deal with it?
    I check/raise Ionstorm on the turn with my 4/2o after turning two pair and watching him get really pissed that I played that crap.


    I regularly goto BCC/Fallsview/Niagara with Ionstorm and 2 other non-board members.
    Odds are two of us end up at the same table.

    But when we hit the table, their money is as dead ... I mean live ... I mean ... in play as everyone elses lol :fish:
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