Too late to get in on this?


I slept on this room and didn't even hear about the Ryder Cup until last night at the Airport Club. I think its so funny someone actually thought this up - and now I am pissed at missing out.

Is it too late to form a team, or maybe even jump on board at the last minute???

If not, I'll probably still come by the for ring games after, but what love to get into this event if there is still time...



  • AK

    Great having ya last night and ya I may still have a spot of two on The Airport Club team. And we would love to have a ringer on board. lol. Plus I sure you would like to be joining the team that will be taking home first place. AC all the way baby. Sorry everyone else. But you will need to play the Stud SnG if that is not a problem then welcome to the team.

    Let me know.
  • Thanks for the offer Shane. I play stud and would have no problem filling that seat.

    But I did put a few calls out and am still trying to see if I can form my own team. A few guys said they were interested. If we are able to enter our own team, I am going to look into it.

    If its too late to form a team, then I'll definitely join the AC team.

    I'll let you know what I find out.

    BTW - what is the date of the event?

  • Okay I found out the event is on Feb. 18th. No probs there.

    Who is running this event? If you see this thread PM me and let me know the deets. Is it too late to enter a new team?

    If it is, no worries, just let me know and I can join an exisiting team then...

  • The event is run by pokerdro...... there are a lot of threads regarding this.
  • Thx man.

    I tried to read all of the threads but my head started to hurt. I am assuming it's way too late to get another team in at this last minute, so hopefully I can get in as a single player.

  • If you join the Rocks, the average age of the team will drop at least 10 years... :D
  • Thanks for the offer dude, I appreciate it. But I already told Shane I would play on the Airport Club team if they had a spot.

    I'll see you there for sure though.

  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    I will play if any team needs a player to fill their roster.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    If you join the Rocks, the average age of the team will drop at least 10 years... :D

    He must be young, I only look old!

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