So what have we learned?

As season 1 draws to a close, I just want to hear all of your reflections about what you think you've learned? Has participating in this competition improved any aspects of your game? Has it revealed any weaknesses that you now are working on improving?

For myself I learned I play best when play my hand first then play my opponent second. My critical weakness is not paying enough attention to chip stacks. Online makes you lazy because the chip count is always there on the screen. Biggest lesson of all, if someone wants the pot that bad, let them have it.


  • What have I learned?

    That organizing a poker league out of your home on a weekly basis can be time consuming, demanding, put pressure on your marriage, and can be humiliating when the host chumps out in a game!! But it's worth it! :D
  • Great question.

    I've learned a ton, first and foremost being that I have a ton more to learn!

    I think the biggest thing I've learned is to fold when I'm beat, and bet when I'm not (now, knowing when I'm beat and not is still the tough part). I've also gotten a LOT better at counting chipstacks, both my own and other people's.

    Also, as of last night, I learned how to shuffle my chips (thanks Justin!).
  • The reason why I joined the poker league is to try to improve my live game. Internet is great but there is nothing like have the feel of real chips in you hand.

    Some of the things I have learned is when is the proper time to lay a hand down, when is a good time to push also when to be aggressive.

    I have also learned to trust my instincts a bit more that at times have saved me many chips.

    In addition, I have learned to fear my wife at the poker table.  ;)
  • I've learned how to build a big chipstack and then give it all away to the one other player at the table who can bust me.

    Happened three weeks now :)
  • I have learned a hell of a lot in this game. I think more about individual style of play than anything. After playing for 10 weeks (in my case) with the same folks, you get to know a lot more about what they call with, bet with, raise with, fold with and push with.

    I've also learned to pay a lot of attention to the psychological aspects of the players. Try to pick up little reactions and tells here and there.

    I also feel that I have made a large jump when it comes to pride at the table. I don't get my heart involved in my game any more.... just my mind.... kind of eleborating on the previous posts talking about knowing when to lay it down when you're beat.

    One more thing... I have learned that there is some seriously solid play in this game. Some moments that were very impressive. A very good group and a great time. I think we've all grown a little with this league.

    Looking forward to next season... when is it BTW?
  • derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to next season... when is it BTW?

    Haven't quite figured that out yet. The TOC will be on Feb 9/06. I was considering taking a short couple of weeks break, then having another season start up in March maybe, to finish just before the summer season hits. I will keep you all posted as to how things work out as I figure out all the details.

    I must say that when I proposed this league, I knew I needed alot to learn, not only about organizing and running a poker league, but also about playing the game itself. We have a great group of people come out each and every week, and I have learned more in the past 12 weeks playing you folks than all the books I have read, online games I have played, or live tourney's I've been in. It's been nothing short of incredible the amount of education in this game I obtained.

    BUT the biggest lesson I have learned is that I'm still learning!! Every week something new happens at the game, or someone trys something different, or I pick up a tell here or there that I wouldn't have noticed a year ago. I learn something every single game...whether how to play a certain hand to maximize chips, or how NOT to play. Folding weak hands in time to salvage your game has been a big lesson in deed, but I'm still working on it it would seem.
  • I still don't remember the name of that DAMN CARD THINGY

    I will continue to call it SHNIB..............

    So I guess I couldn't learn even ONE THING.

    I had a terrific time, Many thanks


    AirMarshal D

    Sheesh, it's called a CUT CARD!!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I was considering taking a short couple of weeks break, then having another season start up in March

    If people are interested in keeping a regular Thursday game on during the League "off-season", Chris and I could host at our place for a couple weeks. We're just a 5 minute drive from AJ's.

  • Hey all,

    I think the one thing I've learned, and which is the most important, is that its just a game...

    When I first started in this league, I was extremely 'OBSESSED' with poker...I wanted to play every week I didnt care what the cost, thankfully I have tamed this obsession and now only play when fitting...theres always things to learn as you go on, but the one thing I'm trying most to learn right now is, odds of winning pots (with what cards are left in the deck), when to play and not to play certain hands...and the one thing I have learned is how to play aggressive but conservative at the same time...Thanks AJ for allowing us to play in your domain, and to everyone for making it as fun as it had been...
  • Another thing I have learned is how to get focused.

    If I start worrying about how many players are left, how many chips I have, how many need to go out before I make it into the money then I start to play a very weak game, but if I don't worry about that and just focus on winning I find I play my best.
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